1A Arriben les Easter holidays!!!!!

Avui després de l'examen treballarem vocabulari sobre Pasqua (EASTER)

Easter vocabulary

1. Aprèn vocabulari sobre Pasqua (Easter) i sobre la Setmana Santa (Holy Week).

a)Copia al quadern aquestes dues noves paraules (Easter and Holy Week) com a títol.
b)Copia al quadern el vocabulari que trobaràs AQUÍ en anglès i castellà.

2. Continua aprenent sobre Easter. Llegeix el text que trobaràs al link de més abaix i:

a) contesta al teu quadern (en català) el que volen dir les següents expressions:

Easter bunny
Egg hunt
Egg rolling

b) Explica per què es relaciona el conill amb els ous de Pasqua.

Pots trobar el text AQUÍ.

3. A continuació trobaràs més Easter vocabulary:

a) Intenta adivinar quina paraula correspon al dibuix.
b)Quan acabis ves a Verifica i copia-ho al quadern (dibuix i paraula en anglès).

Troba el vocabulari AQUÍ.

4. Fes aquesta sopa de lletres sobre Easter vocabulary. Pitja AQUÍ.

5. Fes aquest puzzle sobre el Easter Bunny AQUÍ.

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2A Past Simple: negative & interrogative

Llegeix totes les frases i posa atenció al que heu de fer!!!!!!!

1. Read and COPY the theory on your notebook.

Com es forma una frase en PAST SIMPLE en NEGATIU?

Subjecte + DIDN'T (=DID + NOT) + Verb en infinitiu (regul: sense -ed /irregul: 1era columna)


Mary didn't study Maths.
We didn't sleep 2 hours.

Com es forma una frase en PAST SIMPLE en INTERROGATIVE?

DID + Subject + Verb en infinitiu (regular: sense -ed /irregular: 1era columna) ?


Did Mary study Maths?
Did we sleep 2 hours?

2. LOOK at this video and DO (fer) its 3 EXERCISES. (Trobaràs els exercicis als minuts 2.21, 2.46 i 3.26)

3. Practise:

-Past simple negative HERE
-Past simple interrogative HERE
-P.S affirmative, negative and interrogative HERE and HERE.

4. Look at the following text about Fernando Alonso. CHANGE all the verbs in past from affirmative to negative form in your NOTEBOOK.

RECORDA com es fa la negativa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Subject + DIDN'T + Verb en infinitiu*

*(sense -ED si és regular i si és irregular es posa el verb de la 1ª columna de la plana 128 del llibre de text o AQUÍ)

Evidentment si feim aquest canvi el text no té sentit però ho feim perquè practiqueu la negativa en passat.

Copia el text SENCER (amb els verbs en negativa) al QUADERN.

Fernando Alonso became the youngest ever Formula One champion at the age of just 24.
The Spaniard finished third behind Juan Pablo Montoya in the Brazilian Grand Prix, and there are two more races he won.
Kimi Raikkonen, Alonso's only rival to the title, finished second behind his McLaren team-mate Montoya.
Alonso was already the youngest driver to take pole position and the youngest to win a race.
After the race the driver said he was delighted with his victory.
"I am extremely happy and it is a very emotional day for me," explained Alonso.
"I come from a country with no tradition in Formula One and I fought alone basically because I didn´t have any help from anybody all throughout my career."
He also told he thought he had obtained the most he desired in his life and career.

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Illes Britàniques

Avui Aitor el que farem és conèixer una mica millor les Illes Britàniques.

A) Hauràs d'utilitzar el google.com i anar a "imatges".
B) Obri un document open office amb el títol "Illes Britàniques"

1. Cerca una foto d'un mapa de les Illes Britàniques (Gran Bretanya i Irlanda) i aferra-la al open office.

2. Cerca un foto només d'Irlanda.

3. Cerca una foto de Gran Bretanya (l'ílla gran)

4. Cerca una foto de només Anglaterra, una de Escòcia, una de Gal·les i una del Nord d'Irlanda. Per tant aquí has de trobar 4 imatges diferents.

