December 3rd, 2015

Hi class,

Meanwhile we are having the oral test the rest can work on the following:

(després de fer els exercicis de cada enllaç, tornau aquí i continuau)

1. Revise the Present Simple HERE (don't do the Signal words exercise), HERE , HERE and HERE


2. Play a game to practise the Present Continuous (IS/ARE/AM + ING), click HERE

3. Revise action verbs with THIS EXERCISE (hangman) and THIS ONE (memory game)

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Get your NOTEBOOK ready!


Here you have a summary of what you should have in your notebook.

8 Covers: ENGLISH, Vocabulary, Grammar, Speaking, Listening, Reading, Speaking and Writing.


1. ENGLISH cover: Student's full name, 1st term (avaluació) and class.

2. Notebook assessment paper (full d'avaluació de quadern)

3. El següents apartats poden tenir l'ordre que volgueu:

Starter Unit, Unit 1, 2 and 3
Vocabulary I added

Verb to be (affirmative/negative/interrogative)
Verb have got (affirmative/negative/interrogative)
There is / are (affirmative/negative/interrogative)
Present Simple (affirmative/negative/interrogative)
Present Simple (affirmative/negative/interrogative)g

My personal box
Image description guide: This photo shows, position, place, age, etc
Alguna descripció d'imatge (també pot estar al Writing)

One dictation
One listening

Exercicis sobre lectures

Alguna descripció d'imatge (també pot estar al Speaking)

The COLOR paper
Grammar revision Starter Unit, Unit 1 and 2
Notebook assessment paper (full d'avaluació de quadern)


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Hi Class,

Here you have some Present CONTINUOUS exercises. You have to do them in class and SEND it back to me.

                                       IS / ARE / AM + verb (ING)

dancE + ing = danCING
StudY + ING = studYING
Stop + ING = stoPPING  but Eat + ING = eaTING

A. Add the –ing.
1. camp ______________
2. swim ______________
3. travel______________
4. walk ______________
5. have ______________
6. write ______________
7. cook ______________
8. shop ______________

b. Complete the sentences in Present Continuous.
1. His dad and brother ________(cycle) to the shops.
2. We __________ (not travel) in Japan.
3. I __________ (sunbathe) on the beach.
4. She __________ (not watch) TV.
5. They __________ (not swim) in the sea.
6. Sue __________ (stay) at home today.

C.Write the questions and the short answers.
1. your dad / work / today /?
Yes, _________________________
2. you / have a good time / on holiday / ?
Yes, _________________________
3. your mum / cook dinner / now / ?
Yes, _________________________
4. your friends / play football / ?
Yes, _________________________

D.Complete the dialogues.
1. a. I´m going on holiday.
b. Where ______________ ?
2. a. He´s cooking dinner.
b. What ______________ ?
3. a. My sister is going to England.
b. Who ______________ ?
4. a. We aren´t staying in a hotel.
b. Where ______________ ?

E. Complete with Present continuous.
1. I ___________ (watch) a reality show on TV.
2. My favourite team ___________ (win)!
3. Someone ___________ (swim) in the sea.
4. Two people ___________ (cook) dinner on the beach.
5. We ___________ (not watch) a soap opera.
6. I ___________ (not do) my homework.
7. Mum ___________ (read) a magazine.
8. My brother ___________ (not listen) to the radio.
9. Dad ___________ (not cook) dinner.
10. Tara ___________ (talk) by phone.
11. Joe ___________ (play) on the computer.
12. Who ___________(watch) TV?
13. Tina ___________ (do) grammar exercises.
14. I ___________ (eat) a pizza.
15. We ___________ (sit) in the classroom.
16. I ___________ (not write) an email.
17. Amy ___________ (not go) to school today.
18. We ___________ (not have) fun today.
19. My team ___________ (not win) the match.
20. My parents ___________ (drive) to work now.
21. ___________ they ___________ (read) magazines?  Yes, they are.
22. ___________ you ___________ (learn) English? Yes I am.
23. ___________ Helen ___________ (write) a letter? No, she isn´t.
24. ___________ Sarah ___________ (play) the guitar? Yes, she is.
25. We ___________ (not play) basketball.

