2B & C Vocabulary: Means of transport

En aquest desdoble el que farem serà repassar vocabulari sobre Means of transport i practicar el speaking.

Aquesta entrada d'avui és pel desdoble d'avui i del proper dimarts.
Avui heu de treballar fins a l'exercici 3, aquest s'ha d'acabar avui.
Si algú acaba abans pot començar el 4.

PLEASE READ all the instructions!!!!!

Today we will work on this webpage, BUT before clicking on the link read the instructions!!!!!!!!!!

1. a) Go to that link and copy on YOUR NOTEBOOK (with a nice Means of transport title!) all kind of modes of transport.

b) Then, on the right of the word write the translation in Catalan. (HERE you have a dictionary)

(Copia ben clar tot el que has de copiar avui, sino ho hauràs de repetir...)

2. Now, copy and translate on YOUR NOTEBOOK the vocabulary for each means of transport from the section How do you get there?

Aquí trobaras expressions que pots utilitzar en cada tipus de transport.
Copia-ho ben ordenat!! Primer el transport i a la dreta o abaix les expressions que pots utilitzar amb aquest I les tradueixes.

Aquí tens paraules que tal vegada no conèixes:

motorway: autopista
runway: pista (d'aeroport)
helipad: pista d'aterratge d'un helicòpter
taxi rank: aturada de taxis
platform: andana (de tren o metro)
tracks: vies (de tren. metro o tramvía)

3. Go to the Dialogue section: "Mr Smith is checking in at the airport" (Check in = facturar)

a) Read the dialogue

b) Guess the meaning (adivina el significat) of these words:

clerk, desk, flight, ticket, there you go, luggage, luggage to check, suitcases, conveyor belt, sure, I don´t think, window seat, aisle seat, luggage tags, boarding card, seat, boarding time, gate 15, have a good flight.

c) Look these words up in the dictionary. HERE you have one. Write the translation of the words from the exercise 3b in your notebook.

4. Choose a partner to create and write a new dialogue similar to the one you just read. Each member has to write it on his/her notebook.

Next class you will have to represent it!!!!!!Practise the speaking today!
Ask for help!

Use this information:

Mr ...... (one of your names)
Flight: AA 245
You want a: aisle seat
Seat: 12C
Boarding in: 45 minutes
Gate: 7

5. After writing your dialogue and practise speaking show it to me!!!

After this, you can play with these games: Click HERE, HERE , HERE and HERE.