5. Cerca una sola foto del Regne Unit. És a dir una foto on surti Anglaterra, Escòcia, Gal·les i Nord d'Irlanda. Aquí la resta d'Irlanda no ha de sortir.
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1A Reading class

Avui practicarem la comprensió lectora.

1. Read


Rachel is twelve years old and she's playing a computer game called SimCity. This is Rachel's description of Sun City, her ideal town...

The weather in Sun City is always sunny and warm. The temperature is always about 25 degrees centigrade.

In the centre of Sun City, there's a park. There's also a sports centre. It's opposite the park. There are some cafés and there are lots of shops too. There's a cinema but there isn´t a museum. There aren't any cars or buses in Sun City. people walk or use bikes.

The people in Sun City are very happy. They don´t work. They play football and basketball and they go swimming and do aerobics.

Sun City is a great place!

Text by Oxford Spotlight, 1.

2. Answer:

(en acabar ensenya'm les frases per corregir-les)

a) What's the weather like in Sun City?
b) Where's the sports centre?
c) Are there any shops?
d) Do people use buses?
e) Do people work in Sun City?
f) What sports do people do?

3. Translate the text.

Aquí tens paraules que et poden ajudar a traduir el text:

called: anomenat
always: sempre
degrees centigrade: graus centigrads
also: també
some: alguns
too: també
great place: lloc fantàstic

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2 B & C

Llegeix atentament! Avui el que heu de fer és acabar l'entrada de l'altra dia. Llegeix aquesta nota d'aquí abaix sobre el proper examen i llavors ves abaix de l'entrada per saber què has de fer avui.

IMPORTANT 2B !!!!! El proper dilluns que ve farem l'examen de la UNIT 5. Recorda que entrarà: Vocabulary, Grammar, Reading, Writing, Listening.

Vocabulari del desdoble que heu de saber!!!!!:

motorway: autopista, runway: pista (d'aeroport), helipad: pista d'aterratge d'un helicòpter,
taxi rank: aturada de taxis, platform: andana (de tren o metro), tracks: vies (de tren. metro o tramvía), clerk, desk, flight, ticket, there you go, luggage, luggage to check, suitcases, conveyor belt, sure, I don´t think, window seat, aisle seat, luggage tags, boarding card, seat, boarding time, gate 15, have a good flight.

IMPORTANT 2C !!!!! Aquest divendres i dimarts que ve farem l'examen de la UNIT 5.
Apunta bé el que entra cada dia:

Divendres: Dialogue, Reading and Listening or Dictation.
Dimarts: Grammar, Writing, Translation and Vocabulary (a més a més del vocabulari del llibre entrarà el que heu treballat als dos darrers desdobles sobre transports, el tornaré a posar aquí abaix perquè sapigueu el que entra exactament).

Vocabulari del desdoble que heu de saber!!!!!:

motorway: autopista, runway: pista (d'aeroport), helipad: pista d'aterratge d'un helicòpter,
taxi rank: aturada de taxis, platform: andana (de tren o metro), tracks: vies (de tren. metro o tramvía), clerk, desk, flight, ticket, there you go, luggage, luggage to check, suitcases, conveyor belt, sure, I don´t think, window seat, aisle seat, luggage tags, boarding card, seat, boarding time, gate 15, have a good flight.

2B Segueix les passes que has de fer per fer la FEINA D'AVUI:

a) Llegir el diàleg que trobareu AQUÍ.
b) Juntar-vos en parelles per crear un nou diàleg
c) Agafar el diàleg que heu acabat de llegir i canviar per la informació que jo us dono (la trobareu davall la foto del ca professor amb una pissarra). Ho podeu trobar AQUÍ
d) En acabar enseyar al professor/a per corregir-ho
e) Practicar el diàleg en veu alta per practicar el speaking.
f) Si ja has acabat visita la següent plana i fer l'exercici color verd. pitja AQUÍ.
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2A Reading & Writing class

Avui el que farem serà practicar la comprensió i expressió lectora.

