1B Halloween Reading Book

Avui com ja sabeu heu de continuar treballant el llibre de lectura de Halloween, segueix les passes:

1. Finish "Stonehenge" chapter.

2. Start "Halloween...Magic, Witches & Vampires" chapter.

Click HERE to find the activities.
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2A & B: Song

Your classmates are having fun skiing but we are going to have fun here too!

Today we are going to work on the song I gotta feeling by Black Eyed Peas.

Click HERE to start with it.

Si no teniu auriculars feis la següent feina sobre la moda del Flashmob. Click HERE.

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1A Reading & Writing

Aquí esteim una vegada més. Avui el que farem serà corregir un exercici del darrer dia i fer una lectura (Reading).

1. Treis la feina de l'altra dia i tots junts corregirem aquestes frases. Pensau que s'havien de fer en Present Continuous:

a) I.................................(answer) the questions.
b) You............................(wear) boots.

c) She.....................................(chat) with friends.
d) He......................................(build) a house.

e) They...................................(cook) lunch.
f) You......................................(watch) TV.
g) She ....................................(write) an e-mail.
h) My dog .............
.............(drink) milk.

2. READ this e-mail of a new friend.


My name's Sharon. I live in Bangor (Wales, UK). I live here with my parents, my brother and my sister.
It's half past eleven and it is sunny and cold today. What is the weather like there?
At the moment I'm sitting in my bedroom and I'm listening to music. My favourite singer is Shakira. Do you like her?
My favourite sport is swimming. I go swimming on Mondays and Wednesdays.
My mum is calling me. I'm going to the supermarket.
Goodbye from Wales!


Photo of Bangor, Wales (UK)

3. Correct the sentences:

a) Sharon lives with her grandparents.
b) It's raining in Bangor.
c) Sharon is sitting in a park.
d) She is listening to the birds.
e) She goes skating on Mondays and Thursdays.
f) Her father is calling her.
g) She is going to school.

4. WRITE an e-mail to a new friend. Tens l'e-mail de na Sharon per utilitzar com a guia. Vull aquesta feina a UN FULL DEL QUADERN!
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The Fonix English contest

Com ja sabeu el nostre centre ha participat en el concurs Fonix. Aquest consta de diverses proves per tal d'afavorir la participació de l'alumnat que estudia anglès i obtenir un guanyador a nivell de centre, illa i Balears.

A principi de mes es feren les proves al IES Marratxí amb una gran participació, s'agraeix molt que els alumnes participin i s'esforcin. Els guanyadors i alumnes que representaran al centre a la pròxima prova són:

1er ESO: Pep Xesc Mora Tortella

2on ESO: Júlia Galindo López.
Na Júlia va ser la representant de 1er d'ESO del nostre centre a nivell balear l'any passat i quedà cinquena! Enhorabona una altra vegada Júlia.

3er ESO: Toni Soler Thomás

4rt ESO: Marta Marina Lladó

1er Batxiller: Toni López Parés

2on Batxiller: Lucrecia Blanch Labollita

Enhorabona als guanyadors!
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Halloween... Magic, Witches & Vampires

Per trobar les feines de Stonehenge anau al blog de na Gloria. Ho trobaràs AQUÍ.

Per trobar les feines del Chapter Witches and Magic torna anar al blog de na Gloria AQUÍ.

Gràcies Gloria!!!
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2A Exam revision

Demà divendres tenim el examen de repàs del verb "to be", "to have", Present Simple i Present Continu.

"To be"
1. Remember the theory HERE.
2. Practise HERE, HERE and HERE.

"To have"
3. Remember HERE.
4. Practise HERE, HERE and HERE.

Present Simple

5. Remember HERE.
6. Practise HERE, HERE , HERE and HERE.

Present Continuous
7. Go to THIS WEBPAGE and follow these steps:

-go to "2nd year- Intermediate"
-go to "grammar"
-go to "Present Continuous"
-read "study"
-do exercises number 1, 2 and 3.

