1A Computer session

Avui repassarem el Present Simple en negativa i interrogativa. Recorda que per dir NO s'utilitza DON´T o DOESN´T (he/she/it) entre el subjecte i verb. En canvi per fer preguntes utilitzarem els auxiliars DO o DOES abans del subjecte.


-Mary doesn´t study Maths
-We don´t watch TV

Per repassar-ho més llegeix el següent requadre. Si ho vols veure més gran fes un click damunt la foto.

1. En aquesta activitat has de triar DOESN´T (he/she/it) o DON´T.

a)Fes un click AQUÍ per començar.
Avisa a la professora quan hagis acabat!

Practica més AQUÍ.
Avisa a la professora quan hagis acabat!

2. El que has de fer en el següent exercici és passar les frases d'afirmativa a negativa (don´t / doesn´t).


I like chocolate ---- I don´t like chocolate.

Pitja AQUÍ.
Avisa a la professora quan hagis acabat!

3. A la següent activitat treballaras les interrogatives.
Avisa a la professora quan hagis acabat!

a) Aquí el que has de fer és contestar a les preguntes fent un click a una de les dues opcions. Fixa´t be en com es fan les preguntes. Fes un click AQUÍ.
Avisa a la professora quan hagis acabat!

b) El la següent activitat el que has de fer és completar les preguntes amb DO o DOES i les respostes amb Do / Does / Don´t o Doesn´t. Avisa a la professora quan hagis acabat!

1. Does he watch ice skating on TV?
Yes, he does

Fes click AQUÍ per començar.
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1G & F Splitting class

Welcome to our Friday computer lab class. Today we are going to review vocabulary about the weather and practise the Present Continuous tense.

READ the instructions PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1. Look at THIS VIDEO to review weather vocabulary.

2. Look at the following picture and answer the question "WHAT IS THE WEATHER LIKE in...?" (Quin temps fa?).
Write the answers down in your notebook.

What is the weather like in...?


3.Go to THIS link to improve your vocabulary..
Quan acabis ensenya-ho a la professora!

4. Now, it's time to practise the Present Continuous tense.

-Read this to remember how we form the P.Continuous.

to be (am, are, is) + infinitive + -ing

I am playing volleyball.
He/she/it is playing volleyball.
We/you/they are playing volleyball.

-First exercise.
Quan acabis ensenya-ho a la professora!

-Second exercise
Quan acabis ensenya-ho a la professora!

5. Watch the following video and explain what is happening.

Example of sentences:
A car is moving.
Three people are watching an elephant.

Write them in the notebook.

Here you have some actions to help you:

Girl / take pictures
Elephant / walk
Two men / observe animals
Three explorers / have dinner
A lion / roar
The female explorer / shout
A male explorer / shoot

Click HERE to watch the video.

JOSEP, aquí hi ha la teva feina.

Has de practicar com es fa el Present Continu. Aquí abaix tens l'esquema de com es fa.

to be (am, are, is) + infinitive + -ing

I am playing volleyball.
He/she/it is playing volleyball.
We/you/they are playing volleyball.

1. Ara completa aquestes frases amb el Present Continuous.

a)I ................(eat) an ice-cream, it's very good.
b)You...............(do) the homework very good.
c)She...............(drink) Coke.
d)He................(study) Maths.
e)It................(look) at the cat.
f)We................(go) to a concert.
g)They..............(dance) at Maria's house.

2a. Mira com es fa el present continu en negativa.

am / is / are + NOT + Verb (-ing)

2b. És a dir, has de fer el mateix que a l'exercici 1 però posant NOT darrera el am/is/are.

a)I.........................(watch) the television.
b)You.......................(read) the book.
c)She.......................(ask) questions.
d)He........................(speak) now.
f)We........................(play) football.
g)They......................(go) to the disco.

3a. En aquests exercici farem el present continu en interrogativa.

Am / Is / Are + I/you/he/she/it/we/they + Verb (-ing) ?

3b. Agafa les frases de l'exercici 1 i canvia a interrogativa.


You are doing the homework ---- Are you doing the homework?

Si tens dubte, demana'm!
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Writing class

Bearing in mind (tenint en compte) your difficulties to write a composition in this class we are going to practise how to improve your writing.

1. Read this composition. Laura is talking about her favourite film.

My favourite film
By Laura

My favourite film is The Lord of the Rings: the Return of the King. I think this is the best film of the year. It’s a fantasy film about by J.R.R. Tolkein. I saw it at the cinema with my friends because they like fantasy films too.

The most important characters are Frodo and Sam. They go to Mount Doom because they want to destroy the One Ring. There are a lot of battles in the film. Peter Jackson directs the film. He made it in New Zealand.