F. Complete with Present continuous.
1. Trina ___________ (walk) past the supermarket.
2. Where are you? We ___________ (wait) for you!
3. I´m on a bus and it ___________ (not move).
4. When ___________ you ___________ (come) to see me?
5. I ___________ (sit) on a bus.
6. Pete´s mother ___________ (not have) a burger.
7. John´s friends ___________ (play) football at the Sports Centre.
8. My best friend ___________ (sit) next to me.
9. I ___________ (not wear) something blue.
10. My teacher ___________ (not stand) behind me.
11. I ___________ (not write) with a pencil.
12. Irama ___________ (have) a shower.
13. Montse ___________ (leave) the room.
14. Marcelo ___________ (make) a phone call.
15. Rosa ___________ (open) the door.
16. Olga ___________ (brush) her teeth.
17. Eva ___________ (sing).18. Mati ___________ (listen) to the radio.
19. Jose ___________ (walk) to school.
20. Javi ___________ (write) a letter.
21. What ___________ the boys ___________ (do) now?
22. Angela ___________ (eat) spaghetti.
23. What ___________ your teacher ___________ (say)?
24. Juanma ___________ (play) with the dog.
25. Where ___________ Eva and Mar ___________ (sit)?

G. Present continuous.
1. I ____________ (learn) how to swim.
2. I ____________ (eat) my lunch.
3. I ____________ (watch) television.
4. She ____________ (read) a book.
5. Dad ____________ (bake) a cake.
6. My sister ____________ (listen) to music.
7. Peter ____________ (clean) his car.
8. The dog ____________ (bark) in the garden.
9. We ____________ (sing) our favourite song.
10. My brother and I ____________ (play) a computer game.
11. The teachers ____________ (show) us a film.
12. They ____________ (bring) a TV in the classroom.
13. She´s bored. Her friend ____________ (watch) TV again.
14. Martin´s excited. Chelsea ____________ (win) the match.
15. I´m scared. A big dog ____________ (stand) in front of me.
16. She´s happy. She ____________ (not work) today.
17. I´m worried. It ____________ (rain) and I haven´t got an umbrella.
18. The teacher is annoyed. We ____________ (not listen).
19. What ____________ you ____________ (wait) for?   I´m _______ (wait) for John.
20. ____________ it ____________ (snow)?  No, it ____________ (rain).
21. What ______ you ____________ (do) today?  We ____________ (go) to the park.
22. ________ you ______ (listen) to me?  No, I ____________ (listen) to the radio.
23. _______ you _______ (watch) TV?  No, we ____________ (study).
24. What _______ you _______ (do)?   I ____________ (do) my homework.
25. ____________ they ____________ (sleep)? Yes, they are.

H. Complete with the Present Continuous.
1. Hello, Paul! you ............................................(call) from school?
2. My brother...................................... (rush) home after school.
3. What .............................she .................................(say)?
 4. My father....................... (work) hard this week.
 5. Where..................... she ...................(go)?
6. My sister ................................(not/ watch) TV tonight.
7. He.............................. (talk) to his girlfriend at the moment
8. My mother................................ (mix) a cheese sauce for the fish.
9................. the kids............. (swim) in the pool? No, they aren't. They ..........................(listen) to music.
10. I ....................(not/ make) sand castles right now. I ...............................(not/ stand) playing in the sand.
11. What ............................you .....................(do)? I'm a student.
12. .........................the Williams......................... (have) lunch at the hotel this evening?
13. Lucy ..............................(take) her dog to the campsite.
14. We ...................................(travel) abroad this summer.
15. Ann .....................................(work) in a shop, but this afternoon she..................................... (play) tennis.
16. Look at Liz. She ..............................(stand) in the corner.
She ........................................(wait) for her boyfriend.
 17. A: What is your job? B: I ......................................(work) in a hospital right now
 18. Which language............................. she ..............................(speak)?
19. What........................... the kid .............................(play) right now?
20. Excuse me! I think you...................................... (sit) at my desk.
21. How................... he ............................(do) this year?
22. I ...................................(not study) at the moment
23. Teacher: Daniel, ........................you ...................(listen) to me? I ..........................(explain) an important subject now!!!
24. I’m so tired! The baby ...........................(not/ sleep) yet.
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Hi class,

I hope you had a nice weekend. Now, it's time to practise the Present Continuous.

