2A , 2B & 2C Splitting class

Després d'aquest pont ens tornam a posar les piles, ànims que queda poc per les vacances de Nadal!

2C RECORDA que el proper dijous tenim l'EXAMEN del que hem fet en aquesta Unit 3. A continuació us recordo el que entra:

Unit 3
-TV Programmes vocabulary
-Adjectives and their opposites
-Comparative and Superlative adjectives

Unit 1 & 2 (Repàs)
-one Present Simple exercise (affirmative, negative and interrogative)
-one Present Continuous exercise (affirmative, negative and interrogative)

Today, you will practise Unit 1 and 2 with Present Simple and Present Continuous exercises. From Unit 3 you will find some exercises to practise comparative & superlative adjectives.0. READ.

A) How to form COMPARATIVE adjectives.

Si tenim un ADJECTIU CURT heu d'afegir -er al final:

rich = ric

richer = més ric

Si tenim un ADJECTIU LLARG heu d'afegir la paraula more al davant del adjectiu.

expensive = car

more expensive = més car

B) How to form SUPERLATIVE adjectives.

Si tenim un ADJECTIU CURT heu d'afegir THE abans de l'adjectiu i -est al final:

rich = ric

the richest = més ric

Si tenim un ADJECTIU LLARG heu d'afegir the most al davant del adjectiu.

expensive = car

the most expensive = més car

-Si un adjectiu és curt i acaba consonant + vocal + consonant, doblarem la darrera consonant. Exemple: big -bigger

- Si un adjectiu curt ja acaba amb -e, només afegirem -r

Si un adjectiu acaba en -y, canviarem a -ier.

Good - better - the best
bad - worse - the worst
far - further - the furthest

You can read more about Comparative and Superlative HERE.

*Jaume i Ivan feis tot el nº 2 excepte el primer exercici. Ves AQUÍ

1. Practise comparative & superlative adjectives by clicking on the next exercises:

- Exercise 1
- Exercise 2
- Exercise 3
- Exercise 4
- Exercise 5

següents punts 2 i 3 copia les tres primeres frases de cada exercici AL QUADERN.

2. Remember theory of the Present simple tense HERE (affirmative) and HERE (negative and interrogative). Practise with exercises here, here and here. When you have finished call me to check it.

3. Remember the theory of the Present continuous tense HERE (affirmative) and HERE (negative and interrogative). Practise with exercises here, here and here.