Aquí tenim la redacció que havíeu de fer al desdoble passat. Agafau les vostres redaccions i feis aquestes activitats al quadern:

A) copara aquest text amb el vostre
B) copia aquesta redacció al teu quadern, davall la redacció que tu vares escriure
C) tradueix aquesta redacció
D) en acabar ens ho has d'entregar

Pierre Montesquieu was a French painter and sculptor. He was born in Lyon in France on the April 25th, 1901. He painted 127 paintings and made 68 sculptures. Pierre studied at the University of Sorbonne in Paris.

In the First World War he wasn't a soldier and he stayed in Lyon. He married his girlfriend Marie in 1931. Then, he moved to Casablanca (Morocco) to work at the University of Casablanca. At the university he worked as a teacher. Pierre lived with his wife and two daughters.

He painted his famous painting Le fleur in 1952. After the Second World War Pierre moved to Lyon.

On May 2nd, 1989 he died in Lyon.

2. Read

Madame Tussaud Museum

Madame Tussaud was born in France in 1761. She wasn't from a rich family, but she became a successful businesswomam. She made was models of politicians and other important people. In 1802, she came to the UK with an exhibition of her wax models.

In 1835, Madame Tussaud opened a permanent exhibition in London. She died in 1850, but her exhibition is still very popular. Two and a half million people visit it every year. There are Madame Tussaud exhibitions in other cities too - Las Vegas, New York, Amsterdam and Hong Kong.

The exhibitions have wax models of famous people from the present and the past. There are actors, politicians, kings, queens and pop stars.
Text by Oxford Spotlight, 2.

3. Are these sentences true or false? CORRECT the FALSE sentences.
Do it on an OPEN OFFICE document.

a) Madame Tussaud was born in 1761.
b) She was from a rich family.
c) She came to the United Kingdom in 1820.
d) She opened an exhibition in London in 1835.
e) She was 70 years old when she died.
f) There are Madame Tussaud exhibitions in the USA.
Question by Oxford Spotlight, 2.

4. Write the name of the country of these cities. If you doubt check in internet.

Las Vegas:.....................................
New York:.....................................
Hong Kong:...................................

5. GAME: practise irregular verbs with this MEMORY GAME
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1B Revision and Writing class

Ja ens trobam a la Unit 5 però podem deixar de repassar el que hem estat treballant. Avui el que farem és repassar el Present Simple i el Present Continu que teniu molt més fresc.

1. Remember Present Simple.




I drink
You drink

He drinks
She drink
It drink

We drink
You drink
They drink

I don't drink
You don't drink

doesn't drink
doesn't drink
doesn't drink

We don't drink
You don't drink
They don't drink

Do I drink?
Do you drink?

Does he drink?
Does she drink?
Does it drink?

Do we drink?
Do you drink?
Do they drink?

2. Complete these sentences in Present Simple on your notebook.

a) Michael....................................(go) swimming on Mondays and Wednesdays.
b) They........................................(study) Maths.
c) We............................................(not come) to the party.
d) My cousin................................(not drink) Cola-Cao
e) ........................your dog.......................(eat) bones?
f) ........................ Jason and Mary.........................(sleep) at their grandparents' house?

3. Remember Present Continuous.

Positive Negative Question
  • I am speaking.
  • You are speaking.
  • We are speaking.
  • They are speaking.
  • He is speaking.
  • She is speaking.
  • It is speaking.
  • I am not speaking.
  • You are not speaking.
  • We are not speaking.
  • They are not speaking.
  • He is not speaking.
  • She is not speaking.
  • It is not speaking.
  • Am I speaking?
  • Are you speaking?
  • Are we speaking?
  • Are they speaking?
  • Is he speaking?
  • Is she speaking?
  • Is it speaking?

4. Complete these sentences inPresent Continuous on your notebook.

a) We..............................................(do) our homework.
b) John...........................................(sleep) at this moment.
c) My parents........................................(not watch) the TV.
d) My best friend...................................(not travel) to Ireland.
e) ..........................they............................(study) for the exam?
f) ..........................your sister............................(go) to Madrid?