8. Ara per repassar tot has de traduïr aquestes frases. Trobaràs frases en "to be" , "to have", "Present Simple", "Present Continuous" en afirmativa, negativa i interrogativa:

a) Jo no soc a Madrid.
b) Nosaltres no esteim tristos.
c) Ella està contenta?
d) Nosaltres tenim un cotxe vermell.
e) Ell no té el llibre.
f) Ells tenen ordinador?
g) Jo canto.
h) Na Maria no escriu.
i) Mirau la tele?
j) Tu estàs bevent.
k) Ella no està menjant.
l) Vosaltres estau escolant?

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1B Pres. Continuous & Halloween Reading Book

Bones! Avui repassarem una mica més el Present Continu i seguirem amb el llibre de lectura.

Recorda!!!!! --> IS / ARE / AM + Verb (ING)

1. Completa amb Present Continuous. Aquí has de llevar el "TO" !!!!!Pitja AQUÍ i AQUÍ

2. Continua repassant amb aquestes frases.

a) I.................................(answer) the questions.
b) You............................(wear) boots.
c) She.....................................(chat) with friends.
d) He......................................(build) a house.

e) They...................................(cook) lunch.
f) You......................................(watch) TV.
g) She ....................................(write) an e-mail.
h) My dog .............
.............(drink) milk.

3. Recorda que per fer oracions negatives hem de posar "NOT" després de is/are/am.
Pitja AQUÍ

Halloween Reading Book

4. Treballa el llibre de lectura:

Els alumnes que la setmana passada es deixaren el llibre heu de llegir la plana 12 (o el text que trobareu aquí abaix) i fer els exercicis que trobareu a continuació a un full apart per entregar. Pitja AQUÍ.

Stonehenge is an enormous prhistoric monument near Salisbury in the South of England. In 2800 BC the people of the Stone Age began to build Stonehenge. There were two big circles of huge stones. They were concentric circles. By about the year 1400 BC there were two stone circles inside the original ones. These stones were very heavy. Some of them came from Preseli mountains in South Wales, 383 kilometers away! How did the people move them? This is an amazing mystery.
But what was Stonenhe? We don know, Some people believe it was a type of calendar with a religious meaning. Some astronomers also think that Stonehenge was an astronomical instrument. They think the huge stones measured the movements of the sun, moon and stars. Other people think the Druids used Stonehenge as a temple for reilious and magic rituals. But no one really knows.
Halloween...Magic, witches and vampires (by Green Apple)

Els alumnes que vareu començar a treballar el llibre de lectura la setmana passada continuau en el punt en què us vareu quedar.
Podeu trobar la feina AQUÍ.

Els alumnes que ja heu acabat la feina de Stonehenge podeu llegir el Chapter (capítol) de Witches and Magic (page 38-42) i fer les activitats del blog de na Gloria que trobareu AQUÍ.
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1A Present Continuous

Hola a tots, encara que avui no vengui aquí teniu la feina per fer a classe.

Seguirem treballant el Present Continuous, recordau com es fa! I utilitzau el llibre!

Positive Negative
  • I am speaking.
  • You are speaking.
  • We are speaking.
  • They are speaking.
  • He is speaking.
  • She is speaking.
  • It is speaking.
  • I am not speaking.
  • You are not speaking.
  • We are not speaking.
  • They are not speaking.
  • He is not speaking.
  • She is not speaking.
  • It is not speaking.

Heu de fer TOTS els exercicis al quadern p
erquè jo vegi com ho heu fet.

IS / ARE / AM + Verb (ING)

1. Completa amb Present Continuous. Aquí has de llevar el "TO" !!!!!Pitja AQUÍ i AQUÍ

2. Continua repassant amb aquestes frases.

a) I.................................(answer) the questions.
b) You............................(wear) boots.

c) She.....................................(chat) with friends.
d) He......................................(build) a house.

e) They...................................(cook) lunch.
f) You......................................(watch) TV.
g) She ....................................(write) an e-mail.
h) My dog .............
.............(drink) milk.

