2A Class before the exam!
1. FINISH "My favourite band" from last week.
2. Xisco and I are going to correct it.

3. You have to copy the text on your notebook (perquè ho puguis repassar a casa per l'examen!)
4. Now, you can practise the Present Continuous: 1, 2 and 3. (Copia les tres primeres frases al quadern o en un open office i ens ho ensenyau)
5. Practise Can / can't. Ho pots trobar abaix dels peixos a la dreta del blog.
1A Splitting class: Tuesday 24th of Nov
Llegiu atentament les feines que heu de fer avui:
1. Llegeix el següent text amb molta atenció perquè tu hauràs d'escriure el mateix sobre TU.

My name is Jane, I am thirteen years old and I live in Marratxinet. My best friend is Peter Smith, he is twelve years old. He lives in Santa Eugènia.
I get up at seven o'clock on Fridays. I have breakfast and I go to school at eight o'clock. I go home at five o'clock. Peter gets up at half past six on Fridays. He has breakfast and he goes to school at half past seven by bus.
I have dinner at eight o'clock and I watch TV or play computer games. I go to bed at half past twelve. Peter has dinner at nine o'clock and he watches TV or plays computer games. He goes to bed at twelve o'clock.
* Agafa el open office i escriu la redacció sobre tu. Fixa't amb els verbs en Present Simple!!!!!
En acabar m'has d'avisar per corregir-ho. Llavors, ho copiaras al teu quadern.

2. La gent que no va acabar de fer les activitats del darrer dia (Days of the week, Months of the Year, The Time...) que ho faci ara AQUÍ.
2B and C Splitting class
1. You have to finish the composition about your favourite band!
2. Read:
b) Read the texts. Match them with the photos of the dance. Copy it on your noebook (photo...........:type of music)




Text 1:
Tango is originally from Argentina but it's becoming popular in other countries too. Men and women dance the tango in pairs. An orchestra usually plays the music. The music is slow.
Text 2:
Hip-hop is orignally from the USA. Men and women dance to hip-hop music, but they don´t usually dance in pairs. Men sometimes dance at their heads!
Text 3:
Morris dancing is from England. Only men do it. The dancers wear white clothes and the musicians play the accordion.
Text 4:
Belly-dancing is originally from India, but it's now very popular in Egypt, Turkey and other countries. Only women do belly-dancing. The music is very fast.
Text 5:
Calypso is originally from Trinidad in the West Indies. At carnivals, lots of people dance to calypso music. Bands with metal drums play the music.
DON'T copy and paste!!!! Write it in an open office document.
d) Practise the Present Continuous for the exam: 1, 2, and 3.
Correct your homework here (Student's book, page 109 but not number 4)
1. Complete the sentences. Use the present continuous negative.
1. They are not practising the piano
2. You are not singing
3. We are not watching
4. I am not listening to you
5. Tom is not reading
6. Susan is not swimming
2. Write true sentences.(La frase serà afirmativa o negativa segons el que feieu en el moment dels deures)
1. I am / am not sitting
2. I am / am not chatting
3. The teacher is / is not standing
4. We are / are not listening
5. I am / am not listening
6. I am / am not using
7. I am / am not writing
3. Complete the questions and short answers.
1. Is he watching a video? No, he isn´t
2. Is she playing the drums? No, she isn´t
3. Are they having fun? Yes, they are
4. Is she doing athletics? No, she isn´t
5. Are you looking for me? No, I am not
6. Is it raining outside? Yes, it is
4. Not for today
5. Complete the dialogue.
1. What are you doing this evening?
2.I'm staying here.
3. Jack and I are going
4. We are meeting
5. I'm finishing
6. What are you doing after school today? Write three sentences.
Show this exercise to Albert or to me to correct it.
7. What can you do? Write true sentences. Use can or can´t.
1. I can / can´t eat...
2. I can / can´t dance sevillanas.
3. I can / can´t touch my nose...
4. I can / can´t cook paella.
5. I can / can´t swim...
6. I can / can´t read...
2B & C Splitting class: December 1st.
Remember Unit 1 was about the Present simple and Unit 2 about Present continuous. Here, I'm attaching you exercises to practise WHEN to use Present simple OR Present continuous.
1. Learn the use of Present Simple and Present Continuous, READ and COPY on your notebook:
Present Simple
-with adverbs of frequency: always, usually, often, sometimes, never.
-with "every" (cada)
Present Continuous
-Present C. with future meaning (futur a curt termini)
- actions about now
-expressions: now, right now, at the moment, tonight, today, this...
2. Remember the USE of these verbal tenses watching this video and looking at this presentation HERE.
3. PRACTISE HERE: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
4. More exercises Present Simple/Continuous (copy on your notebook):
1. I (to play)football right now.
2. I (to play)football on Saturdays.
3. I (to play)football every Tuesday.
4. I (to learn)English at the moment.
5. I (to learn)English at school.
6. Maggy (to cook)in the kitchen now.
7. Maggy (to cook) for her grandmother on Sundays.
8. Billy (to love)Mary.
9. Billy (to like)Chinese food.
10. Billy's father (to jog)in the park today.
11. Nicholas (to read)a fantastic book, keep silent !
12. Erik wants to (to go) outside.
13. Patrick (to play)on his computer this afternoon.
14. Rupert (to eat) chicken wings at the moment: he is very hungry.
15. What (you /do) ?I'm sleeping.
5. Now, practise adjectives. Write ALL the adjectives in your notebook and translate them.
Click 2 and 4.
2nd A, B, C Splitting class: Writing
Molt important! Llegeix TOT el que he escrit abans de demanar el que has de fer!
Today you are going to write a COMPOSITION about your favourite band.

