Past Simple & Continuous answers

Hi guys!

Here you have the CORRECTIONS we didn't have time to do in class:

Exercise D

1. A: were you doing    B: was trying
2. found / immediately went / turned
3. said / was / needed
4. arrived / wasn't / was studying
5. was also working
6. called / weren't / B: was working
7. walked / were talking / was working / were discussing
8. was watching
9. was / told / was listening
10. called / was just thinking

Exercise E

A: saw   
B: Were they playing...
A: weren't / were talking
B: Did you say...
A: called / didn't hear
B: didn't notice / were

Exercise F

1) finished / rang
2) was watching / phoned
3) turned off / heard (yes,in this case it is possible to have p.simple in both sides)
4) were deciding / suggested
5) picked Jason up / drove
6) were using / arrived
7) drank / ate / were waiting
8) were playing / started / had

Exercise G

1. wrote / was writing
2. made / was making / arrived
3. designed / started / was working / died
4. escaped / was taking / caught / locked
5. were losing / won
6. sang / played / recorded / was preparing / shot