Guideline​ for your English ​oral presentation

Guideline​ for your English ​oral presentation 

Introduce the topic (say what your presentation is about):
● Today, I'm going to talk about...
● The aim (objectiu) of my presentation is to…
● I have divided my presentation into... (three, four, six parts)
● First, I would like to… (m’agradaria…)
● Second, I'll talk about… (xerraré de…)
● Then, I'll deal with… (tractaré…)
● After that, I´ll focus on… (me centraré en…)
● Finally…

Body​ (desenvolupament):
● So, let's start with… (comencem amb…)
● Now let's move on to… (passem ara a…)

To refer to the material:
● This picture / slide (diapositiva) / graph (gràfic) shows…
● This song / video explains / reflects...
● If you look at the picture you can see...
● What is interesting in this photo/slide is...
● Here you have a picture/slide/graph that shows...

Your opinion:
● In my opinion…
● From my point of view...

To conclude, finish the presentation:
● In conclusion,…
● In summary,…
● To summarize,…
● To conclude,…

To thank:
● Thank you for your attention.

To ask for questions:
● Do you have any questions or comments?
● If you have any questions I'd be pleased to answer them/I'll do my best to answer them.

Minimum Time Required : ​2-3 minutes reforç students, 5 minutes average level, 7 minutes advanced students. It is OK If you need 2/3 more minutes.

Some tips: 
1. Prepare the presentation!
2. Choose a topic you feel comfortable with
3. Write a draft (un borrador) with short sentences! ç
4. Write a guide notes (guió per dur a la presentació), don’t bring a text.
5. Control the time
6. Prepare visual support (PowerPoint or images in a pendrive or photos on a cardboard, some music, short part of a video, etc)
7. Rehearse at home (practica en veu alta a casa)
8. Don’t read (only dates or difficult names/cities)
9. Speak slowly
10. Body language: look at your audience and don’t move a lot.

Ideas​ depending on the​ topic​ you take (here there are some examples):

Series / sitcom / film / book:
-Intro: name, broadcasting (emisió) day and time, premier year (for films or books)
-Body: main character (name, role (paper) a bit of description) and other characters what happens, what is the problem,
-Conclusion: how does it ends (without spoiler!) and opinion.

Famous person / group:
-Intro: name, age, job, nationality, etc.
-Body: why he/she is famous, awards, songs, films, medals, facts, etc
-Conclusion: why you like it

Sport / hobby: 
-Intro: name, brief description
-Body: explain why is important to you, If you play or practise it, where, how often
-Conclusion: Why do you like it?

IMPORTANT​: Valoraré que les frases siguin vostres, senzilles i curtes, i penalitzaré en gran mesura frases molt elaborades sabent que estan tretes del traductor o google. No valoraré la vostra lectura en veu alta sinó la capacitat que teniu per xerrar en anglès una estoneta. Ja sabeu que conec el vostre nivell i a cada un/a vos exigiré el que podeu, segons el vostre nivell. Vos avaluaré amb una rúbrica (que alguns de vosaltres heu ajudat a fer-la), com que he de tenir moltes coses en compte ho enregistraré amb l’Ipad per poder tornar a escoltar-ho i per fer una revisió de nota si no estau conformes) Preparau-ho bé, practicau a casa i anirà bé!

and soon...