3 C

Hi guys! Today we have our first computer class:

1. Remember! (Recorda!)

I- jo

You- tu o vosaltres

He- ell


It (= a un animal o cosa)

We- nosaltres

They- ells / elles

2. Practise personal pronouns (I, you, he, she, it, we, they) HERE, HERE and HERE

3. Ver "To be". Remember (recorda) and practise HERE and HERE.

4. Remember the verb "have/has got" (tenir)

a)Read (llegeix tot!!!!) HERE

b)Do the online exercises from the previous page (fe la plana anterior)

5. Choose (tria) verb "to be" or "have/has got" HERE and HERE.
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1 Batxillerat A & B

Hi guys! Welcome to our first computer class!

Today we are going to revise Unit 2 (Past Simple, Continuous and Perfect)

Students who need to revise these verbal tenses have to do these exercises:

a) Past Simple: read HERE and practise with these exercises 1, 2, 3 & 4

b) Past Continuous: read HERE and practise with these exercises 1, 2, 3 & 4 (Simple & Contin).

c) Past Perfect: read HERE and practise with these exercises 1, 2, 3 & 4

Revise when you have to USE Past Simple, Continuous or Perfect:

1A) Remember when to use Past Simple vs Past Continuous (or Progressive) HERE

1B) Practise them HERE , HERE . HERE and HERE

Remember when to use Past Simple vs Past Perfect HERE

2B) Practise them HERE, HERE, HERE and HERE
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Homework corrections 1st Batx

Hi guys!

Here you have the corrections (Student's book page 20 n: 1, 2 & 3 and page 22 n: 1, 2 & 3)

Page 20

1. 1a, 2b, 3a, 4b, 5b, 6a, 7a, 8b, 9a

2. Each student can have a different option. Here I'm giving you some examples:

1. ...the TV because there was an important football match that night.
2. ...a glass of wine.
3. ...fast because he has just run a race.
4. ...that they had already gone to bed.
5. ...at that girl or she will get annoyed.
6. ...me some hot chocolate.


1. original

Page 22


1. were washing
2. did...arrive
3. called
4. didn't finish
5. wasn't talking


1. noticed, was following
2. were...singing, were having
3. called, were...doing
4. was explaining, interrumpted
5. arrived, were having
6. was sleeping, knocked


1. had already scaped
2. had planted
3. had been
4. had finished
5. woke up
6. had forgotten
7. visited
8. reached
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Exercise corrections 1A Batx.

Hi, How are you?

Here you have the corrections I told you about this morning:

Exercise 18

1. It's barking

2. Yes, I/we go out for lunch

3. I/We - lie to you

4. is making

5. he is watching

6. she drinks it twice (once, three times, etc)

7. he makes a mess

8. you are disturbing me

9. watch it

10. am reading

See you on Friday!
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Viatge d'intercanvi a Escòcia



Podràs gaudir d'un munt de coses, en
tre elles:

  • conèixer Escòcia i veure el seu paisatge espectacular
  • visitar el misteriós Llac Ness
  • descobrir castells plens de màgia
  • practicar anglès
  • conèixer alumnes d'allà
  • conèixer alumnes d'altres tres instituts de Mallorca
  • dormir a una residència d'estudiants
  • tastar el menjar típic
  • escoltar música escocesa
  • el plaer de viatjar i passar-ho bé amb companys de classe
  • i sobretot aprofitar aquesta oportunitat que us dona el vostre centre IES Na Camel·la

Aquí us adjuntam més informació s
obre el viatge:
  • Viatge per a practicar l’anglès, visitar l’institut Saint Ambroise i fer sightseeing (visitar aquesta part del país).
  • D’una durada d’una setmana (de dissabte a dissabte).
  • A realitzar una de les primeres setmanes de desembre d’aquest curs escolar.
  • Les activitats a realitzar estan totes organitzades pel institut escocès Saint Ambroise.
  • Les activitats inclouen: visita del centre escolar, visites i excursions per la regió per a descobrir el paisatje, gastronomia, costums, conèixer gent nova i és clar, practicar anglès.
  • L’allotjament serà a una residència d’estudiants.
  • El preu oscil·larà entre uns 400-500 euros tenint en compte que el curs que ve es tornarà a cada alumne/a una quantitat entre 150 i 200 euros.
  • El preu inclou l’allotjament, el berenar i segurament les menjades (a confirmar), avió i els trasllats en autobús durant la setmana.
  • Si el grup és menor de deu alumnes anirà acompanyat per la professora Miquela Riutort del departament de Llengües Estrangeres i si el nombre d’alumnes supera els deu també acompanyarà el grup la professora Xisca Ballester del mateix departament.
  • El grup del IES Na Camel·la anirà acompanyat per alumnes i professors d’altres tres instituts de Mallorca.
  • El Saint Ambroise High School està ubicat al poble de Coatbridge a la regió de Lanarkshire a 16 kilòmetres de Glasgow i 53 d’Edimburg.

