Let's discover Halloween

2º A !!!!! Recordau que demà hi torna haver un examen on entra el següent: To Be, have/Has got, There is / are i Present Simple.

OK, today we are going to learn about Halloween!

Halloween is not a tradition in Mallorca but it is in United Kingdom, Ireland and United States. Here in Mallorca we celebrate Tot Sants.

Let's learn about Halloween.

1. Learn Halloween vocabulary.

to the blog of our English teacher Xisco and do numbers 1 & 3. Click HERE.

. Read this text. (Llegeix a poc a poc, intenta entendre el que posa)

Click HERE

3. Answer this quiz.

Click HERE.

4. Here you can read the story and history of this ancient tradition.

Veureu que el text està en català ja que vull que conegueu la història de Halloween i sapigueu una mica més sobre els celtes.
Pitja AQUÍ.

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1A & B: October 20th & 22nd

Avui continuarem repassant els pronoms personals i el verb "To be".

Recorda (i apren) els pronoms personals.

I - jo

YOU- tu o vosaltres

HE - ell

SHE - ella

IT - allò ( 1 cosa o animal)

WE - nosaltres

YOU -vosaltres o tu

THEY- ells / elles i coses o animals (plural)

1. Personal pronouns



D (Fixa't amb el "To be").

2. Verb "To be" (RECORDA!!!!)

3. Practise "To be"



4. Verb "have / has got" (RECORDA!!!!!!)


5. Practise "Have got".

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2 A , B & C: October 20th & 22nd

Today we are going to...

-work with the SONG "With a little help from my friends" (by The Beatles")
-practise "Present Simple"

1. Open the Student's book: page 94.

1.1 Read "Songfile"

1.2 Answer about "Songfile".

Write on your notebook or in an open office document (crea una carpeta per Anglès).

a) The song is by .......... and ...........
b) The song belongs to the year ............
c) Who sang the original song?
d) How many versions of this song are there?
e) Write the names of the four Beatles' members:
f) When did the Beatles start?
g) When did they split up?

2. LISTEN to the song! Click HERE

3. Now, PRACTISE "Present Simple"
4. Object pronouns

Click HERE

Atenció 2ºB!!!!! Aquí us recordo el que entrarà al proper examen:

-Tot el vocabulari de la unitat 1 (primera plana on surten "activities", vocabulari de Joe's world, vocabulari del diàleg, etc...)

-Present Simple (afimatiu, negatiu i interrogacions)

-Question words

-Object pronouns



-Listening / Dictation


* Probablement, i degut a l'extensió del examen, constarà de dues parts per tal de realitzar-lo en dos dies.

*Recordau que podeu trobar tota la teoria resumida a les fulles grogues al darrera del Student's book i mirau el quadern!

2ºB, ànims per dilluns!

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1A & B Splitting class: October 13th

Avui el que farem és repassar un parell de peguntes de l'examen que férem la setmana passada.


1. Completa amb el verb “to be”.

Aff: a)The notebook ............orange. b)You and Mary..........13 years old. c)Mary.........from Madrid.

Neg:a)My friends .............from Portugal. b) My dress ........ red. c) My dog..........white and brown.

2. Escriu preguntes. Utilitza la forma interrogativa del verb “to be” (am / is / are)

a) Shakira your favourite singer: ..............................................................................?
b) they from England:.................................................................................................?
c) I a good student:.....................................................................................................?
d) Mary and you from London:..................................................................................?

3. Escriu la forma correcta del verb “to be” (am / is are) dins els espais. Fixa't que també hi ha frases en negativa i preguntes.

Peter Baker .................from Manchester, but Paul and John .................from London. Manchester and London ....................cities in England. Hamburg ................... a city in Germany.

Sandra .............(not)at school today, she has got a cold and she .............in bed. Jack and Peter ................her friends. They .....................(not) in the same class, they go with her sister.

Mr and Mrs Baker .........................on a trip to the USA to visit their cousin Anne. She ................a nice girl.

Peter says: "My grandfather ..................in hospital. I ............at home with my grandmother." What time ............... it? It ................8 o'clock.. ................you tired? No, I .....................

4. Si ja has acabat i ja t'ho he corregit:

- torna a "cyberies"
- ves a l'article de 2º A, B, C sobre Austràlia
- fes els números 1 i 4.
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2 A, B & C Splitting class: October 15th.

Today we are going to learn about Australia!

1. Troba Austràlia en aquest mapa del món. Fixa't a quina distància està de nosaltres.
2. READ about Australia:

1. This is the Ayers Rock and it is in Australia. Australia is a very big country. It's 4,000 kilometres from east to west, but it has a population of only 20 million. Australian people speak English and some aborigines speak their

2. This is the Opera house in Sydney.
Sydney, Melbourne, Perth and Brisbane are important cities in Australia. They are all next to the sea.
The capital of Australia is Canberra.

3.Australians love sport. Team sports are very popular - for example, cricket and rugby. A lot of people go swimming, surfing and cycling, too.

4. The aborigines are the original inhabitants of Australia. At Aborigine festivals, they sing, dance and play the didgeridoo, a traditional instrument.

5. Film stars Nicole Kidman and Russel Crowe are from Australia and they are good friends too. Australian TV programmes are popular in many countries. Sometimes the actors become singers, Kylie Minogue for example.

3. ANSWER on the notebook:

a) What is the population of Australia?

b) What is the language of Australia?

c)Write the name of 4 Australian cities.

d)What is the capital of Australia?

e)What is a didgeridoo?

f)Which team sports are popular in Australia?

g)Which other sports are popular?

h)Which two friends and famous film stars are Australian?

