1st F computer class.

Welcome to our last computer class before Christmas!

Today you are going to practise Present Simple Negative and Interrogation. Then, you will learn some Christmas vocabulary and will listen to a Christmas carol (Nadala)

0. Si vols recordar com es fa el Present simple en negativa i interrogativa ho pots mirar AQUÍ.

1. Practise Present simple negative by clicking HERE and HERE

2. Practise Present simple interrogative (Recorda! Do o Does!!!!) by clicking HERE and HERE. Aquí has d'ordenar les paraules per formar preguntes. Basta que facis un click damunt la paraula.

3. Surfing the internet find the meaning of these Xmas words in English.
Copia aquestes paraules al teu quadern i cerca-les AQUÍ.

-Noche Buena
-Noche vieja
-Año Nuevo
-Dia de Navidad
-Víspera de Reyes
-día de los Reyes
-una tarjeta de Navidad
-Árbol de navidad
-un pesebre
-la misa del gallo
-un villancico
-Baltasar, Gaspar, Melchor
-los Reyes Magos
-¡Feliz Navidad!
-¡Feliz Navidad y Próspero Año Nuevo!
-una cesta de Navidad


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Comparative and superlative adjectives plus Christmas vocabulary

Welcome to our last computer class before Xmas. Today you are going to practise comparative and superlative adjectives. At the end, you will learn about Christmas vocabulary.

1. Click here and do the adjectives exercise.

2. Click here and COPY this exercise in your notebook.

4. Surfing the internet find the meaning of these Xmas words in English.
Copia aquestes paraules al teu quadern i cerca-les AQUÍ.

-Noche Buena
-Noche vieja
-Año Nuevo
-Dia de Navidad
-Víspera de Reyes
-día de los Reyes
-regalo de navidad
-adornos de Navidad
-la comida de Navidad
-una tarjeta de Navidad,
-Árbol de navidad
-un pesebre a crib
-la misa del gallo
-un villancico
-Baltasar, Gaspar, Melchor
-los Reyes Magos
-tomar las uvas
-¡Feliz Navidad!
-¡Felices fiestas!
-¡Feliz Navidad y Próspero Año Nuevo!
-¿Qué te regalaron para Navidad?
-el espíritu navideño
-la cabalgata
-un belén (Belén = Bethlehem)
-un pastel de Navidad
-el pavo
-una rosca de Reyes / un roscón de Reyes
-turrón blando
-turrón duro
-una cesta de Navidad


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Comparative and Superlative adjectives plus Treasure hunt.

Welcome to our new computer class! Today we are going to practise comparative and superlative adjectives a little bit. Then, we will work on a Treasure Hunt about Ireland. Let's start!

1. Click here and do the adjectives exercise.

2. Click here and copy this exercise in your notebook.

Treasure hunts are similar to webquests. They are useful to practise reading and writing skills.
-When you click on the treasure hunt you have to read the questions and answer them. You can find the requested information in the links you will find on the right side of the screen.
-Once you have gathered all the information each of you has to present it on a sheet of paper to hand it in.
-You will have this class and next Thursday class to complete it.
-You have to give it to me before Christmas holidays.

Start by clicking here.
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Splitting class: Comparative adjectives and verbal tenses

Welcome to our new computer class, I hope you enjoy it!

In this class you will practise Unit 1 and 2 with Present Simple and Present Continuous exercises. From Unit 3 you will find some exercises to practise comparative adjectives.

0. If you need to revise how to form comparative adjectives click here. If you don´t, go to the next point.

1. Practise comparative adjectives by clicking on the next exercises:

- Exercise 1
- Exercise 2
- Exercise 3
- Exercise 4 (here you will also find superlative adjectives).
Take your notebook and copy the answers of this exercise, copy the three columns.

2. Here there is a video with people using the Present Simple and explaining how they have fun.

Follow these steps:
-La reportera demana a la gent "What do you do for fun?" (Què fas per divertir-te?)
-Escolta i escriu 10 coses que fa la gent per passar-ho be. Al principi et costarà entendrer-ho, però escolta-ho un parell de vegades i ho entendras.