Si vols conèixer una mica més d'aquest país pitja

Si t'interessa entrar a la plana del
Saint Ambroise High School pitja AQUÍ.

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Despedida del IES Marratxí

El nou curs comença i amb aquest la meva despedia del IES Marratxí.

Però abans de partir vull dir que ha estat molt enriquidor fer feina amb tots els alumnes que he tengut i amb els companys de departament.

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NOTES Juny 2010

Good morning!

Bones al·lots, disculpau que entregui les notes un dia més tard, hi ha hagut moltes mitjanes per fer i poc temps! De totes maneres recordau que al juny no hi ha recuperació.

Recordau també que hi ha alumnes que aparèixen amb seudònims.


Sergi B
: Darrer examen: 5,6 - Final:6
Oscar: Darrer examen 4 - Final: 3
Helena: Darrer examen 4,6 - Final: 4
Pedro: Darrer examen 0 - Final: 1
: Darrer examen 3,4 - Final 3
Dani E: Darrer examen 5,6 - Final 6
David F: Darrer examen 7,7 - Final 8
Mª Mar: Darrer examen 4,6 - Final 4
Cristina: Darrer examen 6,1 - Final 9
Sergi G: Darrer examen 6,4 - Final 7
Natalia: Darrer examen 6,6 - Final 8
Judith: Darrer examen 7,4 - Final: 9
: Darrer examen 6,5 - Final 7
Christian L: Darrer examen 4,3 - Final 5
Cachalote: Darrer examen 4,3 - Final 5
Jesús: Darrer examen 4,6- Final 5
Joana: Darrer examen 5,2 - Final 5
David M: Darrer examen 5 - Final 5
Cabeza bote: Darrer examen 6,3 - Final 6
Sonia: Darrer examen 4,8 - Final 6
Laura: Darrer examen 4,4 - Final 4
Ave: Darrer examen 4,9 - Final 4


Lea: Darrer examen 8,15 - Final: 7
1925: Darrer examen 8,8 - Final: 7
Aina Cv: Darrer examen 7,8 - Final 8
Lost: Darrer examen 8,2 - Final 8
Lacasitos: Darrer examen 4,75 - Final 4
Albert: Darrer examen 1,5 - Final 3
Alejandro P: Darrer examen 9,5 - Final 9
Hank: Darrer examen 2,15 - Final 2
Joan: Darrer examen 2,3 - Final 3
Neus: Darrer examen 4,1 - Final 4
Marc: Darrer examen 8,5 - Final 10
Alex: Final 1
Aina Cr: Darrer examen 7 - Final 8
Camila G: Darrer examen 4,65 - Final 5
Pep Lluis: Darrer examen 2 - Final 3
Pasero: Darrer examen 6 - Final 6
Xisco: Darrer examen 0 - Final 2
Silvia: Darrer examen 3,8 - Final 4
Pain: Darrer examen 2,7 - Final 3
Fanny: 6
Israel: 3


Arnau: Darrer examen 3,5 - Final: 5
Bruno: Darrer examen 3,3 - Final: 5
Aina G: Darrer examen 6,9 - Final: 5
J.B.M: Darrer examen 2 - Final 3
Borja: Darre examen: 5,5 - Final: 6
Marina: Darrer examen: 4,8 - Final: 5
Hatred: Darrer examen 4,7 - Final: 5
Carlos S: Darrer examen: 6,9 - Final: 7
Nach: Darrrer examen 1,3 - Final 3

Jose Luis: Darrer examen 0,1 - Final: 3
Tomeu: Darrer examen 6 - Final: 6
Patricia: Darrer examen 2,7 - Final: 5 (T'ha baixat bastant perquè el darrer examen t'ha anat molt fluix)
Christian A: Darrer examen 3,8 - Final: 6 (T'ha baixat degut a la darrera nota tan baixa)
Fanny: Final 2
Capitán América: Darrer examen 6,3 - Final: 7
Ana G V: Darrer examen: 0 - Final: 2
Jose Antonio: Final 6
Carlos G: Final 6

