1A Writing class

Avui continuarem repassant el Present Continu breument i llavors seguirem practicant l'expressió escrita redactant un altre e-mail.

1. Completa aquestes frases en Present Continu en el teu quadern.

Recorda! --> is/are/am + Verb (-ing)

a) She...............................(watch) a film.
b) Peter...........................(sleep) on the sofa.
c) We ...............................(buy) a new book.
d) They............................(read) a magazine.
e) Anne............................(change) clothes.
f) I....................................(run) very fast.

2. Aquí tens el email de l'altre dia. Avui el que has de fer es traduïr-ho al quadern.


My name's Sharon. I live in Bangor (Wales, UK). I live here with my parents, my brother and my sister.
It's half past eleven and it is sunny and cold today. What is the weather like there?
At the moment I'm sitting in my bedroom and I'm listening to music. My favourite singer is Shakira. Do you like her?
My favourite sport is swimming. I go swimming on Mondays and Wednesdays.
My mum is calling me. I'm going to the supermarket.
Goodbye from Wales!


3. Ara has d'escriure un email amb la següent informació. Pots utilitzar l'email de l'altre dia perquè et serveixi de guia.

Name: Anne
Place: Liverpool (United Kingdom)
People: mother, aunt, uncle and my two cousins
Hour: a quarter to one
Weather: cloudy and warm
Room: living-room
Listening: Lady Gaga
Singer: Beyoncé
Sport: basketball
Days: Tuesday and Thursday
Calling: cousin
Going: swimming-pool
Goodbye: Liverpool

4. COPY this map of UK (United Kingdom).

Fixa't on està Liverpool, escriu el seu nom al lloc corresponent sobre el mapa.