1 F: Friday 29th

Avui treballarem el passat en afirmativa, negativa i interrogativa.

1. Remember how to form the PAST SIMPLE.


El passat simple es forma amb verbs Regulars i verbs Irregulars.

Els verbs regulars són els que acaben amb -ED

watch - watchED

2. Practise the Past Simple tense with regular verbs. Click HERE

Els verbs irregulars són els de la llista. El passat són els de la 2ª columna de la plana 128 del Student's book.

3. Practise the Past Simple tense with irregular and regular verbs.

3.1 Practica el Present Simple en afirmativa (torna a recordar: regulars (-ed) i irregulars (2ª col. plana 128)

HERE for affirmative sentences.

3.2 Practica el Present simple en NEGATIVA.

Recorda!: Subject + DIDN'T + Verb (sense -ed i si el verb és irregular es posa el verb de la 1ª columna)

HERE for negative sentences.

3.3 Practica el Present simple en INTERROGATIVA.

DID + Subject + Verb (sense -ed i si és irregular 1ª columna)

HERE for interrogative sentences.

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Practise First Conditional

In this lesson we are going to practise first conditional and finish the Webquest about Australia.

Remember how to form the Simple Future:

Affirmative: Subject + WILL + Verb
Negative: Subject + WON'T+ Verb
Interrogative: WILL + Subject + Verb?

1. Revise the Future affirmative and negative HERE and the interrogative HERE.

How to form the First Conditional:

If + Present simple, Future (WILL)

If it rains today, I'll stay at home.
Si avui plou, me quedaré a casa.

If I have time, I'll visit my parents this afternoon.

Si tenc temps, visitaré als meus pares avui horabaixa.

(Or I'll visit my parents this afternoon If I have time)

2. Practise HERE and HERE

3. In this exercise you have to put the words in order to make a First Conditional.

4. WEBQUEST: Now you can finish the questions about Australia.

OPTIONAL (només per qui domina molt l'anglès): Learn the Second and Third Conditional

Second Conditional

If + Past simple, Conditional (WOULD)
If I won the lottery, I would travel to Hawaii.
Si jo guanyés la loteria, viatjaria a Hawai.

Practise exercise 1 and exercise 2.

Third Conditional

Look at this animation!

If + Past perfect, WOULD HAVE + Past participle
If I had known it was a secret, I wouldn´t have explained it.
Si jo hagués sabut que era un secret, no ho hauria explicat.

Practise exercise 1 and exercise 2.
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1 A: Tuesday, 2nd of June


Per fer el passat hem de saber que hi ha dues classes de verbs:

Verbs REGULARS: acaben amb -ED (listen - listened)

Verbs IRREGULARS: són els de la 2ª columna de la plana 128 del vostre llibre de text.

1. Practica el passat dels verbs regulars.

Recorda que:

si un verb ja acaba en -e, només li afegiràs la -d (Exemple: die - died)

si acaba amb CONSONANT + Y, la Y canvia a i (Exemple: study - studies)

Practica els verbs regulars completant aquest exercici.

2. Agafa el quadern, converteix els següents
verbs regulars en passat i copia el seu significat en català: (NO PERDIS AQUESTA FEINA QUE LA NECESSITARÀS PER ESTUDIAR!!!!)

Recroda que els hi passa als verbs que acaben:
en Consonant + Y,
i als que acaben en cosonant + vocal + consonant.

visit (visitar), cook (cuinar), wash (rentar), look (mirar), listen (escoltar), watch (mirar), live (viure), hurry (tenir pressa), die (morir), study (estudiar), stop (aturar), chat (xerrar), finish (acabar), play (jugar), like (agradar), rain (ploure).

3. Agafa el llibre de text i ves a la plana 128. Fes tres columnes en el teu quadern i escriu el passat dels següents verbs i la seva traducció. Si no saps com es diuen en català ho pots mirar en aquest diccionari.