Click on the links and do the exercises:

1. Exercise 1
2. Exercise 2
3. Exercise 3
4. Exercise 4 (pay a lot of attention)
5. Exercise 5 (do the three exercises)
6. Exercise 6
7. Exercise 7 (compulsory)
     Translate the following sentences on your notebook (grammar section)

     a) Copy the title: PRESENT CONTINUOUS
     b) En Joan està comprant pa ara mateix
     c) Elles estan escolantant una canço
     d) Jo no estic fent deures en aquest moment
     e)  Estàs mirant una pel·lícula?
     f)  Per què estàs escrivint ara?
     g)  En Pau i jo estam caminant cap a l'escola.
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Full de presentació de l'assignatura (ANGLÈS)

Full de presentació de l'assignatura (ANGLÈS)


Xisca Ballester Puigserver
Horari assignatura:
4 hores per setmana

Informacions generals:
Llibre de consulta: English Plus student's book 1. Oxford.
Llibre de lectura: All about Britain. Editorial Burlington.
Material: Els alumnes durant el curs creareu un dossier per això cal que dugueu fulls DIN-A4 (de quadres o retxes) amb forats i un arxivador d'anelles amb separadors. (L'arxivador es pot compartir amb altres assignatures.)
Continguts (UD):
Unit 1: Your interests                      Unit 4: Days and dates                   Unit 7: Names and places
Unit 2: City to city                            Unit 5: The wild side                       Unit 8: Games
Unit 3: Language                            Unit 6: In and out of school             Unit 9: Expedition

Criteris de qualificació (notes, percentatges, treballs obligatoris...):

L'avaluació serà continua. La qualificació dels alumnes es farà mitjançant:
1.Proves escrites i orals.
2.Treballs, projectes i activitats realitzats a classe i a casa.
3.Treball diari, observació a l'aula i entrega puntual de les tasques encomanades.
4.Dossier: es revisarà a cada avaluació.
5.Utilitzar la llengua anglesa a classe.

Criteris de qualificació. La qualificació final de cada avaluació s'obtindrà aplicant els següents percentatges:
Use of English: 20%
Writing: 20%
Speaking: 15%
Reading: 15%
Listening: 10%
eTwinning or reading book: 10%
Dossier: 10%

Per a l'avaluació ordinària de juny la qualificació final s'obtindrà seguint els següents percentatges:
Primera avaluació: 20%
Segona avaluació: 30%
Tercera avaluació: 50%
Criteris de recuperació (durant el curs i setembre):
Durant el curs l'avaluació és la detallada a l'apartat d'abans. Pel que fa a la recuperació de setembre, els alumnes hauran de realitzar un grapat de tasques i superar un examen.
Les classes es completaran amb l'ús de les noves tecnologies mitjançant la plataforma Edmodo i la utilització del blog de la professora: cyberies.blogspot.com

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Summer holidays are HERE!!!!!

Hi guys!   

Summer holidays are finally here and I really hope you enjoy them. You worked a lot this year and you deserve some relax and lot of fun!

See you in September and...

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Final exam content

Hi class,

Just a few more day and then....

But... before we have to do our final exam. Here you have the contents:

The two first charts of the workbook pages 116-124 (not "get" page 122 and not "Adjectives prefixes" page 124)


(Color paper)  
Present Simple / Present Continous
Past Simple / Past Continuous
Future (will)
Future (be going to + verb)
Present Perfect
Comparative and superlative adjectives
Passive Voice




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Units 1-8 EXAM

 Hi class,

 Only two exams before holidays!  Come one, you almost made it!!!!

Exam Units 1-8


    Unit 6 (WB p.121 Prepositions of movement and Extreme adjectives )
    Unit 7 (WB P. 122 Global Issues )
    Puppet project: script , performance

    Present Continuous
    Past Continuous
    Present Perfect
    Comparative and superlative
    Modal verbs   


This exam will be shorter and there won't be Listening and Writing as we will do it another day in a regular class.

