1A Exam revision

Ja ens queda ben poc per les vacances d'estiu!!!!!!! Però abans hem de fer el darrer examen. El que avui farem serà repassar per l'examen de demà.

La feina que has de fer avui és la següent:

RECORDAU que YOUR no és el mateix que YOU. Your vol dir el teu o la teva.
Exemple: your sister = la teva germana

Unit 0 (Verb To be: is / are / am)
1. The verb to be: affirmative and negative

Unit 1
(Have got / Has got per he/she/it)
Have got 5: affirmative and negative

Have got 6: short answers

Unit 2
(es posa el verb normal i si el subjecte és She/he/it afegirem una -s)
The Present Simple 2

Unit 3

Negació: don't / doesn't

The Present Simple Negative 1

Interrogative: Do / Does
The Present Simple: Questions 1

Unit 4: Copy on your NOTEBOOK

7. Complete with the Present Continuous (is/are/am + verb amb ING)
a) Beth......................(sing)
b) Guti.......................(play football)

c) I...........................(read)
d) They.......................(eat) a sandwich

e) It..........................(rain)

8. Passa les frases del Present Continuous de l'exercici 7 a negativa (isn't/aren't/am not + verb amb ING)

9. Complete with the Present Continuous INTERROGATIVE (el verb To Be va davant!).

a) ........you.........(study)?
b) ........your teacher.............(sing)?

c) ........she....................(eat)?
d) .........Michael...............(read) a book?

e) ........they...................(write) an email?

Unit 7

10. Write the past of the verb To Be (was / were):

a) Pablo........................(be) from Cádiz
b) We.........................(not be) cousins
c) ..............(be) she happy?

d) It.....................(be) my dog
e) She...................(be) my best friend.

11. Fes el PASSAT d'aquests verbs:

Per fer l'afirmativa si el verb és IRREGULAR posarem el verb de la 2ª columna de la plana 128 del Student's book. Si és REGULAR posarem -ED al final del




Complete with the affirmative form:
a) I.......................................Coca-Cola
b) She .................................paella
c) My dad...........................the car

d) My sister.......................Maths
e) They................................to Barcelona

Ara fes la negativa en passat d'aquestes frases.


Per fer la negativa si el verb és IRREGULAR posam DIDN'T
i el verb de la columna de la plana 128 del Student's book. Si és REGULAR NO posarem -ED al final del verb.

a) I...............................Geography
b) My brother................................to Madrid

c) She.....................................spaguettis.
d) They..................................water.
e) My mother.................................the car.

QUE TENGUEU UNES SUPER VANCANCES D'ESTIU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!