1B Pres. Continuous & Halloween Reading Book

Bones! Avui repassarem una mica més el Present Continu i seguirem amb el llibre de lectura.

Recorda!!!!! --> IS / ARE / AM + Verb (ING)

1. Completa amb Present Continuous. Aquí has de llevar el "TO" !!!!!Pitja AQUÍ i AQUÍ

2. Continua repassant amb aquestes frases.

a) I.................................(answer) the questions.
b) You............................(wear) boots.
c) She.....................................(chat) with friends.
d) He......................................(build) a house.

e) They...................................(cook) lunch.
f) You......................................(watch) TV.
g) She ....................................(write) an e-mail.
h) My dog .............
.............(drink) milk.

3. Recorda que per fer oracions negatives hem de posar "NOT" després de is/are/am.
Pitja AQUÍ

Halloween Reading Book

4. Treballa el llibre de lectura:

Els alumnes que la setmana passada es deixaren el llibre heu de llegir la plana 12 (o el text que trobareu aquí abaix) i fer els exercicis que trobareu a continuació a un full apart per entregar. Pitja AQUÍ.

Stonehenge is an enormous prhistoric monument near Salisbury in the South of England. In 2800 BC the people of the Stone Age began to build Stonehenge. There were two big circles of huge stones. They were concentric circles. By about the year 1400 BC there were two stone circles inside the original ones. These stones were very heavy. Some of them came from Preseli mountains in South Wales, 383 kilometers away! How did the people move them? This is an amazing mystery.
But what was Stonenhe? We don know, Some people believe it was a type of calendar with a religious meaning. Some astronomers also think that Stonehenge was an astronomical instrument. They think the huge stones measured the movements of the sun, moon and stars. Other people think the Druids used Stonehenge as a temple for reilious and magic rituals. But no one really knows.
Halloween...Magic, witches and vampires (by Green Apple)

Els alumnes que vareu començar a treballar el llibre de lectura la setmana passada continuau en el punt en què us vareu quedar.
Podeu trobar la feina AQUÍ.

Els alumnes que ja heu acabat la feina de Stonehenge podeu llegir el Chapter (capítol) de Witches and Magic (page 38-42) i fer les activitats del blog de na Gloria que trobareu AQUÍ.