3. Recorda que per fer oracions negatives hem de posar "NOT" després de is/are/am.
Pitja AQUÍ

4. Si has acabat tota la feina pots començar aquest joc. Aquí podràs crear els teus propis herois. L'activitat pertany al blog de na Gloria Alonso. Pitja el dibuix.

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2B & C Past S. & "A Ghost Collection"

Practise the Past Simple

Ves al final del post per veure els deures per dimecres 3 de març.

0. Revise the affirmative form of the Past Simple tense.

Regular verbs --> + ed

Irregular verbs --> 2nd column from Student's book page 128.

1. Remember verb "to be" is an exception. Click HERE.

2. Complete this chart with Irregular verbs. Here you have a LIST of IRREGULAR VERBS.
Start the exercise HERE.

3. Practise more HERE and HERE

4. Take your reading book "A Ghost Collection" and do the following activities:

a) Do the pre-reading activities from page 7.

b) Read chapter 1, 2, 3 & 4.

c) Do the activities from pages 12-13 (Chapter 1 & 2) 18, 19 (Chapter 3 & 4)

Si has acabat COMENÇA ELS DEURES, han d'estar fets per dimecres 3 de març.
Llegeix i fes totes les activitats de la segona story "The Priest Hole". Planes 21-37
Atenció! Dia 3 vull tots els capítols llegits i activitats del llibret fins la plana 37. Ho dic per la gent que no ha duit el llibret a classe.

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2A Present Simple & Continuous

Avui encara repassarem el Present Simple i Continu i la setmana que ve començarem amb el Passat Simple.

IMPORTANTÍSSIM!!!!!: Recordau que divendres dia 19 tenim un control de: "To be", "have got", "Present Simple" i "Present Continuous".

Demà a la classe treballareu un full amb aquesta gramàtica que entra a l'examen. Així que fixau-vos bé perquè al control hi haurà preguntes semblants!!!!!

PRESENT SIMPLE. Recorda com es feia AQUÍ:

1. Complete the following blanks with the Present Simple tense.

My Brother

I........................(have got) one brother – his name .............................(be) Ben. He ........................(be) fifteen years old and his birthday ...................................(be) on 4th February. He ...............................(not be) tall but he is thin, and he........................(have not got) brown hair, he is blond.

Ben ..................................(like) sport. His favourite sport is cycling. We sometimes...............................(go) cycling together at the weekend. He ...........................(not like) football, he .........................(prefer) basketball. He .............................(play) in the school team. .............. you ..............................(practise) sport?

Ben and I............................(go) to the same school, but we ..........................(not be) in the same class. His favourite subjects ................................(be) art and P.E. His best friends at school are Jack and Francis.

Ben often .................................(meet) his friends after school. They ..............................(not meet) on Saturdays or Sundays. They sometimes .........................(go) to the cinema on Fridays, but they usually play computer games or listen to music at home. Ben’s friends like rock music but Ben ............................(not like) it, he ........................(enjoy) with hip-hop music.

Text by Oxford Spotlight, 2

PRESENT CONTINUOUS. Recorda com es feia:

Positive Negative Question
  • I am speaking.
  • You are speaking.
  • We are speaking.
  • They are speaking.
  • He is speaking.
  • She is speaking.
  • It is speaking.
  • I am not speaking.
  • You are not speaking.
  • We are not speaking.
  • They are not speaking.
  • He is not speaking.
  • She is not speaking.
  • It is not speaking.
  • Am I speaking?
  • Are you speaking?
  • Are we speaking?
  • Are they speaking?
  • Is he speaking?
  • Is she speaking?
  • Is it speaking?

Recorda!!!! IS / ARE/ AM + Verb (-ING)

Vull veure els exercicis fets!!!

