Work on possessive adjectives and present simple.

Today we are going to practise the theory we have learnt these days.

1. Read this and translate the sentences you will find at the bottom of the page.

2. Complete this exercise and copy it in your notebook.

3. Click here and complete the exercise A and C (not B)

4. Here there is a video with people using the present simple and explaining how they have fun.
Follow this steps:
-La reportera demana a la gent "What do you do for fun?" (Què fas per divertir-te?)
-Escolta i escriu 10 coses que fa la gent per passar-ho be. Al principi et costarà entendrer-ho, però escolta-ho un parell de vegades i ho entendras.

5. Practise the Present simple tense here. When you have finished call me to check it.