1F Let's revise for your exam.

A la classe d'avui repassarem el que entrarà a l'examen de la setmana que ve.
Anirem al blog del departament de
llengües estrangeres del IES Ramon Llull per treballar.

Go to the next web, click

Ara segueix les següents passes per fer els exercicis.

1. Ves a 1st ESO i fes un click a Extension / Extra help de la unitat 5.

2. Ves a There is / there are i fes els exercicis five pens i yes... / no...

3. Ves a Giving directions i fes els exercicis to the post office? i this is where. Copia-ho al quadern.

4. Ves als Imperatius i fes l'exercici de Signals.

5. Ves a Places i fes els exercicis Places in town i Where is the...?

6. Ves a Prepositions i fes els exercicis Where are the objects? i Where is the mouse?

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1A: The weather and Present Continuous

Bones! Avui repassereu vocabulari sobre el temps que fa i el Present Continuous (el que férem ahir a classe amb els vostres companys a la pissarra)

LLEGEIX el que has de fer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1. Mira AQUEST VIDEO per repassar el "weather vocabulary" (el vocabulari del temps) .

2.Mira la següent foto i contesta la pregunta "WHAT IS THE WEATHER LIKE in...?" (Quin temps fa a...?).

Escriu les frases al teu quadern.

What is the weather like in...?

Recorda! : North= nord i South: sud

a)North of Ireland?
b)Centre of Ireland?
c)South of Ireland?

3.Ara ves a AQUEST enllaç per millorar el teu "weather vocabulary".
Quan acabis ensenya-ho a la professora!

4. Ara, has de practicar el Present Continuous.

a) Llegeix i recorda com es fa el P.Continuous.

to be (am, are, is) + infinitive + -ing

I am playing volleyball.
He/she/it is playing volleyball.
We/you/they are playing volleyball.

b) Ara has de fer els següents exercicis.

-First exercise.
Quan acabis ensenya-ho a la professora!

-Second exercise
Quan acabis ensenya-ho a la professora!

5. Si ja has acabat tota la feina pots fer una sopa de lletres sobre el vocabulari d'aquest tema. Segueix les passes per saber arribar a la sopa de lletres!!!!

a) Ves a AQUESTA plana web.

Una vegada en aquesta web...

b) Ves un poc abaix i pitja "1st ESO"

c) Pitja a "UNIT 4"

d) Pitja el dibuix de l'esquerra.

e) Tria el primer nivell, és a dir, el primer quadret petit.

f) Ànims amb la sopa de lletres, i fixa't com s'escriuen les paraules!
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Past simple: negative and interrogative.

Welcome to our Thursday computer class!

Today we are going to work on the Past Simple tense, you will learn how to form it before practising it.


1. Read and COPY the theory.

Com es forma una frase en passat simple en negatiu?

Subjecte + DIDN'T (=DID + NOT) Verb (regular: sense -ed /irregular: 1era columna)


Mary didn't study Maths.
We didn't sleep 2 hours.

Com es forma una frase en passat simple en interrogativa?

DID + Subject + Verb (regular: sense -ed /irregular: 1era columna)


Did Mary study Maths?
Did we sleep 2 hours?

2. Look and pay attention to the next video.

3. Go to THIS LINK and:

a) Read all the page until you find the video (llegeix tota la plana)

b) COPY the first chart. (Copia el primer requadre davall on posa "Regla general", el que comença amb Yesterday-Ayer)

c) Do exercise 1.

d) Do exercise 2.

e) Do exercise 3.

f) Do exercise 4.
and translate the sentences in your notebook.

4. Click HERE to complete a text about Fernando Alonso. Use the Past Simple tense!

5. Press HERE and HERE to practise some regular and irregular verbs.
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There is / There are & Prepositions

Please read the instructions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1. In the next web page you have to:

a) Read ALL (tota) the page.
(Pay attention to the affirmative, negative and interrogative forms)

Scroll down (ves abaix de la plana web) and do the Online Exercises. (Després d'acabar cada un avisa'm!)

Click HERE to start!

2. Learn prepositions!

a) LOOK at the picture and COPY in your notebook.

c) TRANSLATE the following sentences:

- El llibre està davall el llit.
- La pilota està darrera la cadira.
- El rellotge està damunt la taula.
- El quadern està dins la motxila.
- La cadira està davora el sofà.
- La tenda està davant l'escola.

3.Look at the following picture and WRITE 10 things with There is or There are using a preposition.

Example: THERE IS a computer ON the desk.


4. Learn town and street vocabulary.

a)Pay attention to the next video.

b)Go to THIS LINK and...

- READ the street vocabulary.

- Go at the bottom of the page (al final de la plana) and do the Online Exerrcises Test 1, Test 2 and Test 3. (don´t do test 4).
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Learning the past: Irregular and regular verbs

In this class you are going to practise regular and irregular verbs. Remember you have to use them to form the Past simple affirmative.

Watch out!

Regular verbs: -ed (Example: play, played)

Irregular verbs: -ed (Example: eat, ate)

You can find the list of irregular verbs at the end of your book!
The first column has the verbs in Infinitive and the second column has the verbs in past.

1. In this exercise we are going to practise how to form the past of regular verbs.

Remember, if a verb ends with...:

-CVC (and the verb is short) you add another consonant at the end. BUT NOT if they finish with W or Y.
CVC -- CVCC Example: Stop -- stopped

- e + d Exemple: Dance -- danced

- y

a) a, o, e + y + ed Example: Play -- played

b) l, r, d + i + ed Example: Try -- tried


Exercise 1
When you have finished show it to the teacher.

Exercise 2
When you have finished show it to the teacher.

2. In the following exercise you will find (trobaràs) a crossword (un mots encreuats) about irregular verbs.

Translate the verbs you will find at the bottom of the crossword and write them on your notebook.

b) Take the list of irregular verbs and write the verbs in past in the correct blank.
You have a list HERE.

Click HERE to start.
When you have finished show it to the teacher.

Go to this link and watch the video to practise irregular verbs.
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