Homework for this Wednesday May 10th

Homework for Wednesday May 10th: 
WB. page 57 and
Translate these 10 sentences: (use the workbook to have a look at the vocabulary and irregular verbs)

B.Translate​ the following sentences using the Present Perfect​.
1-Jo no he remat.
2-Ell ha granat.
3-En Toni ha batut el rècord
4-Ha arribat n’Enric?
5-Na Maria s’ha estirat damunt la tovallola
6-En Josep no ha esqueixat (esquinçar) el paper
7-Les teves amigues han comprat menjar porqueria?
8-Hem perdut pes
9-El meu ca no ha agafat la llesca
10-Elles han enganxat aquest poster.