You have to...:
1. go to google images and look for a photo of your favourite band (not pop star)
2. copy and paste the photo in an open office document
3. write the composition (you have an example of a letter at the Student's book page 23. Read the text and do the same with your favourite band) - USE YOUR BOOK AS A GUIDE!!!!
4. VERY IMPORTANT - Elements of the letter:
a) 100 -120 words
b) use paragraphs
c) use Present Continuous
d) write about each member (instrument, clothes, hobby)
5. Save the composition in your personal file.
ATTENTION 2B & C !!!!!!
Here you have the contents for the exam:
-Vocabulary (instruments & musicians, Joe's world and clothes, dialogue and text "My favourite band")
-Present continuous (affirmative, negative and interrogative)
-one Present simple question (Unit 1)
-Can / can't
(and next splitting class: oral exam)
GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!
1A and B Splitting class
A) Remember the Present Simple!
I drink
You drink
He drinks
She drinks
It drinks
We drink
You drink
They drink
IMPORTANT! Escriu les tres primeres frases al quadern!!!! Practise the Present Simple affirmative AQUÍ i AQUÍ.
B) It's time to PLAY!
1.Revise Unit 2 vocabulary. Do game 1 (wordsearch). Click here Unit 2 (Spotlight)
2.Days of the week! Click AQUÍ.


3. THE TIME! Practise here: AQUÍ.
4. READ the ordinal numbers and COPY them on the notebook.
ATTENTION! Exercises 4 & 5 are very important to play activity number 6!
1 - First
2 - Second
3 - Third
4 - Fourth
5 - Fifth
6 - Sixth
7 - Seventh
8 - Eighth
9 - Ninth
10 - Tenth
11 - Eleventh
12 - Twelfth
5. READ and remember the months of the year.
2 A, B & C Splitting class
Here you have the activities for today:
Do exercises 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,6, 7, 8.
2. Practise CAN / CAN'T
Do exercises 1, 2, 3, 4.