I like Lord of the Rings because it is really exciting. It’s longer than most films, but the actors are great. The most fantastic think about this film is the special effects. It also won a lot of Oscars.

2. Translate the text in your notebook.

You have a dictionary HERE.


My favourite film is The Lord of the Rings: the Return of the King. I think this is the best film of the year. It’s a fantasy film about by J.R.R. Tolkein. I saw it at the cinema with my friends because they like fantasy films too.

The most important characters are Frodo and Sam. They go to Mount Doom because they want to destroy the One Ring. There are a lot of battles in the film. Peter Jackson directs the film. He made it in New Zealand.

I like Lord of the Rings because it is really exciting. It’s longer than most films, but the actors are great. The most fantastic think about this film is the special effects. It also won a lot of Oscars.

4. You have to write YOUR composition about your favourite film.

a) Choose your favourite film.

b) Copy the composition from number 3 in your notebook BUT changing the information in bold.

If you don´t know the director or actors of your favourite film you can go to google.com

c) If you do not finish do it for homework and give it to Xisca.

5.In case you have finished the compositions complete the following exercises to practise the Past Simple affirmative.

a) Review how to form the Past HERE.

b)Practise regular verbs in this LINK.

c) Learn irregular verbs by clicking HERE. If you don´t know the verbs there is a list of irregular verbs at the end of your book.
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2nd C Splitting class

Welcome to our Thursday's class. Read the instructions and click on the underlined words. If you have questions do not hesitate asking me.

ATTENTION! If you need a dictionary you can have one HERE.

1. In unit 4 we have to study vocabulary about jobs. In this exercise you have to link professions with their definition. Click HERE to start.

TAKE NOTE! If you want to REVISE how to form the PAST SIMPLE tense click HERE.

Now, you have to practice Past simple by ordering the words to form correct sentences. You have to click ON the word you want to select. Click HERE to start with the exercise.

In the following exercise YOU are the teacher. You have to CORRECT the mistakes. Click HERE

4. Get familiar with the Past simple tense by completing THIS text about Shakira.

5. If you have finished all the exercises go HERE to know about Australia. If you don't finish don't worry as we will finish next computer lab class. Copy the answers in your notebook.

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1st of ESO: Unit 3 revision

Recorda que es posa PLAY amb un esport que es juga amb pilota, GO amb un verb que acaba amb -ing, i DO amb esports que no es juguen amb pilota ni acaben amb -ing.

Posa PLAY, GO o DO davant aquests esports. Copia-ho al quadern.


2. Completa amb les preposicions IN, ON o AT. Escriu al quadern.

-Es posa IN davant:
-mesos de l'any
-......the morning
-......the afternoon
-......the evening

-Es posa ON davant els dies de la setmana.

-Es posa AT davant:
-les hores
-......the weekend

Comença l'exercici:

_______the morning
_______one o'clock
_______the weekend
_______half past three
_______the afternoon
_______the evening

3. Ara has de repassar el Present Simple en negativa. Recorda que per dir NO s'utilitza DON´T o DOESN´T entre els subjecte i verb. En canvi per fer preguntes utilitzarem els auxiliars DO o DOES abans del subjecte.

-Llegeix AQUÍ per recordar com es fan les frases en Present Simple en negativa i en interrogativa.

-Ves a AQUESTA web i completa adequadament.
IMPORTANT! Quan hagis acabat avisa a la professora per a la correcció.

-Repassa un poc més canviant les següents frases afirmatives a negatives. Fes click a AQUÍ per començar.

-A la següent activitat has d'ordenar le sparaules per tal de formar oracions en nnegativa. Fes click AQUÍ per començar.
IMPORTANT! Quan hagis acabat avisa a la professora per a la correcció.

4. En les següents activitats treballaras les interrogatives.

-Aquí el que has de fer és contestar a les preguntes fent un click a una de les dues opcions. Fixa´t be en com es fan les preguntes. Fes un click AQUÍ.

-En aquesta activitat has d'ordenar les paraules per formar una pregunta. AQUÍ.

-En aquesta plana web has de fer preguntes.

ATENCIÓ: Has de fer una pregunta per tal de què la resposta sigui el que està en negreta.
Un exemple en català:
Na Maria menja una poma.
Tú has de demanar: "Què menja na Maria?" Així la resposta serà "una poma"
En anglès seria:
Maria eats an apple.
What does Maria eat?

RECORDA! Les partícules de pregunta:
Què? - What
Quin? . What o Which
A on? - Where
Com? - How
Qui? - Who?
Per què? - Why
Quan? - When
Cada quan? - How often

Recorda que quan hagis acabat m'ho has d'ensenyar.

Comença a AQUÍ.

5. Si ja has acabat pots visitar les següents planes web.

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