1A Reading & Writing

Aquí esteim una vegada més. Avui el que farem serà corregir un exercici del darrer dia i fer una lectura (Reading).

1. Treis la feina de l'altra dia i tots junts corregirem aquestes frases. Pensau que s'havien de fer en Present Continuous:

a) I.................................(answer) the questions.
b) You............................(wear) boots.

c) She.....................................(chat) with friends.
d) He......................................(build) a house.

e) They...................................(cook) lunch.
f) You......................................(watch) TV.
g) She ....................................(write) an e-mail.
h) My dog .............
.............(drink) milk.

2. READ this e-mail of a new friend.


My name's Sharon. I live in Bangor (Wales, UK). I live here with my parents, my brother and my sister.
It's half past eleven and it is sunny and cold today. What is the weather like there?
At the moment I'm sitting in my bedroom and I'm listening to music. My favourite singer is Shakira. Do you like her?
My favourite sport is swimming. I go swimming on Mondays and Wednesdays.
My mum is calling me. I'm going to the supermarket.
Goodbye from Wales!


Photo of Bangor, Wales (UK)

3. Correct the sentences:

a) Sharon lives with her grandparents.
b) It's raining in Bangor.
c) Sharon is sitting in a park.
d) She is listening to the birds.
e) She goes skating on Mondays and Thursdays.
f) Her father is calling her.
g) She is going to school.

4. WRITE an e-mail to a new friend. Tens l'e-mail de na Sharon per utilitzar com a guia. Vull aquesta feina a UN FULL DEL QUADERN!