1.Verbs en infinitiu 2. verbs en passat 3.Traducció


4. A l'examen de dilluns posaré exercicis semblants als següents. Copia al quadern i completa'ls.

Completa en passat i tradueix (translation) en català:

-We ................(go) to Madrid. Translation:.................................
-I.....................(watch) at the TV. T:.................................................
-They.........................(leave) the house. T:.................................................
-My sister..................(listen) o the radio. T:.................................................
-He.............................(live) in Inca. T:.................................................
-My friends...............(study) Maths. T:.................................................
-My cat......................(die). T:................................................
- My dad ...................(write) an e-mail. T:................................................

5. Quan acabis avisa'm i faràs una sopa de lletres de les parts de la casa.
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1 G: Tuesday 26th

Welcome to our Tuesday computer lab classes.

It is VERY IMPORTANT you read the instructions!!!!!!!!!!

1. Did you finish the text about Shakira?

Si l'altre dia no vares acabar el text de Shakira, fes-ho ara. Recorda que havies de posar en una columna els verbs regulars (els que acaben en -ED) i en una altra columna els verbs irregulars (els de la 2ª columna de la plana 128 del llibre de text). Llavors de cada un has d'escriure el infinitiu. El pots trobar més avall.

2. Look at the following text about Fernando Alonso. CHANGE all the verbs from affirmative to negative form in your notebook.

RECORDA com es fa la negativa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Subject + DIDN'T + Verb en infinitiu*

*(sense -ED si és regular i si és irregular es posa el verb de la 1ª columna de la plana 128 del llibre de text)

Fernando Alonso became the youngest ever Formula One champion at the age of just 24.
The Spaniard finished third behind Juan Pablo Montoya in the Brazilian Grand Prix, and there are two more races he won.
Kimi Raikkonen, Alonso's only rival to the title, finished second behind his McLaren team-mate Montoya.
Alonso was already the youngest driver to take pole position and the youngest to win a race.
After the race the driver said he was delighted with his victory.
"I am extremely happy and it is a very emotional day for me," explained Alonso.
"I come from a country with no tradition in Formula One and I fought alone basically because I didn´t have any help from anybody all throughout my career.
He also told he thought he had obtained the most he desired in his life and career.

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1 F & G Splitting class for Tuesday 19th.

A la classe d'avui practicarem el Past Simple en afirmativa.

Remember how to form the PAST SIMPLE.


El passat simple es forma amb verbs Regulars i verbs Irregulars.

Els verbs regulars són els que acaben amb -ED

watch - watchED

1. Practise regular verbs by click HERE.

Els verbs irregulars són els de la llista. El passat són els de la 2ª columna.

2. Open your book and with the verbs list complete the following Irregular verbs by clicking HERE.

3. Look at the following text about Shakira.

El que primer has de fer és agafar el quadern i dibuixar dues columnes ben separades. A una columna escriuràs els verbs regulars en passat que trobis i a l'altra columna escriuràs els verbs irregulars. A la dreta de cada un posaràs el seu infinitiu.

Verbs regulars : watched - watch
Verbs irregulars: ate - eat

Shakira is perhaps the most recognizable voice in Latin pop/rock today. When she was only 8 years old, she dedicated her first song called "Tus gafas oscuras", to her father. Two years later, she won a local and national talent contests. By 13, she had signed a record deal with Sony in Colombia, which resulted in her first album, "Magia (Magic)", a compilation of songs she wrote between 8 and 13 years old.
She was chosen to represent her country at the Festival OTI in Spain. But she was under the minimum age of 16 and she could not participate. So instead, Shakira recorded her second album "Peligro (Danger)". At that point, Shakira took a break from music graduated from high school (at age 15-really) and came back to the staged. The result was the phenomenally successful "Pies Descalzos" which sold more than four million copies worldwide.
In addition, this determined girl wanted to try her luck as an actress in "Oasis", a soap opera, but her music was her life instead of TV. Then she began to be very popular: the Colombian government designated Shakira as an official goodwill ambassador.

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Revise the Present and Past tenses

In this class we are going to practise the Present Simple and Present Continuous tenses.

1. Remember
how to form the PRESENT SIMPLE.




I drink
You drink

He drinks
She drink
It drink

We drink
You drink
They drink

I don't drink
You don't drink

doesn't drink
doesn't drink
doesn't drink

We don't drink
You don't drink
They don't drink

Do I drink?
Do you drink?