3. Fes els següents exercicis utilitzant el Present Continuous: 1, 2

4. Ara has de fer el següent exercici fent la NEGATIVA (darrera IS / ARE / AM has de posar NOT) Pitja 3

5. Aquí has de fer la interrogativa, 4.

6. Tradueix les següents frases al quadern.

a) Ella està bevent aigua.
b) Elles no estan llegint.
c) Nosaltres esteim caminant.
d) Ells està menjant patates.
e) Vosaltres no estau escoltant.
f) El meu ca està corrent.
g) Na Maria està nadant.
h) Na Teresa i na Paula estan cantant.
i) Elles no estan ballant.
j) Jo estic estudiant.
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1A & B Weather and Pres.Continuous

Avui continuarem repassant el Present Continuous i una mica el temps atmosfèric.

Com ja sabeu avui hem de treballar el llibret de lectura. Per fer-ho emplearem el blog de na Gloria Alonso, professora d'aquest institut. Pitja AQUÍ.

Qui no hagi duit el llibret que faci els exercicis que hi ha a continuació:

1. Watch this video about THE WEATHER. (Click on the photo)

2. Answer "WHAT IS THE WEATHER LIKE in...?" Write it on your notebook.

What is the weather like in...?


RECORDA el Present Continuous!!! IS / ARE/ AM + Verb (-ING)

Vull veure els exercicis fets!!!

3. Fes els següents exercicis utilitzant el Present Continuous: 1, 2

4. Ara has de fer el següent exercici fent la NEGATIVA (darrera IS / ARE / AM has de posar NOT) Pitja 3

5. Copy and translate these sentences:

a) Ella està bevent aigua.
b) Elles no estan llegint.
c) Nosaltres esteim caminant.
d) Ells està menjant patates.
e) Vosaltres no estau escoltant.
f) El meu ca està corrent.
g) Na Maria està nadant.
h) Na Teresa i na Paula estan cantant.
i) Elles no estan ballant.
j) Jo estic estudiant.

6. Si heu acabat podeu jugar una mica AQUÍ.
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2 B & C Past Simple

Today we are going to continue with the Past Simple.

1. Read the following text:
William Shakespeare was born in Stratford-upon-Avon in England in 1564. Shakespeare was an actor and a writer. He wrote thirty-seven plays. Shakespeare started school in Stratford when he was seven years old. He studied Latin. The school day was very long. In the summer, lessons started at six o'clock in the afternoon. Shakespeare left school when he was about thirteen.
In 1582 he moved to London. First, he worked as an actor. Then, he started to write plays. He became very rich and successful. He died in Stratford on 23rd April 1616, his birthday. On exactly the same day, another great writer died in Madrid. His name was Miguel de Cervantes.

Text by Oxford Spotlight, 2.

Open a new open office document to do the following exercises:

Today you may need a list of irregular verbs. Click HERE.

After reading the text, answer to the following questions with complete answers:

a) When and where was Shakespeare born?
b) What were his jobs?
c) How many plays did he write?
d) At what time did the school classes start in summer?
e) When did Shakespeare leave school?
f) When did he go to London?
g) Which was the first job of Shakespeare in London?
h) Why was 23rd April 1616 a special day?
i) What was Cervantes' job?
j) Which famous novel did he write?
k) Go to internet and look for a photograph of Miguel de Cervantes.
l) Go to internet and look for a picture related to the novel written by Cervantes.
ll) Go to internet and look for a picture of William Shakespeare's birthplace in Stratfor-upon-Avon
Some questions by Oxford Spotlight, 2.

3. Take the text from exercise 1 and change it into Present Simple. It will have no sense but it is just to practise the past tense.

Time to PLAY!

You better have the list of irregular verbs next to you, you have to be fast!
(Has d'escriure el verb que et surti en passat)

Click HERE.


Si ja heu acabat la tasca podeu començar la feina del llibret de lectura A Ghost Collection.
Per dilluns heu de llegir el Chapter 1 i Chapter2 i fer les activitats de les planes 7, 12 i 13. Les podeu fer al llibret mateix.

