2 A , B & C: October 20th & 22nd

Today we are going to...

-work with the SONG "With a little help from my friends" (by The Beatles")
-practise "Present Simple"

1. Open the Student's book: page 94.

1.1 Read "Songfile"

1.2 Answer about "Songfile".

Write on your notebook or in an open office document (crea una carpeta per Anglès).

a) The song is by .......... and ...........
b) The song belongs to the year ............
c) Who sang the original song?
d) How many versions of this song are there?
e) Write the names of the four Beatles' members:
f) When did the Beatles start?
g) When did they split up?

2. LISTEN to the song! Click HERE

3. Now, PRACTISE "Present Simple"
4. Object pronouns

Click HERE

Atenció 2ºB!!!!! Aquí us recordo el que entrarà al proper examen:

-Tot el vocabulari de la unitat 1 (primera plana on surten "activities", vocabulari de Joe's world, vocabulari del diàleg, etc...)

-Present Simple (afimatiu, negatiu i interrogacions)

-Question words

-Object pronouns



-Listening / Dictation


* Probablement, i degut a l'extensió del examen, constarà de dues parts per tal de realitzar-lo en dos dies.

*Recordau que podeu trobar tota la teoria resumida a les fulles grogues al darrera del Student's book i mirau el quadern!

2ºB, ànims per dilluns!


Anonymous said...

sii!! a ver si aprobamos el examen de ingles..xD