2A Exam revision

Demà divendres tenim el examen de repàs del verb "to be", "to have", Present Simple i Present Continu.

"To be"
1. Remember the theory HERE.
2. Practise HERE, HERE and HERE.

"To have"
3. Remember HERE.
4. Practise HERE, HERE and HERE.

Present Simple

5. Remember HERE.
6. Practise HERE, HERE , HERE and HERE.

Present Continuous
7. Go to THIS WEBPAGE and follow these steps:

-go to "2nd year- Intermediate"
-go to "grammar"
-go to "Present Continuous"
-read "study"
-do exercises number 1, 2 and 3.

8. Ara per repassar tot has de traduïr aquestes frases. Trobaràs frases en "to be" , "to have", "Present Simple", "Present Continuous" en afirmativa, negativa i interrogativa:

a) Jo no soc a Madrid.
b) Nosaltres no esteim tristos.
c) Ella està contenta?
d) Nosaltres tenim un cotxe vermell.
e) Ell no té el llibre.
f) Ells tenen ordinador?
g) Jo canto.
h) Na Maria no escriu.
i) Mirau la tele?
j) Tu estàs bevent.
k) Ella no està menjant.
l) Vosaltres estau escolant?