3. Practise the Present simple tense here. When you have finished call me to check it.

4. Practise the Present continuous with the following exercise.
Click here.

5. Watch the following video and explain what is happening.

Example of sentences:
A car is moving.
Three people are watching an elephant.

Write them in the notebook.

Here you have some actions to help you:

Girl / take pictures
Elephant / walk
Two men / observe animals
Three explorers / have dinner
A lion / roar
The female explorer / shout
A male explorer / shoot

If you have finished, you can click on other posts and practise Present Simple, Present Continuous, Possessive adjectives, etc.
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Splitting class: Thursday 27th of November.

1. Llegeix aquests verbs i rellena el full que us hem donat.

eat: mejar
listen to: escoltar
paint: pintar
write: escriure
drink: beure
watch: mirar
read: llegir
buy: comprar
copy: copiar
translate: traduir
live: viure
like: agradar
speak: xerrar
love: estimar, agradar molt
study: estudiar
want: voler

2. Completa aquest exercici escrivint el pronomom correcte (my, your, his, her, its, our, your, their.)

3. Completa el full que et donarà el professor amb la teva informació pesonal (edat, aparença física, esports que t'agraden, etc).

4. Llegeix els números ordinals I els mesos. És molt important que ho copiis (ordinals i mesos) al quadern perquè llavors ho necessitaràs pel següent joc.

1 - First
2 - Second
3 - Third
4 - Fourth
5 - Fifth
6 - Sixth
7 - Seventh
8 - Eighth
9 - Ninth
10 - Tenth
11 - Eleventh
12 - Twelfth

5.Ara recordaràs els mesos de l'any jugant a un joc semblant al Tetris. Hauràs de "caçar" lletres perquè et surti un mes de l'any.
A la pantalla et sortirà el mes que has de cercar, per exemple: "seventh month", llavors miraràs al teu quadern quin més és el "seventh", que és el seté mes, és a dir el juliol, i tu cercaràs "July" en anglès. Per començar pitja AQUÍ.
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1A Splitting class: Tuesday 25th of November

Welcome to our computer lab class!
Today you have to do the following exercises:

1. Llegeix aquests verbs i rellena el full que us hem donat.

eat: mejar
listen to: escoltar
paint: pintar
write: escriure
drink: beure
watch: mirar
read: llegir
buy: comprar
copy: copiar
translate: traduir
live: viure
like: agradar
speak: xerrar
love: estimar, agradar molt
study: estudiar
want: voler

2. Repassa els dies de la setmana en anglès. En aquesta activitat els hauràs d'ordenar. Fes un click AQUÍ.

3. Ara és l'hora de recordar com es diu l'hora en anglès. Practica anant AQUÍ.

4. Llegeix els números ordinals. És molt important que ho copiis al quadern perquè llavors ho necessitaràs pel següent joc.

1 - First
2 - Second
3 - Third
4 - Fourth
5 - Fifth
6 - Sixth
7 - Seventh
8 - Eighth
9 - Ninth
10 - Tenth
11 - Eleventh
12 - Twelfth

5.Ara recordaràs els mesos de l'any jugant a un joc semblant al Tetris. Hauràs de "caçar" lletres perquè et surti un mes de l'any.
A la pantalla et sortirà el mes que has de cercar, per exemple: "seventh month", llavors miraràs al teu quadern quin més és el "seventh", que és el seté mes, és a dir el juliol, i tu cercaràs "July" en anglès. Per començar pitja AQUÍ.
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Work on possessive adjectives and present simple.

Today we are going to practise the theory we have learnt these days.

1. Read this and translate the sentences you will find at the bottom of the page.

2. Complete this exercise and copy it in your notebook.

3. Click here and complete the exercise A and C (not B)

4. Here there is a video with people using the present simple and explaining how they have fun.
Follow this steps:
-La reportera demana a la gent "What do you do for fun?" (Què fas per divertir-te?)
-Escolta i escriu 10 coses que fa la gent per passar-ho be. Al principi et costarà entendrer-ho, però escolta-ho un parell de vegades i ho entendras.

