1B Revision and Writing class

Ja ens trobam a la Unit 5 però podem deixar de repassar el que hem estat treballant. Avui el que farem és repassar el Present Simple i el Present Continu que teniu molt més fresc.

1. Remember Present Simple.




I drink
You drink

He drinks
She drink
It drink

We drink
You drink
They drink

I don't drink
You don't drink

doesn't drink
doesn't drink
doesn't drink

We don't drink
You don't drink
They don't drink

Do I drink?
Do you drink?

Does he drink?
Does she drink?
Does it drink?

Do we drink?
Do you drink?
Do they drink?

2. Complete these sentences in Present Simple on your notebook.

a) Michael....................................(go) swimming on Mondays and Wednesdays.
b) They........................................(study) Maths.
c) We............................................(not come) to the party.
d) My cousin................................(not drink) Cola-Cao
e) ........................your dog.......................(eat) bones?
f) ........................ Jason and Mary.........................(sleep) at their grandparents' house?

3. Remember Present Continuous.

Positive Negative Question
  • I am speaking.
  • You are speaking.
  • We are speaking.
  • They are speaking.
  • He is speaking.
  • She is speaking.
  • It is speaking.
  • I am not speaking.
  • You are not speaking.
  • We are not speaking.
  • They are not speaking.
  • He is not speaking.
  • She is not speaking.
  • It is not speaking.
  • Am I speaking?
  • Are you speaking?
  • Are we speaking?
  • Are they speaking?
  • Is he speaking?
  • Is she speaking?
  • Is it speaking?

4. Complete these sentences inPresent Continuous on your notebook.

a) We..............................................(do) our homework.
b) John...........................................(sleep) at this moment.
c) My parents........................................(not watch) the TV.
d) My best friend...................................(not travel) to Ireland.
e) ..........................they............................(study) for the exam?
f) ..........................your sister............................(go) to Madrid?

5. Look at this video to revise There is / There are.

6. Practise There is / There are HERE for affirmative, HERE for negative, HERE for interrogative and HERE all together.

7. Posa en pràctica aquests tres punts. Tradueix el següent text i entrega-ho a la professora.

El meu nom és Laura i tenc 13 anys. Jo visc a Consell i tenc una germana i un germà. M'agrada nadar i la pizza. Jo vaig a natació els dilluns i dimecres. Jo estudio al IES Marratxí. La meva assignatura preferida és Ciències Naturals.
La meva cosina Margalida té 14 anys. Ella viu a Binissalem. A na Margalida no li agrada la natació, ella juga a volei. Ella estudia al IES Binissalem. La seva assignatura preferida és Educació Física.
Ara, estic escoltant música a la meva habitació. La meva germana està fent els deures al menjador i el meu germà no està estudiant, ell està jugant a bàsquet.
A la meva habitació hi ha dos llits perquè la meva germana dorm amb jo i una fiestra. Però a la meva habitació no hi ha dos escriptoris i no hi ha un ordenador. Nosaltres esteim estudiant al menjador perquè és gran.