1A Present Continuous

Hola a tots, encara que avui no vengui aquí teniu la feina per fer a classe.

Seguirem treballant el Present Continuous, recordau com es fa! I utilitzau el llibre!

Positive Negative
  • I am speaking.
  • You are speaking.
  • We are speaking.
  • They are speaking.
  • He is speaking.
  • She is speaking.
  • It is speaking.
  • I am not speaking.
  • You are not speaking.
  • We are not speaking.
  • They are not speaking.
  • He is not speaking.
  • She is not speaking.
  • It is not speaking.

Heu de fer TOTS els exercicis al quadern p
erquè jo vegi com ho heu fet.

IS / ARE / AM + Verb (ING)

1. Completa amb Present Continuous. Aquí has de llevar el "TO" !!!!!Pitja AQUÍ i AQUÍ

2. Continua repassant amb aquestes frases.

a) I.................................(answer) the questions.
b) You............................(wear) boots.

c) She.....................................(chat) with friends.
d) He......................................(build) a house.

e) They...................................(cook) lunch.
f) You......................................(watch) TV.
g) She ....................................(write) an e-mail.
h) My dog .............
.............(drink) milk.

3. Recorda que per fer oracions negatives hem de posar "NOT" després de is/are/am.
Pitja AQUÍ

4. Si has acabat tota la feina pots començar aquest joc. Aquí podràs crear els teus propis herois. L'activitat pertany al blog de na Gloria Alonso. Pitja el dibuix.