Does he drink?
Does she drink?
Does it drink?

Do we drink?
Do you drink?
Do they drink?

2. Practise the Present Simple affirmative AQUÍ i AQUÍ.

3. Practise the Present Simple negative AQUÍ i AQUÍ.

4. Practise the Present Simple Interrogative HERE and HERE.


Where: a on? When: quan? Who: qui?
What: quin? How: com? Which: quin?

5. Remember how to form the PRESENT CONTINUOUS.

Positive Negative Question
  • I am speaking.
  • You are speaking.
  • We are speaking.
  • They are speaking.
  • He is speaking.
  • She is speaking.
  • It is speaking.
  • I am not speaking.
  • You are not speaking.
  • We are not speaking.
  • They are not speaking.
  • He is not speaking.
  • She is not speaking.
  • It is not speaking.
  • Am I speaking?
  • Are you speaking?
  • Are we speaking?
  • Are they speaking?
  • Is he speaking?
  • Is she speaking?
  • Is it speaking?

Recorda que quan afegim el -ING els verbs poden sofrir canvis. Mira el següent requadre per recorda-los.

Verb ending in... How to make the -ING form Examples
one vowel + one consonant

Double the consonant swim - swimming
hit - hitting
get - getting
- e
Remove E, then add -ING come - coming
lose - losing
live - living
- y
+ ING say - saying
study- studying
play - playing

6. Practise the Present Continuous affirmative HERE and HERE.

7. Practise the Present Continuous negative HERE and HERE.

8. Practise the Present Continuous interrogative HERE and HERE.


1. Remember how to form the PAST SIMPLE.


El passat simple es forma amb verbs Regulars i verbs Irregulars.

Els verbs regulars són els que acaben amb -ED

watch - watchED

2. Practise the Past Simple tense with regular verbs. Click HERE

Els verbs irregulars són els de la llista. El passat són els de la 2ª columna.

3. Practise the Past Simple tense with irregular and regular verbs.

Click HERE for affirmative sentences.

Click HERE for negative sentences.

Click HERE for interrogative sentences.

Per acabar repassa el Past Continuous!


was / were + ING

1. Click HERE to practise the affirmative form.

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1A: WAS / WERE (The Past of verb TO BE)

Durant aquests dies estam aprenent a utilitzar el verb "to be" en passat. D'aquesta manera aprendreu a dir oracions en passat com "Ahir, jo estava molt cansada" o "Nosaltres estàvem molt contents".

Segueix les passes per saber la feina que has de fer, recorda que en acabar cada exercici ho has d'ensenyar a la professora:

1. Ves al següent enllaç per repassar una mica el passat del verb To be i les expressions de
temps. Has de llegir la Lesson 14. Fes click AQUÍ

2. Completa AQUEST senzill exercici.

3. Per fer aquest exercici has de recordar els pronoms!
Jo, tu, ...... recorda aquests casos: Mary and Peter = They o John and you = you

Mira el següent requadre per recordar quan posam was i quan posam were (mira el "Positive")

Comença l'exercici EN AQUEST ENLLAÇ.

4. Atenció! El darrer d'aquest dos exercicis s'ha de fer utilitzant el passat del verb To be en negativa. Per recordar-ho pots mirat la segona columna de la imatge que hi ha un poc més amunt.
Per fer els dos darrers exercicis has de fer un click AQUÍ i AQUÍ.

5. Per acabar faràs una sopa de lletres per repassar el noms de les assignatures de l'escola en Anglès. Has d'anar a AQUESTA plana web. Llavors, has de fe run click a sobre de 1st of ESO i després sobre UNIT 7. Si no et surt crida a la professora i et dirà com podràs arribar al joc.
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Friday 8th of May

Well, today our mates went to Menorca so we are trying to get some fun.

Let's practise some furniture vocabulary by creating your own bedroom using a fun programme. Start by clicking HERE.

Now, you have to think about things you would like to do this summer. Then, look for a picture in this web.

When you have your picture you have to explain it to your colleagues!.

Start by saying: In summer I want to...

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