Christian P: Darrer examen 5,5 - Final: 6
Mª Rosa: Darrer examen: 0,2 - Final: 2
Ivan: Darrer examen: 1,2 - Final: 2
Cobra G: Darrer examen: 0,4 - Final: 2
Dani: Darrer examen 2,3 - Final: 3


Carlos: Darrer examen: 4,6 - Final: 7
Xisco: Darrer examen: 5,1 - Final: 5
Nuria: Darrer examen: 6,65 - Final: 8/9
Alejandro L:
Darrer examen: 0,9 - Final: 3
Darrer examen:3,7 - Final: 4
Dawid: Darrer examen: 1,3 - Final: 2
Alejandro S:
Darrer examen: 4,5 - Final: 5
Bernat: Darrer examen: 0,5 - Final 2
Marco A:
Darrer examen: 2,5 - Final: 3
Julia: Darrer examen: 10 - Final: 10
Darrer examen: 4,5 - Final: 4
Darrer examen: 8 - Final: 9
Brown eyes:
Darrer examen: 7,85 - Final: 8/9
Andrea: Darrer examen: 4,5 - Final 6
Snoop dog:
Darrer examen: 0,7 - Final: 2
Darrer examen: 0,75 - Final: 2
Darrer examen: 8,7 - Final: 10
Jaume: Darrer examen: 1,45 - Final: 2
Magnus: Darrer examen: 9, 4 - Final: 10


Quiroga: Darrer examen: 2,8 - Final: 3
Cucho (hi ha dos alumnes que heu postat el mateix. El teu llinatge comença per L): Darrer examen: 4,4 - Final: 4
David: Darrer examen: no vares fer el writing - Final: 3

Pau: Darrer examen: 7,5 - Final: 9
Cucho (hi ha dos alumnes que heu posat el mateix. El teu llinatge comença per M): Darrer examen:1,3 - Final: 3
Miquel: Darrer examen: 9,6 - Final: 10
Marina: Darrer examen: 1,3 - Final: 4 (te he pujat d'un 3 a un 4 per l'esforç)
Soper: Darrer examen: 8,7 - Final: 10
Hiper: Darrer examen: 9,4 - Final: 10
David Getta: Darrer examen: 4 - Final: 4
Mega: Darrer examen: 7,1 - Final: 8

Zanahoria: Darrer examen: 2,8 - Final: 6
Wolf bass: Darrer examen: 3,4 - Final: 5
Xavi: Darrer examen: 7,6 - Final: 8
Mª del Mar: Darrer examen: 3,6 - Final: 5
Arantxa: 5
Jaume: 5
Ivan: 5

HAPPY SUMMER HOLIDAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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1B Last splitting class

Hi guys, SUMMER HOLIDAYS are here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Today we have our last computer class.

Avui us donaré les notes del darrer examen i parlarem de com saber la nota final.

VANCANCES D'ESTIU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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2A Last splitting class

Bones, fixau-vos molt bé amb la feina que feis avui perquè és el repàs per demà, l'examen és molt semblant (recorda que també entra el vocabulari de cada unitat).

La feina d'avui és la següent:

1. Agafa els fulls que us acabo de repartir i un boli
2. Corregeix les activitats d'aquest full (que vareu fer el divendres passat) AQUÍ.
3. Llegeix les instruccions que hi ha més avall i llavors practica per l'examen de demà AQUÍ:

Has de treballar la part de Grammar, en concret:

Present Simple (affirmative, negative, interrogative)
Present Continuous (affirmative, negative, interrogative)
Past Simple (affirmative, negative, interrogative)
Past Continuous (affirmative, negative, interrogative)
To be (is/are/am) + GOING TO (affirmative, negative, interrogative)
Futur: will (affirmative) and won't (negative)
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2B Last splitting class!



Com ja sabeu avui vos donaré la nota dels exàmens i mirarem les notes que teniu per així tan aviat com pugui donar-vos la nota semi-final.

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1A Exam revision

Ja ens queda ben poc per les vacances d'estiu!!!!!!! Però abans hem de fer el darrer examen. El que avui farem serà repassar per l'examen de demà.

