1A Splitting class: Tuesday 24th of Nov


Llegiu atentament les feines que heu de fer avui:

1. Llegeix el següent text amb molta atenció perquè tu hauràs d'escriure el mateix sobre TU.
My name is Jane, I am thirteen years old and I live in Marratxinet. My best friend is Peter Smith, he is twelve years old. He lives in Santa Eugènia.

I get up at seven o'clock on Fridays. I have breakfast and I go to school at eight o'clock. I go home at five o'clock. Peter gets up at half past six on Fridays. He has breakfast and he goes to school at half past seven by bus.

I have dinner at eight o'clock and I watch TV or play computer games. I go to bed at half past twelve. Peter has dinner at nine o'clock and he watches TV or plays computer games. He goes to bed at twelve o'clock.

* Agafa el open office i escriu la redacció sobre tu. Fixa't amb els verbs en Present Simple!!!!!
En acabar m'has d'avisar per corregir-ho. Llavors, ho copiaras al teu quadern.

La gent que no va acabar de fer les activitats del darrer dia (Days of the week, Months of the Year, The Time...) que ho faci ara


Anonymous said...

ola profeeee