5. Look at this video to revise There is / There are.

6. Practise There is / There are HERE for affirmative, HERE for negative, HERE for interrogative and HERE all together.

7. Posa en pràctica aquests tres punts. Tradueix el següent text i entrega-ho a la professora.

El meu nom és Laura i tenc 13 anys. Jo visc a Consell i tenc una germana i un germà. M'agrada nadar i la pizza. Jo vaig a natació els dilluns i dimecres. Jo estudio al IES Marratxí. La meva assignatura preferida és Ciències Naturals.
La meva cosina Margalida té 14 anys. Ella viu a Binissalem. A na Margalida no li agrada la natació, ella juga a volei. Ella estudia al IES Binissalem. La seva assignatura preferida és Educació Física.
Ara, estic escoltant música a la meva habitació. La meva germana està fent els deures al menjador i el meu germà no està estudiant, ell està jugant a bàsquet.
A la meva habitació hi ha dos llits perquè la meva germana dorm amb jo i una fiestra. Però a la meva habitació no hi ha dos escriptoris i no hi ha un ordenador. Nosaltres esteim estudiant al menjador perquè és gran.

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1A There is / There are

Avui a classe aprendrem a dir HI HA.

1. Llegeix atentament!

Hi ha dues formes de dir "hi ha" segons parlem en singular o plural. Llegeix i copia al quadern el següent.

- si hem de parlar en singular i dir que a qualque banda HI HA una cosa o persona posarem THERE IS.
Per dir que NO HI HA: There isn't
Exemple: Hi ha un boli - There is a pen
Exemple: No hi ha un boli - There isn't a pen

- si hem de parlar en plural i dir que a qualque banda HI HA més d'una cosa o persona posarem THERE ARE.
Per dir que NO HI HA: There aren't
Exemple: Hi ha deu bolis -There are ten pens.
Exemple: No hi ha deu bolia - There aren't ten pens.

2. Mira aquest vídeo per tenir-ho més clar.

3. En aquesta plana copia les frases dels dibuixos que trobaràs, en anglès i castellà (hi ha 9 dibuixos). Pitja AQUÍ.

4. Practica l'afirmativa AQUÍ i la negativa AQUÍ. Copia les tres primeres frases de cada exercici al quadern!

5. Ara practicaràs en aquesta plana web.

Com ho has de fer: Miraràs la imatge primer i llavors has d'escriure There is o There are i la paraula que et surt.

Pitja AQUÍ i fes la segona part de Práctica que la trobaràs després dela segona vegada que surt la següent imatge:


a) Copiar la teoria de l'exercici 1
b) Mirar atentament el vídeo de l'exercici 2
c) Les 18 frase (que pertanyen als 9 dibuixos) de l'exercici 3
d) Fer l'exercici 4 al ordinador i copiar les 6 frases en total.
e) Totes les frases de la Práctica de l'exercici 5.

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Avui el que treballarem seran els diferent medis de transport (Means of transport en anglès)

1. Copia el títol i els diferent tipus de transport:


car: cotxe
camió: lorry
tren: train
tranvia: tram
bicicleta: bicycle
moto: motorbike
motocicleta: moped
metro: underground
autobús: bus
avió: plane
helicòpter: helicopter
boat: barca
ship: vaixell
submarine: submarí

2. Practica aquests mitjans de transport AQUÍ i AQUÍ, copia les paraules d'aquests exercicis al quadern.

3. Cerca en aquesta sopa de lletres 14 tipus de transport. Pitja AQUÍ.
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2B & C Vocabulary: Means of transport

En aquest desdoble el que farem serà repassar vocabulari sobre Means of transport i practicar el speaking.

Aquesta entrada d'avui és pel desdoble d'avui i del proper dimarts.
Avui heu de treballar fins a l'exercici 3, aquest s'ha d'acabar avui.
Si algú acaba abans pot començar el 4.

PLEASE READ all the instructions!!!!!

Today we will work on this webpage, BUT before clicking on the link read the instructions!!!!!!!!!!

1. a) Go to that link and copy on YOUR NOTEBOOK (with a nice Means of transport title!) all kind of modes of transport.

b) Then, on the right of the word write the translation in Catalan. (HERE you have a dictionary)

(Copia ben clar tot el que has de copiar avui, sino ho hauràs de repetir...)