La feina que has de fer avui és la següent:

RECORDAU que YOUR no és el mateix que YOU. Your vol dir el teu o la teva.
Exemple: your sister = la teva germana

Unit 0 (Verb To be: is / are / am)
1. The verb to be: affirmative and negative

Unit 1
(Have got / Has got per he/she/it)
Have got 5: affirmative and negative

Have got 6: short answers

Unit 2
(es posa el verb normal i si el subjecte és She/he/it afegirem una -s)
The Present Simple 2

Unit 3

Negació: don't / doesn't

The Present Simple Negative 1

Interrogative: Do / Does
The Present Simple: Questions 1

Unit 4: Copy on your NOTEBOOK

7. Complete with the Present Continuous (is/are/am + verb amb ING)
a) Beth......................(sing)
b) Guti.......................(play football)

c) I...........................(read)
d) They.......................(eat) a sandwich

e) It..........................(rain)

8. Passa les frases del Present Continuous de l'exercici 7 a negativa (isn't/aren't/am not + verb amb ING)

9. Complete with the Present Continuous INTERROGATIVE (el verb To Be va davant!).

a) ........you.........(study)?
b) ........your teacher.............(sing)?

c) ........she....................(eat)?
d) .........Michael...............(read) a book?

e) ........they...................(write) an email?

Unit 7

10. Write the past of the verb To Be (was / were):

a) Pablo........................(be) from Cádiz
b) We.........................(not be) cousins
c) ..............(be) she happy?

d) It.....................(be) my dog
e) She...................(be) my best friend.

11. Fes el PASSAT d'aquests verbs:

Per fer l'afirmativa si el verb és IRREGULAR posarem el verb de la 2ª columna de la plana 128 del Student's book. Si és REGULAR posarem -ED al final del




Complete with the affirmative form:
a) I.......................................Coca-Cola
b) She .................................paella
c) My dad...........................the car

d) My sister.......................Maths
e) They................................to Barcelona

Ara fes la negativa en passat d'aquestes frases.


Per fer la negativa si el verb és IRREGULAR posam DIDN'T
i el verb de la columna de la plana 128 del Student's book. Si és REGULAR NO posarem -ED al final del verb.

a) I...............................Geography
b) My brother................................to Madrid

c) She.....................................spaguettis.
d) They..................................water.
e) My mother.................................the car.

QUE TENGUEU UNES SUPER VANCANCES D'ESTIU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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2A & 2C

Ens queda poquíssim per les vacances d'estiu! Però com ja sabeu abans ens queda fer el darrer examen (Unit 1 to 9). Aquí teniu les correccions dels exercicis que us vaig donar per repassar pel darrer examen:

1.Present Simple
1.doesn't play
3.don't study
4.doesn´t live
5.don't speak

2.PS Interrogative:
1.No, he doesn't
2.No, I don't
3.Yes, he does
4.No, she doesn't
5. Yes, I do / No, I don't (segons el que faceu vosaltres)

3. Present Continuous Interrogative
1.Yes, I am
2.No she isn't
3. No, he doesn't / Yes, he does
4.No, they aren't
5. Yes, they are / No, they aren't

5. Present Continuous

1.am not playing
2.is writing
3.aren't playing
4.is talking
5.are working

6.Circle the past simple:

7.Comple Ellie's diary:


8. Past Simple negative:
1.didn't play
2.didn't give
3.didn't go
4.didn't visit
5.didn't go

11.Complete the sentences:

12.Past Simple Interrogative
1.Did you eat paella?
2.Did you go shopping?
3.Did you visit the museum?
4.Did you see the sea?
5.Did you stay in a hotel?

13. Past Continuous negative
1.wan't playing
2.weren't working
3.wasn't visiting
4.wasn't working
5.weren't meeting

14. Look at the information in exercise 2.
(Answers depend on you)
1. Yes, he was / No, he wasn't
2.No,they weren't / Yes, they were
3.No,they weren't / Yes, they were
4.Yes, he was / No, he wasn't
5.No,they weren't / Yes, they were

15. Going to (affirmative)
1.Jane is going to meet her friends tonight
2.I am going to do my homework later
3.Reyes is going to play for Spain on Saturday
4.Shakira is going to make a new CD
5.I am going to buy Shakira's new CD

16. Going to (negative)
1.I'm not going to visit Paris.
2.Britney isn't going to sing
3.Ronaldo isn't going to play
4.I'm not going to study Chinese
5.I'm not going to be an actor

18.Will / won't

19. Aquí has d'escriure will / won't segons tu creguis.

20.Question words.

