1B Grammar and food vocabulary.

Today, we are going to review some grammar and then, we are going to read a text.

1. Review Coutable and Uncountable nouns. Click HERE and do exercises 1, 4 and 5.

2. Review how to form the plural by doing exercises 1, 2 and 3. Click HERE.

3. Read this text and answer the questions on the NOTEBOOK.

Sumo food

Takanohana is a Japanese sumo wrestler. He's a very big man - 220 kilos! He gets up at six o'clock. He doesn´t have breakfast. He does some exercise with other sumo wrestlers.
At eleven o'clock he has a shower and then he has lunch. Lunch is enormous! Takanohana usually eats fish and vegetables. He also has chicken, six eggs and five portions of rice! He always drinks beer with his food. After lunch he sleeps for two hours.
In the afternoon he does some exercise again and then at six o´clock he has dinner. He usually has two or three portions of past or curry.
Text by Oxford Spotlight, 1.

A. How many times does Takanohana eat in a day?

B. Read and answer this questions:

a) What time does Takanohana get up?
b) What does he do at eleven o'clock?
c) What does he have for lunch?
d) Does he drink with his food?
e) What time does he have dinner?
f) What does he usually have for dinner?

C. What is Takanohana nationality?

D. Go to google.com and find a map of Takanohana's country and copy it on your notebook.

Practise the food vocabulary
playing with this memory.


Els deures que heu de fer pel proper dimarts són:

1- Escriure la redacció que correspon a la Unit 6. L'exercici el trobareu al Student's book p.59,
nº 5. Recorda entregar-ho a un full apart amb el nom i com a títol heu de posar "Composition".
Aquesta redacció NO és per dimecres, és per DIMARTS (vendré a recollir la redacció a qualque classe de dimarts)

Els deures que heu de fer per dimecres són:

2- Exercicis del Student's book: page 59 nº 1 i 2, page 61, nº 5 i 6 and page 63 nº 7, 8, 9 and 10.

3- Els alumnes que no han traduït les frases que vaig dictar dilluns, ho han de fer per dimecres.

Recorda a apuntar-ho a l'agenda!!!