1A and 1B Splitting class

Welcome to the splitting class after Xmas. I hope you had nice holidays!

Today we are going to work on The Olympic games.

1. Read:

The Olympic Games take place every four years. About 10,000 competitors from 200 different countries participate in about thirty different sports. The Games start when the Olympic torch arrives at the stadium.

Quick facts

First Olympic Games - Olimpia (Greece), 776 BC
First Modern Olympics - 1896
Olympic flag - five rings of different colors
2000 Olympics - Sydney, Australia
2004 Olympics - Athens, Greece
2008 Olympics - Beijing, China


Triathlon - new in 2000

In the Olympic triathlon, the competitors swim 1.5 kilometres, cycle forty kilometres and then run ten kilometres. Men and women do the triathlon.

Taekwondo - new in 2000
Taekwondo is similar to karate. It's from Korea. The competitors use their hands and their feet. Men and women do taekwondo at the Olympic Games.

Women's wrestling - new in 2004

Wrestling is a very old sport. It's an original sport from the Olympic games in Ancient Greece. It's usually only for men, but from 2004, it's for women too.

2. Answer the questions (open an open office writer document).

a) How many competitors participate in the Olympic Games?
b) How many different sports are in the Olympics?
c) Where are the 2008 Olympics?
d) What are the three activities in the triathlon?
e) Where is taekwondo from?
f) From 2004, which sport is for women too?
By Oxford Spotlight, 1.

3. Cerca un foto de cada esport que surt al text.

4. Escriu a quins països pertanyen les següents ciutats?

a) Sydney:
b) Atenes:
c) Beijing o Pekín:

5. Ves a internet:

a)Cerca tres mapes diferents sobre els països que has trobat al exercici anterior i on surtin les ciutats.

b)Llavors aferra les tres fotos al document i escriu el nom del país.