21.First conditional. Write the words in the correct order:
1.If I'm lucky I will win the lottery
2.If it rains you will need an umbrella
3.If we study we will pass the exam
4.If it rains we won't play tennis
5.If it's hot you won't need a coat


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1B Exam Revision

Recordau que a l'examen us entrarà el més important del curs. El que avui farem serà repassar:

1. Verb "to be" (is/are/am)

Exercise 1,

2. Verb "have got / has got (he/she/it)"

Exercise 1

3. Present Simple


Affirmative: Subject + Verb (posarem una -S si el subjecte és 3ª persona)
Negative: Subject + don't / doesn't (he/she/it) + verb (sense -S)
Interrogative: Do / Does (he/she/it) + subject + verb ?

Exercise 1, 2

4. Present Continuous


Affirmative: Subj. + is/ are / am + Verb (-ing)
Negative: Subj + isn't / aren't / am not + Verb (-ing)
Interrogative: Is / Are / Am + Subject + Verb (-ing)?

Exercises 1, 2

5. Past Simple


Affirmative: Subject + Verb (regular: -ed / irregular: 2ª column page 128)
Negative: Subject + DIDN'T + Verb (infinitive form: no -ed / 1ª column)

Exercises: 1, 2
Past of "to be": 1
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2A Final exam revision

Recordau que a l'examen us entrarà el més important del curs. El que avui farem serà repassar:

1. Present Simple


Affirmative: Subject + Verb (posarem una -S si el subjecte és 3ª persona)
Negative: Subject + don't / doesn't (he/she/it) + verb (sense -S)
Interrogative: Do / Does (he/she/it) + subject + verb ?

Exercise 1, 2

2. Present Continuous


Affirmative: Subj. + is/ are / am + Verb (-ing)
Negative: Subj + isn't / aren't / am not + Verb (-ing)
Interrogative: Is / Are / Am + Subject + Verb (-ing)?

Exercises 1, 2

3. Past Simple


Affirmative: Subject + Verb (regular: -ed / irregular: 2ª column page 128)
Negative: Subject + DIDN'T + Verb (infinitive form: no -ed / 1ª column)
Interrogative: DID + Subject + Verb (infinitive)?

Exercises: 1, 2

4. Past Continuous


Affirmative: Subj. + WAS / WERE + Verb (-ing)
Negative: Subj + WASN'T / WEREN'T + Verb (-ing)
Interrogative: WAS / WERE + Subject + Verb (-ing)?

Exercises: 1, 2

5. To be + going to + Verb

Affirmative: Subject + is / are / am + GOING TO + Verb
Negative: Subj + isn't / aren't / am not + GOING TO + Verb
Interrogative: Is / Are / Am + Subject + Verb (-ing)?

Exercises: 1, 2

6. Will


Affirmative: Subject + WILL + Verb
Negative: Subject + WON'T + Verb
Interrogative: WILL + Subj + Verb?

Exercises: 1,

*Ara que has acabat agafa el quadern i escriu una frase afirmativa, una negativa i una interrogativa de cada temps verbal. Utilitza el verb EAT. És a dir, una de cada de:

-present simple
-present continuous
-past simple
-past continuous
-to be + going to
-future simple (wil)
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2B & C Future and First Conditional

Hey guys! Just two more weeks and we're done!
But before summer holidays you have your last exam. Today we are going to practise a little bit in order to revise from Unit 1 to Unit 9 (most of today's exercises). Click HERE to start with it.

Remember the First Conditional!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If + Present Simple, Future (will/won't)

Corey and Julia, you can also do these First Conditional sentences. But before look at the following video.
When you have finished try with these Second and Third Conditional exercises HERE , HERE , HERE, HERE and HERE. Look at the examples first.

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1A & B Past Simple class

Today we are going to:

-review REGULAR and IRREGULAR verbs
-practise the Past Simple NEGATIVE

1. Form the Past of REGULAR verbs HERE.

2. Remember the spelling when we use -ed.

short verb - CVC ---- CVCC Stop - stopped

consonant + Y --- ied Try - tried
vowel + Y ---ed Play -played

Click HERE and HERE to practise.

3. Form the Past of IRREGULAR verbs. LIST of irregular verbs.

Click HERE and HERE (aquí també has de posar la 3ª columna)

Now, we are going to practise the Past Negative Form.

REMEMBER: Subject + DIDN'T + Verb (normal verb: Irreg: 1ª col / Reg: no -ed)

4. Change these regular verbs into the negative form:

a) I visited my grandparents
b) She played football
c) They washed the car
d) We watched the TV
e) You studied a lot.