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Conditional sentences

1st -     IF + Present Simple, Future (WILL)
            Example: If I train a lot, I will have a good score

2nd -    IF + Past Simple, Conditional (WOULD)
            Example: If I watched these film, I would be so happy

3rd -    IF + Past Perfect, WOULD HAVE + verb (ed/3col)
                 (HAD verb (ed/3col)
            IF I had known the answer I would have passed the exam

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Homework for Monday 11th and Tuesday 12th

Hi class,

Here you have the homework for Monday 11 and Ttuesday 12th. Remember I'll give you three marks: one for each reading and one for the vocabulary exercises.

Reading Unit 6: page 72,73 nº 4, 5, 6, 7
Reading Unit 7: page 88,89 nº 5, 7, 8
Vocabulary Unit 6: page 75 nº 4, 6
Vocabulary Unit 7: page 88 nº 1, 3
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Exam Unit 8

Hi class,

This week we have Unit 8 exam (modal verbs) and the verbal tenses we have studied so far.

Remember the most important of this unit:

          household chores
          make and do

Grammar - modal verbs:
          must / mustn't
          have to
          be able to + verb

          Other verbal tenses: Present Simple and Continuous, Past Simple and
                                            Continuous, Present Perfect.

Reading, writing and listening.

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Human rights WEBQUEST

Hi class,

We hope you had a great long weekend.

Today you are going to learn about human rights by looking for information on the internet using a Webquest.

Pay attention to Virginia's explanations and HAVE FUN!



1. Search the definition of “human rights” and write one example.

2. Is there a list of human rights? How many rights are there?

3. What is the name of the document that compiles all the human rights? When was it created?

4. Why was this important document created?

5. How was it created?

6. Who was Eleanor Roosevelt?

7. When does the Human Rights Day take place? What is celebrated?

8. Who is Martin Luther King and why is his name so important when talking about human rights?

9. What is the title of his most famous speech?








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Your favourite song

Hi class! 

I really hope you  had nice holidays!

This week Marlena is presenting us her favourite song and we both would like to know about your favourite song!  So here you have the required information you need.

Remember it's an oral presentation and you can't read!

You don't have to do a power point but If you do one, please do not write paragraphs!  Just paste photos and a part of the lyrics.

This oral presentation will be the third term oral exam! So please no reading at all!
The presentation will have three parts: 1.Song, 2.Artist, 3. song explanantion.


1. SONG                                              2. ARTIST BIOGRAPHY

Title                                                     Name
Artist                                                   Age
Year                                                     Where are they from?
Genre                                                   Where did they study?
Why do you like it?                              Who are their influences?
                                                             Interesting facts about them

3. Then, EXPLAIN what the SONG is about!


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Puppet workshop

Hi class,

So here we are, starting the puppet workshop with Easter holidays around the corner!!!

As we are in the Setmana Cultural and we haven't got much time to make the puppet I'll give you the instructions in Catalan. 

Passes que heu de seguir per fer una titella (persona)
 (per titelles d'animals mirau l'entrada de Materials for the puppet workshop)

1. Agafau una fulla de diari o fol per reciclar i feis una bolla de tal manera que a la part inferior podeu ficar el pal que heu duit.
Amb l'ajuda de la cinta de carrosser (la cinta blanca que vos aniré passant) anau enrevoltant el cap perquè no es desfaci.

2.Llavors passau la tela per damunt el cap i uniu la tela al coll i allà posau més cinta de carrosser perquè no es mogui.

3.Agafau els cartronets del paper higiènic i el duis per fer dos forats a cada un d'ells.

4.Passau el pal que heu duit pels dos forats de cada cartronet. Un anirà col·locat just davall el cap (serà el tronc) i l'altra una mica més avall (serà el ballador).

5.Posau una mica de cinta de carrosser al pal just davall el cartronet per evitar que patini per avall.

6. Agafau un tros de cordell que vos he donat i aferrau la part central a l'esquena (el cartronet superior)

En aquests moments la titella us hauria de quedar així (imatge de l'esquena)

7. Agafau el patró del vestit que vos he donat i tallau la tela resseguint la forma del patró.

8. Grapau la tela pels laterals i davall del braç.

9. Posau  la tela a senendret (girau-la perquè les grapes quedin dins)

10.Vestiu la titella i posau-li un cinturó perquè no s'òbriga el vestit de darrere.