4. VES A Google i CERCA:

a) una foto d'un "didgeridoo" i dibuixa'l al quadern

b) un mapa d'Australia on surtin les principals ciutats

c) copia el mapa al teu quadern i senyala on es troben les següents ciutats:

Sydney, Melbourne, Perth, Brisbane i Canberra.
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2 A & B Splitting class

Welcome again!

PLEASE READ the activities for today:

1. Read and answer the questions.

My friend Laura

My best friend is Laura. She's thirteen years old and her birthday is on 1st March. She has got two brothers, Their names are Marc and Samuel. She's got a lot of pets. She has got a dog, a mouse, a cat, two rabbits and some fish.

Laura is tall and thin. She's got fair hair and blue eyes. Laura and I go to the same school. It's called IES Marratxí. We're in the same class. Laura's favourite subjects are science and biology.

Laura's favourite sport is tennis. We sometimes play tennis together at the weekend. Her favourite players are Serena Williams and Rafa Nadal. Laura likes films too. We don´t go to the cinema very often, but we watch DVDs at her house.

B) Write complete answers on your notebook:

*Correct it with the teacher.

B1-How many brothers has she got?
B2-What pets has she got?
B3-What colour is her hair?
B4-What are her favourite subjects?
B5-Who are her favourite tennis players?
B6-Where do they watch DVDs?

2. En aquest exercici escoltareu una cançó de na Celine Dion. Necessitau els auriculars, si qualque alumne no els ha duit que demani a un company que els hi deixi quan aquest hagi acabat. Mentres un escolta la cançó, l'alumne/a que espera que faci l'exercici 3.

Instruccions per a la cançó:

a) Traduïu les paraules que trobau dins el requadre de l'exercici 1. Podeu utilitzar aquest diccionari.

b) Escolta el primer troç de la cançó i intenta col·locar les paraules que has traduit.

CLICK HERE to listen to the SONG.

3. Now, practise Present Simple, Question words and Adverbs of frequency.

Click: Unit 1 Extension/Extra help

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1A & B Splitting class

Hi to our blog again!

Today we are going to study the FAMILY!

1. Read this text and answer the questions:
Jason's family
Hello! My name is Jason and I have a very nice family. My dad's name is John and he is 43 years old. My father's favourite hobbies are reading the newspaper and playing handball. My mum's name is Sarah and she is 39 years old. My mother likes going to the cinema and swimming. I have one sister, her name is Andrea and she is fifteen years old. Andrea likes meeting her friends and listening to music. I have one brother, his name is Peter and he is nine years old. My brother has a rabbit, its name is "Sugar". And you? What about your familiy?

1. What is the name of this boy?
2. How old is Jason's father?
3. What are Jason's father favourite hobbies?
4. Who is Sarah?
5. What are Sarah's favourite hobbies?
6. Has Jason got sisters or brothers?
7. What does Andrea like?
8. How old is Jason's brother?
9. What pet has Peter got?
10. What is the name of the rabbit?

2. Now, write on your notebook about your family. Look at Jason's family to help you.

Hello! My name is .................. and I have a very nice family. My dad's name is ................ and he is ..............years old. My father's favourite hobbies are .......................... and ...................... My mum's name is ......................and she is ...................years old. My mother likes ........................ and .......................

I have got..................... sister, her name is ...........................and she is .....................years old. .................likes ..................... and ...............................
I have got............................, his name ....................and he is .....................years old. My ................... has got ........................, its name is "........................".

3. When you finish we will work with the IES Ramon Llull's webpage.

Practise "The Time": exercises 3, 7, 8 & 10. Click Introduction.
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2C Splitting class

Hi again!

First, here you have the aspects you have to study for the EXAM (next Thursday):

1.Unit "Introduction"
2.Parts of the body (they are in last week's post)
3.Unit 1:
3.1 Sports with do, go, play
3.2 Present simple (affirmative, negative and interrogative)
3.3 Question words
3.4 Adverbs of frequency

OK, now let's start with the class. Please read the activities for today:

1. Read this text and answer the questions.

My friend Laura

My best friend is Laura. She's thirteen years old and her birthday is on 1st March. She has got two brothers, Their names are Marc and Samuel. She's got a lot of pets. She has got a dog, a mouse, a cat, two rabbits and some fish.

Laura is tall and thin. She's got fair hair and blue eyes. Laura and I go to the same school. It's called IES Marratxí. We're in the same class. Laura's favourite subjects are science and biology.

Laura's favourite sport is tennis. We sometimes play tennis together at the weekend. Her favourite players are Serena Williams and Rafa Nadal. Laura likes films too. We don´t go to the cinema very often, but we watch DVDs at her house.

B) After reading the text answer these questions in your notebook:

*When you finish you and all the class will correct it with the teacher.

B1-How many brothers has she got?
B2-What pets has she got?
B3-What colour is her hair?
B4-What are her favourite subjects?
B5-Who are her favourite tennis players?
B6-Where do they watch DVDs?

2. Now, you are going to listen to a song.

Do exercises 1, 2 & 3 (not the rest)

Exercise 1 part A: you need a dictionary to do do it 1, so go HERE.
Exercise 1 part B: listen to the song and put the words from part A in the gaps.
Exercise 2: Translate the exercise 1 into Catalan or Spanish.

Here you have some words for exercise 2: wings (ales), breath (respirar), alive (viu), touch (tocar), sky (cel), bless (beneïr o bendecir), drifet away (ir a la deriva).

Exercise 3: listen to the next part of the song and match the two halves.

CLICK HERE to listen to the SONG.

3. When you finish. practise present simple and other contents from Unit 1.

Click: Unit 1 Extension/Extra help

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