2 C & B Past Simple: neg & int

ATENCIÓ 2B!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Els deures que vaig mandar ahir a classe i l'examen de la segona meitat de verbs irregulars són per aquest pròxim dilluns dia 8. Ahir me vaig confondre i pensava que aquest dilluns era dia 15 però és 8.

Llegeix totes les frases i posa atenció al que heu de fer!!!!!!!

I hope you had a nice time last week skiing or here at home!

Today you are going to learn how to form:

-the Past Simple in the NEGATIVE form
-the Past Simple in the INTERROGATIVE form

Read and COPY the theory on your notebook.

Com es forma una frase en PAST SIMPLE en NEGATIU?

Subjecte + DIDN'T (=DID + NOT) + Verb en infinitiu (regul: sense -ed /irregul: 1era columna)


Mary didn't study Maths.
We didn't sleep 2 hours.

Com es forma una frase en PAST SIMPLE en INTERROGATIVE?

DID + Subject + Verb en infinitiu (regular: sense -ed /irregular: 1era columna) ?


Did Mary study Maths?
Did we sleep 2 hours?

2. LOOK at this video and DO its 3 EXERCISES. (Trobaràs els exercicis als minuts 2.21, 2.46 i 3.26)

3. Practise:

-Past simple negative HERE
-Past simple interrogative HERE
-P.S affirmative, negative and interrogative HERE and HERE.

4. Look at the following text about Fernando Alonso. CHANGE all the verbs in past from affirmative to negative form in your NOTEBOOK.

RECORDA com es fa la negativa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Subject + DIDN'T + Verb en infinitiu*

*(sense -ED si és regular i si és irregular es posa el verb de la 1ª columna de la plana 128 del llibre de text)

Fernando Alonso became the youngest ever Formula One champion at the age of just 24.
The Spaniard finished third behind Juan Pablo Montoya in the Brazilian Grand Prix, and there are two more races he won.
Kimi Raikkonen, Alonso's only rival to the title, finished second behind his McLaren team-mate Montoya.
Alonso was already the youngest driver to take pole position and the youngest to win a race.
After the race the driver said he was delighted with his victory.
"I am extremely happy and it is a very emotional day for me," explained Alonso.
"I come from a country with no tradition in Formula One and I fought alone basically because I didn´t have any help from anybody all throughout my career."
He also told he thought he had obtained the most he desired in his life and career.

Ivan i Jaume, feis els exercicis 3 a) i 3 c) (del 3c) fes una llista copiant en català i anglès els esports dels dibuixos que surten) a la plana que trobaràs AQUÍ.