11. També amb la mateixa tela del cinturó li podeu fer un mocador pel coll (així tapareu la cinta de carrosse que hi ha a la zona del coll)

12. Agafau el tros de cartronet color taronja fluix que vos he donar i feis la forma de la ma tal com podeu veure en les imatges que surten de la titella en aquesta entrada.

13 .Agafau el cartronet que serà la ma, dins posau cola blanca i col·locau el darrer centímetre de cordell (hi ha dues mans, una per cada extrem de cordell) i l'extrem d'un dels pals de brocheta.

14. Feis els ulls aferrant botons amb cola blanca.

15. Pintau la boca amb el bolígraf permanent.

16. Feis filaments de la llana que vos hem passat per fer la cabellera de la titella. Tallau la llargària segons voleu que la titella tengui els cabells curts o llargs.

Heu arribat a la darrera passa i la titella vos hauria de quedar una cosa semblant en aquesta (segur que la vostra és molt millor!!!)

Great job!  You're done!!!!

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Reading book exam

Hi classes!

Here you have the dates of your Myths and Legends reading book test.

April 28th (Tuesday): 3A & 3C

April 30th (Thursday): 3B

Don't worry at all. They will be very general questions just to make sure you read all the stories.

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Materials for the Puppet workshop

Hi guys,

Here you have the materials you need to make your puppets. I will also bring other materials.

Human puppet

2 rolls of toilet paper
white cloth / fabric (20x20)
fabrics of different colours

small buttons
one straight stick (40cm)


1 roll of toilet paper (WITH the paper)
grey paper
white paper with colors to paint (pink and black)
2 round pieces of cardboard 


1 piece of green modelling clay (plastilina)


white paper
black and green pens/crayons
a small red piece of paper (or one painted in red)


3 or 4 rolls of toilet paper
 a plastic glass
 red OR green paint to paint them OR you can bring red or green paper to wrap (embolicar)    the rolls  and glass
 a  small piece of white paper and a red pen to paint the tongue 

Attention!!!!         Click HERE to see the steps you may follow (but use 3 or 4 rolls of toilet paper 
                              to  make the body)

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Drama project evaluation criteria

Drama project evaluation criteria

40% script  (this week)
20% puppet workshop (last week before holidays)
40% performance (after Easter holidays)

40% script: 

        vocabulary & grammar  10%
        content  10%
        interest (evaluated each day)   10%
        cooperative work  10%

20% puppet workshop: 

       interest and cooperative work

40% performance:     pronunciation (/t/- tea, /h/ - hotel, /Λ/ - but, etc) & intonation / speed   10%
                                  creativity   10%
                                  appropriate seriousness  10%
                                  cooperative work 10%

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Song: Need you now by Lady Antebellum

Hi guys,

After a tough term you deserve a song. Here you have one that I like. Hope you enjoy it.

Click HERE for the lyrics (remember you also have them in your notebook)

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3rd of ESO Reading book

Hi class!

After our exam it's time to start our Reading book. We are going to start in class and then you'll go on at home.

Remember you have to bring it the first day after our second part exam.

Book: Myths and legends. Burlington Books.

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Exam contents: oral and Units 1-5

Hi class!

Just around the corner we have our exams so let me remind you the contents!

      Oral exam: Shopping (SB. page 39)
                         Description of images 

 Here you have some tips to avoid this...

                           For you oral exam REMEMBER!:
                               1. using an opening sentences
                               2. focus on the main part of the sentences:What can you see?
                               3. describe the image in detail: on the right/left, at the top /
                                                                 bottom , in the foreground/background
                               4. a) make assumptions (use your imagination!)
                                          -What has happened? or What happens? or What will
                                          happen next? Why?
                                          -use: Maybe/perhaps, I think...
                                   b) use personal stories: This picture reminds me of...

     Units 1-5 exam
               Vocabulary: Workbook Vocabulary bank: pages 116-120 (they are in  
                                    the Student's book too)

                     -Present Simple vs Present Continuous
                     -Past Simple vs Past Continuous
                     -Present Perfect
                     -Present Perfect vs Past Simple
                     -Comparatives and superlatives
                    REMEMBER! At the end of the workbook you have grammar theory



                Writing: The topic of the composition will be the one from Unit 4 or 5.

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