2. Now, copy and translate on YOUR NOTEBOOK the vocabulary for each means of transport from the section How do you get there?

Aquí trobaras expressions que pots utilitzar en cada tipus de transport.
Copia-ho ben ordenat!! Primer el transport i a la dreta o abaix les expressions que pots utilitzar amb aquest I les tradueixes.

Aquí tens paraules que tal vegada no conèixes:

motorway: autopista
runway: pista (d'aeroport)
helipad: pista d'aterratge d'un helicòpter
taxi rank: aturada de taxis
platform: andana (de tren o metro)
tracks: vies (de tren. metro o tramvía)

3. Go to the Dialogue section: "Mr Smith is checking in at the airport" (Check in = facturar)

a) Read the dialogue

b) Guess the meaning (adivina el significat) of these words:

clerk, desk, flight, ticket, there you go, luggage, luggage to check, suitcases, conveyor belt, sure, I don´t think, window seat, aisle seat, luggage tags, boarding card, seat, boarding time, gate 15, have a good flight.

c) Look these words up in the dictionary. HERE you have one. Write the translation of the words from the exercise 3b in your notebook.

4. Choose a partner to create and write a new dialogue similar to the one you just read. Each member has to write it on his/her notebook.

Next class you will have to represent it!!!!!!Practise the speaking today!
Ask for help!

Use this information:

Mr ...... (one of your names)
Flight: AA 245
You want a: aisle seat
Seat: 12C
Boarding in: 45 minutes
Gate: 7

5. After writing your dialogue and practise speaking show it to me!!!

After this, you can play with these games: Click HERE, HERE , HERE and HERE.
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2 A

Com ja varem quedar dimarts passat avui heu de crear una redacció (composition) utilitzant la informació que us donaré i seguint l'exemple del texte de Robert Graves (escriptor anglès que va viure a Deià on hi morí fa vint-i-cinc anys).

Recordau que l'heu de fer i entregar en un full apart avui a classe.

1. Read the following text:

Robert Graves was an English writer. He was born in Wimbledon (London) in England in 1895. He was a writer. He wrote novels, poems and biographies. Robert Graves studied at the University of Oxford.

In the First World War he was a soldier and he was hurt. He married Nancy Nicholson in 1918. Then, he moved to Cairo (Egypt) to work at the University of Cairo. At the university he worked as a teacher. In 1929 Robert and a friend lived in Deià (Mallorca) but with the Civil War they left the island and went away.

He wrote his famous novel I, Claudius in 1934. In 1939, he moved to England and started a new relationship with a lady called Beryl Hodge. After the Second World War in 1946 Graves came to Mallorca. He lived in Deià again. He married his girlfriend here in 1950.

On December 7th, 1985 Robert Graves died in his house in Mallorca. If you want you can visit his house "Ca n'Alluny" in Deià.

Now, you can visit the house HERE.

* First World War: 1ª guerra mundial
*Civil War: Guerra Civil
*Second World War: 2ª guerra mundial

2. Aquí teniu la informació d'un altre personatge (aquesta vegada inventat). Heu d'escriure la seva biografia seguint el text de Robert Graves per entregar. Pensau en escriure el nom!

Lyon in France

Name: Pierre Montesquieu
Job: Painter ans sculptor

Born: Lyon (France)
Born: April 25th, 1901
Painted: 127 painting
Made: 68 sculptures
Studies: University of Sorbonne in Paris.
First World War: not to war / stayed in Lyon
Married: his girlfriend Marie in 1931
Moved to: Morocco
In Morocco: teacher at Casablanca University
Lived with: wife and two daughters
Famous painting: Le fleur in 1952
After Second World War: moved to Lyon
Died: May 2nd, 1989 in Lyon

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2 B & C Reading: Madame Tussaud

1. Read

Madame Tussaud Museum

Madame Tussaud was born in France in 1761. She wasn't from a rich family, but she became a successful businesswomam. She made was models of politicians and other important people. In 1802, she came to the UK with an exhibition of her wax models.