3. PLAY a little bit!
Do games 1 & 3. Click this Unit 2 (Spotlight)
4. Watch & listen this video ONLY with HEADPHONES!!! (auriculars)
5. Look at the Barack Obama's video: YES, WE CAN! (with HEADPHONES!!!)
The origins of Halloween
La història de Halloween
Molta gent pensa que Halloween és originària dels Estats Units però això no és així. Els orígens d'aquesta festa es troben a Irlanda, a la Irlanda celta, i s'originà uns 2000 anys a.C.
En aquell temps els Celtes vivien a Irlanda, Gran Bretanya i nord de França. La seva vida es concentrava en conrear la terra per obtenir aliment per tal de sobreviure i defensar-se contra les invasions que aquestes regions sofrien.
Si pensam en el clima d'Irlanda i Gran Bretanya sabem que els hiverns son freds i molt humits. Així, fa 4000 anys la millor època era la primavera i l'estiu on la terra dona la majoria de fruits i és quan el clima és més benèvol. De fet, d'aquí venen els colors típics de Halloween: el taronja que simbolitza la collita, ja que és el color del blat i el negre que simbolitza la foscor i sofriment de l'hivern.
L'hivern per aquella gent era una època molt i molt dura: hi havia pocs aliments i poques hores de claror, feia fred, plovia molt i per tant la fam, les malalties i la majoria de morts estaven a l'ordre del dia. Els celtes temien l'hivern ja que era una època molt dura i duia sofriment.
L'octubre era el darrer més on es duien a terme les darreres collites i per tant eren les darreres setmanes d'abastir aliment. El novembre ja feia fred i començava el dur hivern. Així, els celtes veien el 1 de novembre com l'inici del sofriment, de la fam i del fred.
Per ells al novembre començava un altre any, la collita ja havia finalitzat i començava una altra estació i dia 31 d'octubre venia a ser el nostre “Cap d'Any”. Aquesta festa es deia Samhain (pronunciat /sou-in/) i el nom prové del nom que rebia el Deu de la Mort o obscuritat dels Celtes. La celebració la realitzaven els Druides (capellans, erudits, mags i filòsofs celtes). Els celtes pensaven que la nit on acabava l'època de collita i començava l'hivern els mons dels vius i dels morts es trobaven més aprop que mai i creien que amb l'arribada de l'hivern, aquesta nit del 31 d'octubre els fantasmes dels morts baixaven a la terra.
La gent tenia molta de por a trobar-se aquests fantasmes pel carrer durant la nit del 31 i es posaven màscares (sovint caps de qualque animal) perquè els fantasmes no els reconeguessin i passessin de llarg. I d'aquí ve la tradició de disfressar-se per Halloween. Com que aquesta festa encara manté la “por” i temor que passaven els celtes, la gent ara es disfressa de personatges que fan por tal com fantasmes, frankesteins, bruixes, etc.
Llavors, cap a l'any 43 DC els Romans arribaren a les terres celtes. Aquests anaren conquerint les seves terres i cap al segle VII els romans varen “cristianitzar” la tradició pagana dels Celtes. I convertiren la tradició celta en el nostre Tot Sants. En aquella època Tot Sants (All Saints Day en anglès) es deia Alholowmesse, llavors passà a All-hallows, evolucionà i d'aquí ve el nom actual anglès de Halloween.
Contesta les següent preguntes. Pots contestar al quadern o al oppen office i guardar-ho a la teva carpeta.
A) On i quan s'originà la tradició de Halloween?
B) A quines regions, entre d'altres, varen viure els celtes?
C) Quines dues prioritats tenien els celtes en el seu dia a dia?
D) Què simbolitzen els dos colors de Halloween?
E) Quines dificultats havien de passar els celtes durant l'hivern?
F) Quin era el darrer mes de la collita? Quan començava l'hivern pels celtes?
G) Quan celebraven "Cap d'Any" els celtes? Com es deia aquesta festa? Qui la celebrava?
H) Qui eren els "Druides"?
I) Els celtes què creien que passava el dia 31 d'octubre?
J) D'on ve la tradició de disfressar-se per Halloween?
K) Quan varen arribar els Romans als territoris celtes?
L) Què varen fer els Romans al segle VII?
Splitting class: 2nd of ESO A, B, C
-you have to finish the text about "La història de Halloween".
1. Click HERE
-learn the new verbal tense: Present Continuous

2. READ & Remember how to form the PRESENT CONTINUOUS.
Positive | Negative | Question |
3. Recorda que quan afegim el -ING els verbs poden sofrir canvis.
Llegeix atentament el següent requadre per recorda-los.
Verb ending in... | How to make the -ING form | Examples |
one vowel + one consonant CVC | Double the consonant | swim - swimming hit - hitting get - getting |
- e | Remove E, then add -ING | come - coming lose - losing live - living |
- y | + ING | say - saying study- studying play - playing |

4. Practise the Present Continuous affirmative HERE and HERE.
5. Practise the Present Continuous negative HERE and HERE.
6. Practise the Present Continuous interrogative HERE and HERE.
Here you have the homework corrections:
Student's book page 20
2.1-is playing
2.2-are wearing
2.3-is dancing
2.4-am having
2.5-are winning
3.1-isn't playing
3.2-aren'te wearing
3.3-isn't dancing
3.4-am not having
3.5-aren't winning
4.1-Is she swimming? Yes, she is
4.2-Is she having dinner? Yes, she is
4.3-Is he getting dressed? No, he isn´t
4.4-Is she wearing a dress? No, she isn´t
4.5-Is he playing the violin? Yes, he is
5.1-isn't raining
5.2-am sitting
5.3-aren't listening
5.4-are waiting
5.5-Are you having ...?
5.6-are you doing?
5.7-Is your cousin visiting...?
5.8-is coming
Workbook corrections, page 14
1.1-is writing
1.2-is practising
1.3-is sitting
1.4-is wearing
1.5-is watching
1.6-is getting
2.1-they are not dancing
2.2-he isn´t doing...
2.3-I'm not waiting...
2.4-it isn't raining
2.5-you aren't having fun
2.6-we aren't chatting
2.7-she isn't listening
3.1-What is Laura doing? She is reading a book
3.2-Who is sitting next to Laura? David is sitting next to Laura
3.3-Is Mark reading a book? No, he is listening to music
3.4-What are James and Sara doing? They are reading
3.5-Who is buying a ticket? Kate is buying a ticket
3.6-Are David and Tina having luch? Yes, they are
HERE, you have the new vocabulary from pages 18 and 19 (Student´s book):
tonight- avui vespre
let's go- anem
early- prest
arrive- arribar
take- agafar
to get dressed- vestir-se
she looks fantastic- ella està guapíssima
to have fun- passar-ho bé
over there- per allà