2A Reading & Writing class

Avui el que farem serà practicar la comprensió i expressió lectora.

Aquí tenim la redacció que havíeu de fer al desdoble passat. Agafau les vostres redaccions i feis aquestes activitats al quadern:

A) copara aquest text amb el vostre
B) copia aquesta redacció al teu quadern, davall la redacció que tu vares escriure
C) tradueix aquesta redacció
D) en acabar ens ho has d'entregar

Pierre Montesquieu was a French painter and sculptor. He was born in Lyon in France on the April 25th, 1901. He painted 127 paintings and made 68 sculptures. Pierre studied at the University of Sorbonne in Paris.

In the First World War he wasn't a soldier and he stayed in Lyon. He married his girlfriend Marie in 1931. Then, he moved to Casablanca (Morocco) to work at the University of Casablanca. At the university he worked as a teacher. Pierre lived with his wife and two daughters.

He painted his famous painting Le fleur in 1952. After the Second World War Pierre moved to Lyon.

On May 2nd, 1989 he died in Lyon.

2. Read

Madame Tussaud Museum

Madame Tussaud was born in France in 1761. She wasn't from a rich family, but she became a successful businesswomam. She made was models of politicians and other important people. In 1802, she came to the UK with an exhibition of her wax models.

In 1835, Madame Tussaud opened a permanent exhibition in London. She died in 1850, but her exhibition is still very popular. Two and a half million people visit it every year. There are Madame Tussaud exhibitions in other cities too - Las Vegas, New York, Amsterdam and Hong Kong.

The exhibitions have wax models of famous people from the present and the past. There are actors, politicians, kings, queens and pop stars.
Text by Oxford Spotlight, 2.

3. Are these sentences true or false? CORRECT the FALSE sentences.
Do it on an OPEN OFFICE document.

a) Madame Tussaud was born in 1761.
b) She was from a rich family.
c) She came to the United Kingdom in 1820.
d) She opened an exhibition in London in 1835.
e) She was 70 years old when she died.
f) There are Madame Tussaud exhibitions in the USA.
Question by Oxford Spotlight, 2.

4. Write the name of the country of these cities. If you doubt check in internet.

Las Vegas:.....................................
New York:.....................................
Hong Kong:...................................

5. GAME: practise irregular verbs with this MEMORY GAME