Present Perfect: Sentences to translate


Take the theory with you (from your notebook or WB. page 102,103)
Remember you have the Unit 7 and 8 vocabulary in the WB page 87, 88
You can check the Irregular verbs at the end of the WB (pages 107,108)

A.Complete​ the following sentences using the Present Perfect​.
1-You (eat) the apple? _______________________________
2-She (make) (not) a mistake__________________________
3-He (run) for two miles._______________________________
4-They (learn) a lesson._______________________________
5-Harry (write) a letter to Ron.___________________________
6-Edward (sell) his car.________________________________
7-The children (fight) (not)today._________________________
8-We(drink) the water?________________________________
9-It(run) home._______________________________________
10-You (read) a book._________________________________

B.Translate​ the following sentences using the Present Perfect​.
1-Jo no he remat.____________________________________
2-Ell ha granat.______________________________________
3-En Toni ha batut el rècord___________________________
4-Ha arribat n’Enric?__________________________________
5-Na Maria s’ha estirat damunt la tovallola
6-En Josep no ha esqueixat (esquinçar) el paper
7-Les teves amigues han comprat menjar porqueria?
8-Hem perdut pes____________________________________
9-El meu ca no ha agafat la llesca_______________________
10-Elles han enganxat aquest poster._____________________
11-En Pere no ha posat la taula._________________________
12-Vosaltres heu pagat l’entrenador?_____________________
13-El sol ha brillat tot el dia_____________________________
14-Na Joana t’ha enviat un email.________________________
15-En Sebastià i na Mercè han doblegat la roba
16-N’Ernest no ha triat aquest menjar processat
17-Després del accident el meu moix no ha sagnat.
18-Heu caigut a la pista?________________________________
19-He penjat la medalla________________________________
20-El ca de na Martina ha amagat l’os

C.Translate these sentences using already​ ("ja" in affirmative sentences​)
1-Ja he vist a na Carolina cara a cara.____________________
2-Na Sonia ja ha cuinat la truita__________________________
3-Ja he sentit que has donat de menjar a un animal salvatge
4-En Llorenç ja ha anat a l’estranger_____________________
5-Els bombers ja han apagat el foc______________________

D.Translate these sentences using yet​ ("encara" in negative sentences)
1-Encara no he llegit la dieta equilibrada
2-L’ou encara no ha esclatat.____________________________
3-Encara no he fet els deures.___________________________
4-El bebé encara no hem engreixat.______________________
5-El protagonista encara no ha tornat boig.
6-Encara no hem vist a l’artista___________________________

E.Translate these sentences using yet​ ("ja" in interrogative sentences)
1-El meu germà petit ja ha dit mentides?
2-La teva tia ja ha participat al carnaval?
3-Els teus amics ja han anat a classes de defensa personal?
4-Avui ja has begut massa cafeïna?_____________________
5-El nostre equip ja ha contraatacat?____________________
6-En Julià encara no ha anat de creuer___________________

F. Complete the following sentences with FOR or SINCE.
1-I haven't phoned home ……………………... Christmas.
2-We've been here ………………………. nine o'clock.
3-I have worked for International House ……………... more than eight years.
4-I haven't visited my home town …………………. I left school.
5-I haven't been to the cinema ………... ages. 6-I have studied non-stop ……….. 9.15.
7-I have had a driving licence ……………. I was eighteen.
8-Peter has been my best friend………... we were nine.

G.Translate these sentences using for ​or since.
1-He corregut durant 45 minuts:____________________________
2-Nosaltres estudiat des de les 6:___________________________
4-Ell ha dormit durant 12 hores:_____________________________
5-Hem anat de viatge durant 10 dies:________________________
6-Ha plogut durant una setmana:____________________________
7-He viscut a Inca des de que tenia 5 anys:____________________
8.No he vist en Gerard des de el seu aniversari:_________________