1A and B Present Continuous

Avui començarem el nou tema, la Unit 4. El que farem és aprendre un nou temps verbal: el Present Continu.

Aprendrem a dir "Jo estic llegint", "Na Joan està menjant " o "Nosaltres esteim escoltant" en anglès.

Mira a continuació con es fa el "Present Continuous" ("to be" + Verb (ING))

1. READ how to form the PRESENT CONTINUOUS.

Positive Negative Question
  • I am speaking.
  • You are speaking.
  • We are speaking.
  • They are speaking.
  • He is speaking.
  • She is speaking.
  • It is speaking.
  • I am not speaking.
  • You are not speaking.
  • We are not speaking.
  • They are not speaking.
  • He is not speaking.
  • She is not speaking.
  • It is not speaking.
  • Am I speaking?
  • Are you speaking?
  • Are we speaking?
  • Are they speaking?
  • Is he speaking?
  • Is she speaking?
  • Is it speaking?

2. Recorda que quan afegim el -ING els verbs poden sofrir canvis.
Llegeix atentament el següent requadre per recorda-los.

Verb ending in... How to make the -ING form Examples
one vowel + one consonant

Double the consonant swim - swimming
hit - hitting
get - getting
- e
Remove E, then add -ING come - coming
lose - losing
live - living
- y
+ ING say - saying
study- studying
play - playing

Practise the Present Continuous affirmative HERE and HERE. Jo he de veure els exercicis acabats!!!

4. Aquest exercici l'has de fer al QUADERN. Completa els espais en buit amb el Present Continuous.

a)I ................(eat) an ice-cream, it's very good.
b)You...............(do) the homework very good.
c)She...............(drink) Coke.
d)He................(study) Maths.
e)It................(look) at the cat.
f)We................(go) to a concert.
g)They..............(dance) at Maria's house.

5. En aquest també has d'utilitzar el quadern. Tradueix les següent frases:

a)Ella està menjant
b)Nosaltres esteim ballant
c)Ell està mirant la tele
d)Vosaltres estau bevent Coca-Cola
e)Jo estic estudiant
f) Elles están llegint

6. Repassa el vocabulari sobre menjar anant de compra al súpermercat!.
Pitja AQUÍ.