Recordau que si feis totes les tasques només haureu de fer un petit i senzill test al final del llibre. Si no feis part de les activitats haureu de fer un examen. Recordau que per superar l'asignatra heu de llegir el llibre.

agafau els vostres apunts i feis els següents exercicis. Els volem veure fets!
Activitat 1, activitat 2, activitat 3.

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2A Present Continuous

A les darreres classes hem estat repassant el Present Simple (frases afirmatives, negatives i interrogatives) i abans de començar amb el Past Simple ens convé repassar el Present Continuous.

Recordau que prendrem a dir frases com "Jo estic llegint", "Na Joan està menjant " o "Nosaltres esteim escoltant" en anglès.

Mira a continuació con es fa el "Present Continuous" ("to be" + Verb (ING))

1. READ how to form the PRESENT CONTINUOUS.

Positive Negative Question
  • I am speaking.
  • You are speaking.
  • We are speaking.
  • They are speaking.
  • He is speaking.
  • She is speaking.
  • It is speaking.
  • I am not speaking.
  • You are not speaking.
  • We are not speaking.
  • They are not speaking.
  • He is not speaking.
  • She is not speaking.
  • It is not speaking.
  • Am I speaking?
  • Are you speaking?
  • Are we speaking?
  • Are they speaking?
  • Is he speaking?
  • Is she speaking?
  • Is it speaking?

2. Recorda que quan afegim el -ING els verbs poden sofrir canvis.
Llegeix atentament el següent requadre per recorda-los.

Verb ending in... How to make the -ING form Examples
one vowel + one consonant

Double the consonant swim - swimming
hit - hitting
get - getting
- e
Remove E, then add -ING come - coming
lose - losing
live - living
- y
+ ING say - saying
study- studying
play - playing

Practise the Present Continuous affirmative HERE and HERE. Jo he de veure els exercicis acabats!!!

4. Practise
Present Continuous negative HERE.

5. Practise Present Continuous interrogative HERE

6. Aquí has de traduir les frases que et sortiran en aquest exercici. Pitja AQUÍ

7. Aquest exercici l'has de fer al QUADERN. Completa els espais en buit amb el Present Continuous.

a)I ................(eat) an ice-cream, it's very good.
b)You...............(do) the homework very good.
c)She...............(drink) Coke.
d)He................(study) Maths.
e)It................(look) at the cat.
f)We................(go) to a concert.
g)They..............(dance) at Maria's house.

8. En aquest també has d'utilitzar el quadern. Tradueix les següent frases:

a)Ella està menjant
b)Nosaltres esteim ballant
c)Ell està mirant la tele
d)Vosaltres estau bevent Coca-Cola
e)Jo estic estudiant
f) Elles estàn llegint

9. Qui ja hagi acabat tot pot començar a treballar el Past Simple. Podeu fer la feina d'en Cristian que trobareu aquí abaix.

CRISTIAN COSIN, al següent link podràs trobar feina del nou tema 4 (Past Simple). Pitja AQUÍ.

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1A and B Present Continuous

Avui començarem el nou tema, la Unit 4. El que farem és aprendre un nou temps verbal: el Present Continu.

Aprendrem a dir "Jo estic llegint", "Na Joan està menjant " o "Nosaltres esteim escoltant" en anglès.

Mira a continuació con es fa el "Present Continuous" ("to be" + Verb (ING))

1. READ how to form the PRESENT CONTINUOUS.

Positive Negative Question
  • I am speaking.
  • You are speaking.
  • We are speaking.
  • They are speaking.
  • He is speaking.
  • She is speaking.
  • It is speaking.
  • I am not speaking.
  • You are not speaking.
  • We are not speaking.
  • They are not speaking.
  • He is not speaking.
  • She is not speaking.
  • It is not speaking.
  • Am I speaking?
  • Are you speaking?
  • Are we speaking?
  • Are they speaking?
  • Is he speaking?
  • Is she speaking?
  • Is it speaking?

2. Recorda que quan afegim el -ING els verbs poden sofrir canvis.
Llegeix atentament el següent requadre per recorda-los.

