Jessica's blog

1.Draw a table like this one and copy the verbs
in the correct verbal tense column.
Present SIMPLE
Example: It is
I'm trying
    2.Write what your familiy members are doing at the the moment (use Pres. Cont): mum or dad / brother or sister or cousin / granparents / a friend

    Example: My cousin is reading the newspaper at the moment

    3. Write what your family members do every week (use Pres.Simple): mum or dad / brother or sister or cousin / grandparents / a friend
          Example: My granny cooks a cake every week

4. Read the text again and answer the following questions:
a) How many brothers has Jessica got?.................................................................................................
b) What are Jessica's parent's jobs?........................................................................................................
c) Who is a doctor?.................................................................................................................................
d) Who is having a party?.......................................................................................................................
e) Why does Jessica's father hate parties?..............................................................................................

5. Are these sentences true (T) or false (F). Correct the false sentences.
a) It is very quiet at Jessica's home. There isn't any noise.____-
b) Martin is a university student. ______
c) Jessica's mother loves cooking at home. _______
d) Alex is harworking. ______
e) Jessica's father is very sociable.______

6. Find one synonym in the text of the following words or expression:
a) test:........................................ b)colleagues:......................................
c) speaking:............................... d)cooking:..........................................
e) cook (job):............................ f)right now:........................................
g) sons:..................................... h)upset:...............................................
i) doesn't like:.......................... j)Time to leave:..................................
k) See you soon:.......................

7. Write the name of the person:
a) She has a blog where she writes things that happen to her. _____________________
b) He studies a degree in another city.___________________
c) He would like to be a mechanic. _____________________
d) She is a chef.___________________
e) Today she celebrates a birthday party.___________________
f) He is playing, not studying.___________________