In 1835, Madame Tussaud opened a permanent exhibition in London. She died in 1850, but her exhibition is still very popular. Two and a half million people visit it every year. There are Madame Tussaud exhibitions in other cities too - Las Vegas, New York, Amsterdam and Hong Kong.

The exhibitions have wax models of famous people from the present and the past. There are actors, politicians, kings, queens and pop stars.
Text by Oxford Spotlight, 2.

2. Are these sentences true or false? Correct the false sentences.
Do it on an OPEN OFFICE document.

a) Madame Tussaud eas born in 1761.
b) She was from a rich family.
c) She came to the United Kingdom in 1820.
d) She opened an exhibition in London in 1835.
e) She was 70 years old when she died.
f) There are Madame Tussaud exhibitions in the USA.
Question by Oxford Spotlight, 2.

3. Write the name of the country of these cities. If you doubt check in internet.

Las Vegas:.....................................
New York:.....................................
Hong Kong:...................................

4. Find in internet the meaing of these words. (You have a dictionary HERE)
Do it on YOUR NOTEBOOK, not open office document.


5. REVISE Unit 1, 2, 3 and 4: Verb To Be, Have got, Present Simple and Continuous and Past Simple.
Do it on YOUR NOTEBOOK, we will correct it next Monday.

You are going to work on Mª de Bonany's blog. Do the green exercise. Click HERE.

: practise irregular verbs with this MEMORY GAME

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2A Past Simple Affirmative

A la classe d'avui practicarem el Past Simple en afirmativa.

Remember how to form the PAST SIMPLE.


El passat simple es forma amb verbs Regulars i verbs Irregulars.

Els verbs REGULARS són els que acaben amb -ED

watch - watchED

1. Practise regular verbs by click HERE and HERE.

Els verbs IRREGULARS són els de la llista. El passat són els de la 2ª columna de la plana 128 del vostre Student's book.

2. Open your book and with the verbs list complete the following Irregular verbs by clicking HERE. Si no teniu el llibre trobareu una llista de verbs irregulars AQUÍ.

3. Practise REGULAR and IRREGULAR verbs HERE and HERE.

Complete with the PAST SIMPLE tense in affirmative. Then, translate the sentences. Do in on your NOTEBOOK.

-We ................(go) to Madrid. Translation:.................................
-I.....................(watch) at the TV. T:.................................................
-They.........................(leave) the house. T:.................................................
-My sister..................(listen) o the radio. T:.................................................
-He.............................(live) in Inca. T:.................................................
-My friends...............(study) Maths. T:.................................................
-My cat......................(die). T:................................................
- My dad ...................(write) an e-mail. T:................................................

5. Look at the following text about Shakira.

El que primer has de fer és agafar el quadern i dibuixar dues columnes ben separades. A una columna escriuràs els verbs regulars en passat que trobis i a l'altra columna escriuràs els verbs irregulars. A la dreta de cada un posaràs el seu infinitiu.

Verbs regulars : watched - watch
Verbs irregulars: ate - eat

Shakira is perhaps the most recognizable voice in Latin pop/rock today. When she was only 8 years old, she dedicated her first song called "Tus gafas oscuras", to her father. Two years later, she won a local and national talent contests. By 13, she had signed a record deal with Sony in Colombia, which resulted in her first album, "Magia (Magic)", a compilation of songs she wrote between 8 and 13 years old.
She was chosen to represent her country at the Festival OTI in Spain. But she was under the minimum age of 16 and she could not participate. So instead, Shakira recorded her second album "Peligro (Danger)". At that point, Shakira took a break from music graduated from high school (at age 15-really) and came back to the staged. The result was the phenomenally successful "Pies Descalzos" which sold more than four million copies worldwide.
In addition, this determined girl wanted to try her luck as an actress in "Oasis", a soap opera, but her music was her life instead of TV. Then she began to be very popular: the Colombian government designated Shakira as an official goodwill ambassador.
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1A Writing class

Avui continuarem repassant el Present Continu breument i llavors seguirem practicant l'expressió escrita redactant un altre e-mail.

