2 B and C Past simple affirmative (& jobs)

Ok, so now we are ready to start Unit 4. In this unit we will learn about jobs and how to form the Past Simple tense.

: Jobs. In this exercise you have to link professions with their definition. Click HERE to start. Copy these jobs and their translation on your notebook.

Now, it's time to learn how to form the PAST SIMPLE tense.

Watch out!

Regular verbs: -ed (Example: play, played)

Irregular verbs: The infinitive and past usually change their form. (Example: eat, ate)
You can find the list of irregular verbs at the end of your Student's book, page 128!
The first column has the verbs in Infinitive and the 2nd column has the verbs in past.
Here you have a video about Irregular verbs: Go to this link and watch the video to practise irregular verbs.

1. In this exercise we are going to practise how to form the past of regular verbs.

Remember, if a verb ends with...:

a) CVC (and the verb is short) you add another consonant at the end. BUT NOT if they finish with W or Y.
CVC -- CVCC Example: Stop -- stopped

b) - e + d Exemple: Dance -- danced

c) - y

Option 1: a, o, e + y + ed Example: Play -- played

Option 2: l, r, d + i + ed Example: Try -- tried


Exercise 1
When you have finished show it to the teacher.

Exercise 2
When you have finished show it to the teacher.

2. Practise regular and irregular verbs.

Get familiar with the Past simple tense by completing THIS text about Shakira.

b) In this exercise you will find a crossword about the Past Simple. You have to write the Past (2nd column from the list) and Past Participle (3rd column from the list) of the verbs you will find in the crossword.
In order to do this exercise you need a list of irregular verbs. You have a list HERE.

Click HERE to start the crossword. (When you have finished show it to the teacher)

JAUME I IVAN: Tenint en compte l'exercici 1 que pots trobar AQUÍ (i que heu treballat als darrers desdobles), intentau fer el següent exercici. (Copia-ho al quadern i si tenim dubtes no dubtis en demanar-ho)

a) Completa escrivint el verb en Present Simple correctament:

-She.......................(live) in Madrid.
-We........................(watch) TV.
-You.......................(eat) paella.
-They.....................(dande) regaeton.
-It..........................(drink) mikt.
-I............................(write) an e-mail.
-Peter....................(read) a book.
-We.......................(like) chocolate cakes.
-I..........................(love) my girlfriend.

b) Copia els següents verbs perquè els necessitaràas més tard. Guarda-los perquè els has d'aprendre.

escriure: write
llegir: read
menjar: eat
beure: drink
ballar: dance
xerrar: chat
voler: want

c) Tradueix les següents frases utilitzant el Present simple.
Fixa't que pots trobat els verbs al exercici anterior.

-Jo vull chocolate:
-Ella escriu:
-Ell beu:
-Na Maria balla:
-Ells xerren:
-Nosaltres llegim:
-Tu menges: