2C Class corrections

Good morning guys!

As I told you yesterday here you have the corrections of the worksheet I gave you.
If you didn't finish the exercises I encourage you to finish them before looking at the corrections.

1. Corrected in class.

2. Corrected in class.

4. Past simple affirmative form (revise the list on page 128):


5. Past simple negative form (remember didn't + Verb: 1st column / NO -ed)

1.didn't make
2.didn't study
3.didn't sell
4.didn't sleep
5.didn't start
6.didn't think

6. Past Simple (affirmative, negative and interrogative form):

1.What did you do last weekend?
2.I went
3.Who did you go with?
4.We caught
5. Did you visit all the museums?
6.We saw
7.We didn't go
8.Did you buy anything?
9.I didn't have
10.I took

7. Translation:

a) Behind the sofa there is my dog. OR There is my dog behind the sofa.
b) Next to your grandfather there were three cats
c) On the table there wasn't you book OR There wasn't you book on the table
d) Where are our biscuits?
e) Who was at your school?

8.Comparative adjectives:

1.Spanish is easier than English
2.George is taller than William
3.The jeans are more expensive than the shorts
4.Your bag is heavier than my bag.
5.Football is more popular than golf

9.Superlative adjectives:

1.London is the biggest city in England
2.Ophra is the best chat chow on TV
3.Glasgow is the most exciting city in Scotland
4.The Lord of the Rings is the longest film
5.Science is the most difficult school subject

10.Past Continuous:

1.I wasn't watching TV (TV estava a un lloc equivocat)
2.Was my sister doing her homework in her bedroom?
3. Mum and dad were playing tennis with their friends
4.My brother and his friends were listening music in his bedroom.
5.Grandma wasn't sleeping on the sofa in the living room.

11. A/an, some, any

a)an apple b) any milk c)some water
d)any oranges? e)some cars f) a biscuit
g)any cake? h)any pencil i)a sandwich

12. Remember: How mUch - Uncountable nouns / How many - Countable nouns

1.How many subjects...
2.How much water...
3.How many brothers and sisters...
4.How much money...
5.How many hours...
How much pasta...

Remember: Money (uncountable) but coins, banknotes, euros, dollars, etc are countable
Time (uncountable) but hours, minutes, seconds are countable

13. Countable or Uncountable?

rice-U pencil case- C cheese - U chicken - U onion - C bread - U wine - U

14. To be + GOING TO + Verb

Mary is going to buy They are going to fly
My friends aren't going to go My sister isn't going to tell
Is your dog going to bark a lot? Are we going to take this train?

Ànim al·lots que ja queda menys per les vacances d'estiu!