1. Completa aquestes frases en Present Continu en el teu quadern.

Recorda! --> is/are/am + Verb (-ing)

a) She...............................(watch) a film.
b) Peter...........................(sleep) on the sofa.
c) We ...............................(buy) a new book.
d) They............................(read) a magazine.
e) Anne............................(change) clothes.
f) I....................................(run) very fast.

2. Aquí tens el email de l'altre dia. Avui el que has de fer es traduïr-ho al quadern.


My name's Sharon. I live in Bangor (Wales, UK). I live here with my parents, my brother and my sister.
It's half past eleven and it is sunny and cold today. What is the weather like there?
At the moment I'm sitting in my bedroom and I'm listening to music. My favourite singer is Shakira. Do you like her?
My favourite sport is swimming. I go swimming on Mondays and Wednesdays.
My mum is calling me. I'm going to the supermarket.
Goodbye from Wales!


3. Ara has d'escriure un email amb la següent informació. Pots utilitzar l'email de l'altre dia perquè et serveixi de guia.

Name: Anne
Place: Liverpool (United Kingdom)
People: mother, aunt, uncle and my two cousins
Hour: a quarter to one
Weather: cloudy and warm
Room: living-room
Listening: Lady Gaga
Singer: Beyoncé
Sport: basketball
Days: Tuesday and Thursday
Calling: cousin
Going: swimming-pool
Goodbye: Liverpool

4. COPY this map of UK (United Kingdom).

Fixa't on està Liverpool, escriu el seu nom al lloc corresponent sobre el mapa.

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2 C & B Past Simple: neg & int

ATENCIÓ 2B!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Els deures que vaig mandar ahir a classe i l'examen de la segona meitat de verbs irregulars són per aquest pròxim dilluns dia 8. Ahir me vaig confondre i pensava que aquest dilluns era dia 15 però és 8.

Llegeix totes les frases i posa atenció al que heu de fer!!!!!!!

I hope you had a nice time last week skiing or here at home!

Today you are going to learn how to form:

-the Past Simple in the NEGATIVE form
-the Past Simple in the INTERROGATIVE form

Read and COPY the theory on your notebook.

Com es forma una frase en PAST SIMPLE en NEGATIU?

Subjecte + DIDN'T (=DID + NOT) + Verb en infinitiu (regul: sense -ed /irregul: 1era columna)


Mary didn't study Maths.
We didn't sleep 2 hours.

Com es forma una frase en PAST SIMPLE en INTERROGATIVE?

DID + Subject + Verb en infinitiu (regular: sense -ed /irregular: 1era columna) ?


Did Mary study Maths?
Did we sleep 2 hours?

2. LOOK at this video and DO its 3 EXERCISES. (Trobaràs els exercicis als minuts 2.21, 2.46 i 3.26)

3. Practise:

-Past simple negative HERE
-Past simple interrogative HERE
-P.S affirmative, negative and interrogative HERE and HERE.

4. Look at the following text about Fernando Alonso. CHANGE all the verbs in past from affirmative to negative form in your NOTEBOOK.

RECORDA com es fa la negativa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Subject + DIDN'T + Verb en infinitiu*

*(sense -ED si és regular i si és irregular es posa el verb de la 1ª columna de la plana 128 del llibre de text)

Fernando Alonso became the youngest ever Formula One champion at the age of just 24.
The Spaniard finished third behind Juan Pablo Montoya in the Brazilian Grand Prix, and there are two more races he won.
Kimi Raikkonen, Alonso's only rival to the title, finished second behind his McLaren team-mate Montoya.
Alonso was already the youngest driver to take pole position and the youngest to win a race.
After the race the driver said he was delighted with his victory.
"I am extremely happy and it is a very emotional day for me," explained Alonso.
"I come from a country with no tradition in Formula One and I fought alone basically because I didn´t have any help from anybody all throughout my career."
He also told he thought he had obtained the most he desired in his life and career.

Ivan i Jaume, feis els exercicis 3 a) i 3 c) (del 3c) fes una llista copiant en català i anglès els esports dels dibuixos que surten) a la plana que trobaràs AQUÍ.
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