5. Change these irregular verbs into the negative form:

a) I drank milk with Cola-Cao
b) She drove very fast
c) They went to the party
d) My cousin bought a new bike
e) The class began at 8:00.
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2 A & B Let's practise the FUTURE

Welcome again!

Today we're going to revise:
- unit 8 vocabulary ( not 2A)
-modal verb: must/musn't (not 2A)
- tow form of future: to be + going to and will
- reading comprehension: Food festivals


1. Revise unit 8 vocabulary (Places to go) HERE.

2. Practise the modal verb must (has de) HERE.

Remember we can form the Future with two structures:

-to be (is/are/am) + going to (She is going to buy a new computer)

-will (She will buy a new computer)

3. Practise the structure to be + going to HERE , HERE, HERE and HERE.

4. Practise the Future simple tense with WILL / WON'T HERE, HERE and HERE.

5. Read this text and answer the following questions on the NOTEBOOK:


Tomato festival
The tomato festival, or Tomatina, takes place every year in Buñol (Valencia) in Spain. It's in August. People come to the centre of town with thousands of tomatoes. They have a tomato figh.

Strawberry festival
In Florida in the USA, there's a strawberry festival each year. the festival is in March. There are parades, games and funfairs. People eat strawberries and celebrate the beginning of the strawberry season.

Cheese-rolling festival
In May the cheese-rolling festival takes place in Gloucester, a small town in England. At the festival, people push a large cheese down a hill. They run after the cheese and try to catch it. If you catch the cheese, you're the winner.

Eurochocolate festival
In October, the Eurochocolate Festival takes place in Perugia, in Italy. This a big festival for people who love chocolate. You can learn about chocolate and you can eat lots of chocolate too.

Exercises on the notebook (write the questions and answers):

A) In which four countries do the festivals take place?

B) Read the sentences and identify the festivals.

People run down a hill
There are parades and funfairs
It takes place in Italy
There's a fight with food
It takes place in Spain
It takes place in March
Texts by Oxford Spotlight 2.

C) Answer to the following questions:

1.In which part of the town does the Tomatina take place?
2.Why do people celebrate the Strawberry season?
3.Who is the winner in the Cheese-rolling festival?
4.What can you do with chocolate at the Eurochocolate festival?

6. If you finish you can practise more HERE (go to 2ESO and click on
Unit 8 - Extension)

here you have a big explanation of the Passive Voice in many verbal tenses. Read it carefully and then do the next exercises.

Theory: click HERE
Exercises: 1, 2, 3 and 4.

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1A Past simple

Avui continuarem repassant el Past Simple en afirmativa i aprendrem a fer la negativa.

Recorda que per fer el passat en anglès hi ha dos tipus de verbs:

-verbs REGULARS (acaben amb -ED)
-Verbs IRREGULARS (la 2ª columna de la plana 128 del llibre)

0. Per fer els següents exercicis has de tenir la llista de verbs de la plana 128 oberta.
Si no tens el llibre aquí, obri una altra finestra amb cyberies.blogspot.com i fes click
AQUÍ on trobaràs una llista.

Recorda que has de cercar el verb a la primera columna (perquè va per ordre alfabètic i és més fàcil trobar-ho) i quan el tenguis el passat és el verb que es troba a la segona columna.

1. En aquest exercicis trobaràs verbs REGULARS. El que has de fer és passar les frases a passat.
Has d'apuntar cada verb en passat al QUADERN. Pitja AQUÍ.

2. En canvi en aquest exercici hi ha verbs IRREGULARS. Per tant, abans de començar has de tenir la llista de verbs irregulars preparada.
Has d'apuntar cada verb en passat al QUADERN.
Pitja AQUÍ.

3. Ara aquí els mescalrem una mica. En aquest exercici trobaràs verbs regulars i irregulars. Has de continuar tenint la llista dels verbs irregulars preparada.
Has d'apuntar cada verb en passat al QUADERN. Pitja AQUÍ.

En acabar aquests tres m'has d'ensenyar el quadern.

Recorda que per dir no, per fer la negació utilitzarem la paraula didn't i després posarem el verb en infinitiu (sense - ED si és regular o posarem el verb de la 1ª columna si es irregular)

4. Fes la negativa de les següents frases al quadern.

a) She drank Coke
b) My father worked on Sunday
c) My best friend bought a new pair of shoes.
d) Jane did the homework.
e) They visited the Cathedral.
f) John wrote an email.
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