5. Practise the Present simple tense here. When you have finished call me to check it.
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Practise Present Continuous

Welcome to our computer lab class. Today we are going to practise the Present Continuous tense by completing some grammar exercises taken from the web. Then, you will watch a Stopmotion video (many pictures put together forming movement) and use the P.Continuous tense.
If you need to revise how to form the Present Continuous click here.

1. Practise the Present Continuous with these exercises:
a) Click here and copy it in the notebook.
b) Click here and copy it in the notebook.
c) Click here copy ONLY nº 2 (from sentence 1 - 10)

2. Watch the following video and explain what is happening.
Example of sentences:
A car is moving.
Three people are watching an elephant.
Write them in the notebook.

Here you have some actions to help you:

Girl / take pictures
Elephant / walk
Two men / observe animals
Three explorers / have dinner
A lion / roar
The female explorer / shout
A male explorer / shoot
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Halloween and Present Continuous for 2nd D

This morning we are going to practise the Present Continuous tense a bit and then we are going to learn about the upcoming Halloween.

Below you have all the steps you have to follow in order to complete our computer lab class:

Present Continuous Practise
1. Present Continuous - Affirmative: Click here
2. Present Continuous - Negative and interrogative: Click here
ATTENTION! You have to copy all the sentences in your notebook. When you finish, call me to check you did it.

Halloween is not a tradition in our country but it is an important date for the English speaking countries. Let's learn about it!

Now you are going to listen and read a text about the origins of Halloween, then you will have to complete the quiz. Click here to start.
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First splitting class

Well, today we have our first lesson in the computer lab. I hope you enjoy it!
In this class you are going to write about a famous person and look for a picture of him/her.

Read and follow these instructions:

- Go to www.google.com and look for information about a famous person you like (singer, artists, sportist, musician, writer, painter...) IN ENGLISH!

- Open a new window (Fitxer / nova pestanya)

- Click on this post and go the "comments" section, click on it.

- In the box you will find under "Leave your comment" you have to write a description about him/her.

You must write about the following items:

Place where he/she lives
Physical appearance

- Here you have an example:

Her name is Madonnna (Madonna Louise Veronica Ciccone Ritchie). She was born in Michigan (USA) in 1958 but she lives in Marylebone (London). She is a singer, an actress and a composer. Madonna is short, she has got fair hair and brown eyes although she usually uses blue contact lens. She has eleven albums and has acted in twenty-two films.She has got three children: two sons and a daughter.

- VERY IMPORTANT!: When you have finished, call me!!!, do not publish your comment!!!

- Now, you can look for a photograph of this famous person in www.google.com and call me to save the picture.

NOTE: You will see all your compositions and pictures of your famous people very soon in this blog.

See you in two weeks time!
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1A First splitting class: Tuesday 14th of October and 4th of November

Today we have our first splitting class in the computer lab.
Read the following instructions:

1. Read the text that I am going to give you.
- Open a new window (Fitxer / nova pestanya).
- Click on this post and go to the "Comments" section, click on it.
- In the box under "Leave your comment" write a
personal description.

-VERY IMPORTANT!: You have to copy the text I have given to you BUT changing the underlined words with your personal information.

-VERY IMPORTANT!: When you have finished, call me!!!, do not click anywhere!!!

2. Once you have sent your personal description click here and here and complete the exercises.

3. If you have finished click here and play the hangman about months.
See you in two weeks time!
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Basic concepts and evaluation criteria

English 2008-2009

From: xiscaballester, 6 minutes ago

English 2008-2009
View SlideShare presentation or Upload your own. (tags: & 2nd)

Well...after a great period of holidays we're back to school. Next Tuesday 16th or Wednesday we will have our first lesson which is going to deal with basic concepts and evaluation criteria in order to pass this subject successfully. Here I'm attatching the presentation you are going to see on the very first day, in this way you will be able to watch it again in case you need to refresh the evaluation criteria.

SlideShare Link

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