Verb ending in... How to make the -ING form Examples
one vowel + one consonant

Double the consonant swim - swimming
hit - hitting
get - getting
- e
Remove E, then add -ING come - coming
lose - losing
live - living
- y
+ ING say - saying
study- studying
play - playing

Practise the Present Continuous affirmative HERE and HERE. Jo he de veure els exercicis acabats!!!

4. Aquest exercici l'has de fer al QUADERN. Completa els espais en buit amb el Present Continuous.

a)I ................(eat) an ice-cream, it's very good.
b)You...............(do) the homework very good.
c)She...............(drink) Coke.
d)He................(study) Maths.
e)It................(look) at the cat.
f)We................(go) to a concert.
g)They..............(dance) at Maria's house.

5. En aquest també has d'utilitzar el quadern. Tradueix les següent frases:

a)Ella està menjant
b)Nosaltres esteim ballant
c)Ell està mirant la tele
d)Vosaltres estau bevent Coca-Cola
e)Jo estic estudiant
f) Elles están llegint

6. Repassa el vocabulari sobre menjar anant de compra al súpermercat!.
Pitja AQUÍ.

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2 B and C Past simple affirmative (& jobs)

Ok, so now we are ready to start Unit 4. In this unit we will learn about jobs and how to form the Past Simple tense.

: Jobs. In this exercise you have to link professions with their definition. Click HERE to start. Copy these jobs and their translation on your notebook.

Now, it's time to learn how to form the PAST SIMPLE tense.

Watch out!

Regular verbs: -ed (Example: play, played)

Irregular verbs: The infinitive and past usually change their form. (Example: eat, ate)
You can find the list of irregular verbs at the end of your Student's book, page 128!
The first column has the verbs in Infinitive and the 2nd column has the verbs in past.
Here you have a video about Irregular verbs: Go to this link and watch the video to practise irregular verbs.

1. In this exercise we are going to practise how to form the past of regular verbs.

Remember, if a verb ends with...:

a) CVC (and the verb is short) you add another consonant at the end. BUT NOT if they finish with W or Y.
CVC -- CVCC Example: Stop -- stopped

b) - e + d Exemple: Dance -- danced

c) - y

Option 1: a, o, e + y + ed Example: Play -- played

Option 2: l, r, d + i + ed Example: Try -- tried


Exercise 1
When you have finished show it to the teacher.

Exercise 2
When you have finished show it to the teacher.

2. Practise regular and irregular verbs.

Get familiar with the Past simple tense by completing THIS text about Shakira.

b) In this exercise you will find a crossword about the Past Simple. You have to write the Past (2nd column from the list) and Past Participle (3rd column from the list) of the verbs you will find in the crossword.
In order to do this exercise you need a list of irregular verbs. You have a list HERE.

Click HERE to start the crossword. (When you have finished show it to the teacher)

JAUME I IVAN: Tenint en compte l'exercici 1 que pots trobar AQUÍ (i que heu treballat als darrers desdobles), intentau fer el següent exercici. (Copia-ho al quadern i si tenim dubtes no dubtis en demanar-ho)

a) Completa escrivint el verb en Present Simple correctament:

-She.......................(live) in Madrid.
-We........................(watch) TV.
-You.......................(eat) paella.
-They.....................(dande) regaeton.
-It..........................(drink) mikt.
-I............................(write) an e-mail.
-Peter....................(read) a book.
-We.......................(like) chocolate cakes.
-I..........................(love) my girlfriend.

b) Copia els següents verbs perquè els necessitaràas més tard. Guarda-los perquè els has d'aprendre.

escriure: write
llegir: read
menjar: eat
beure: drink
ballar: dance
xerrar: chat
voler: want

c) Tradueix les següents frases utilitzant el Present simple.
Fixa't que pots trobat els verbs al exercici anterior.

-Jo vull chocolate:
-Ella escriu:
-Ell beu:
-Na Maria balla:
-Ells xerren:
-Nosaltres llegim:
-Tu menges:

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