2 B & C Past Simple

Today we are going to continue with the Past Simple.

1. Read the following text:
William Shakespeare was born in Stratford-upon-Avon in England in 1564. Shakespeare was an actor and a writer. He wrote thirty-seven plays. Shakespeare started school in Stratford when he was seven years old. He studied Latin. The school day was very long. In the summer, lessons started at six o'clock in the afternoon. Shakespeare left school when he was about thirteen.
In 1582 he moved to London. First, he worked as an actor. Then, he started to write plays. He became very rich and successful. He died in Stratford on 23rd April 1616, his birthday. On exactly the same day, another great writer died in Madrid. His name was Miguel de Cervantes.

Text by Oxford Spotlight, 2.

Open a new open office document to do the following exercises:

Today you may need a list of irregular verbs. Click HERE.

After reading the text, answer to the following questions with complete answers:

a) When and where was Shakespeare born?
b) What were his jobs?
c) How many plays did he write?
d) At what time did the school classes start in summer?
e) When did Shakespeare leave school?
f) When did he go to London?
g) Which was the first job of Shakespeare in London?
h) Why was 23rd April 1616 a special day?
i) What was Cervantes' job?
j) Which famous novel did he write?
k) Go to internet and look for a photograph of Miguel de Cervantes.
l) Go to internet and look for a picture related to the novel written by Cervantes.
ll) Go to internet and look for a picture of William Shakespeare's birthplace in Stratfor-upon-Avon
Some questions by Oxford Spotlight, 2.

3. Take the text from exercise 1 and change it into Present Simple. It will have no sense but it is just to practise the past tense.

Time to PLAY!

You better have the list of irregular verbs next to you, you have to be fast!
(Has d'escriure el verb que et surti en passat)

Click HERE.


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