1B Grammar and food vocabulary.

Today, we are going to review some grammar and then, we are going to read a text.

1. Review Coutable and Uncountable nouns. Click HERE and do exercises 1, 4 and 5.

2. Review how to form the plural by doing exercises 1, 2 and 3. Click HERE.

3. Read this text and answer the questions on the NOTEBOOK.

Sumo food

Takanohana is a Japanese sumo wrestler. He's a very big man - 220 kilos! He gets up at six o'clock. He doesn´t have breakfast. He does some exercise with other sumo wrestlers.
At eleven o'clock he has a shower and then he has lunch. Lunch is enormous! Takanohana usually eats fish and vegetables. He also has chicken, six eggs and five portions of rice! He always drinks beer with his food. After lunch he sleeps for two hours.
In the afternoon he does some exercise again and then at six o´clock he has dinner. He usually has two or three portions of past or curry.
Text by Oxford Spotlight, 1.

A. How many times does Takanohana eat in a day?

B. Read and answer this questions:

a) What time does Takanohana get up?
b) What does he do at eleven o'clock?
c) What does he have for lunch?
d) Does he drink with his food?
e) What time does he have dinner?
f) What does he usually have for dinner?

C. What is Takanohana nationality?

D. Go to google.com and find a map of Takanohana's country and copy it on your notebook.

Practise the food vocabulary
playing with this memory.


Els deures que heu de fer pel proper dimarts són:

1- Escriure la redacció que correspon a la Unit 6. L'exercici el trobareu al Student's book p.59,
nº 5. Recorda entregar-ho a un full apart amb el nom i com a títol heu de posar "Composition".
Aquesta redacció NO és per dimecres, és per DIMARTS (vendré a recollir la redacció a qualque classe de dimarts)

Els deures que heu de fer per dimecres són:

2- Exercicis del Student's book: page 59 nº 1 i 2, page 61, nº 5 i 6 and page 63 nº 7, 8, 9 and 10.

3- Els alumnes que no han traduït les frases que vaig dictar dilluns, ho han de fer per dimecres.

Recorda a apuntar-ho a l'agenda!!!

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2B, Thursday 29th.

Avui el que fareu és preparar la visita a la casa de Robert Graves del dia 12 de maig.

Atenció! Per avui havieu de fer els següents deures: WB page 39,40,41 and Student's book p59 nº1
Si no heu fet els deures, han d'estar fets pel dimecres que ve.
Si qualque alumne/a no va entregar la redacció a na Mª del Mar l'heu d'entragar sense falta el proper dimecres.

Recordau que el proper dimarts teniu la prova d'anglès. No heu d'estudiar però el resultat que obtingueu comptarà com a nota per a l'avaluació.

Comença a conèixer a Robert Graves AQUÍ.
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2C Dialogue and grammar.

Remember to pay the 5 EUROS for the Robert Grave's visit!!!!!

1. Practise the Dialogue.
a) Read this dialogue (you can find it on your Student's book page 58, number 1)

ALEX: Can I go to the cinema with Joe this evening?
DAD: Yes, sure. That's a nice idea.
ALEX: Great! Can we go to the Internet café after the film?
DAD: No, you can't. Sorry.
ALEX: Why not?
DAD: Because it's Monday evening. You've got school tomorrow.
ALEX: Oh, ok...
Text by Oxford Spotlight, 2.

b) Write your own dialogue in pairs. Follow the structure of exercise 1 using this information:

-invite my friend to my house? / yes

-go to London this afternoon / no (You've a lot of homework)

c) Practise this dialogue with your partner, it's important for the oral exam.

If you have to wait for your colleagues you can go on these activities.
We are going to learn about SO (així que o tan).
- I am tired, so I'm going to sleep = Estic cansada així que vaig a dormir.
- You are so nice = Ets tan amable.

a) Copy the theory about SO / AND / BUT / OR / BECAUSE on your NOTEBOOK.

b) Do activities 2 and 3.

Click HERE

Revise the Past Continuous by doing these exercises.
Remember how to form it HERE.

a) Click HERE
b) Click HERE
c) Click HERE
d) Click HERE

4. If you finish, play a little bit. Click Unit 6
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2C, Tuesday 27th.

This is what you have to do today:

Remember to pay the 5 EUROS for the Robert Grave's visit!!!!!
(Demà a 3era hora, a Naturals, vendrè a cobrar els 5 euros)

- The group with Xisca click HERE (Albert's group, next week)

-Albert's group, click HERE (because last class you didn't go to the computer class)

-Jaume and Ivan click HERE and:

a) Llegeix el text
b) Tradueix el text, demana al profesor/a les coses que no entenguis (les apuntes a un paper i les demanes de cop). Ho pots fer a un open office.
c) Fes les feines del "Cloze" i "Sentences" (frases) que trobaràs abaix. Pots tenir una altra finestra oberta amb el text per ajudar-te. Ànims!
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2A Splitting class

1. Llegeix aquest text. Copia les preguntes al QUADERN i contesta les preguntes amb respostes COMPLETES. Les corregirem demà a classe.

Si no entens paraules del text les pots cercar AQUÍ, no a un traductor!!! Per què a l'examen no en tindràs!

The Bermuda Triangle

It was a sunny afternoon in 1945. Five American planes were flying over the sea near Florida. Everything was fine. Suddenly, the pilots sent a strange message to their controllers: "This is an emergency. We're lost".

"Fly west", the controllers said. The pilots sent this answer: "Everything is wrong, strange. We aren't sure of any direction. The sea looks different".

Then, the five planes disappeared. The pilots' last words were: "We are completely lost". The controllers sent another plane to look for the pilots. That plane disappeared too.

Soon, people were talking about the "Bermuda Triangle". Strange things happen in this part of the ocean. For example, an American ship called the USS C
yclops disappeared. There were 300 men on the ship. The weather was sunny. The ship did not send any messages. Where did it go? Nobody knows. The Bermuda Triangle is a mystery!
Text and some questions by Oxford Spotlight, 2.

Vocabulari de les preguntes

when: quan, disappear: desaparéixer, where: on, fly over: volar sobre algo, which: quin, why: per què, another: un altre, last words: darreres paraules, the other: l'altre.

a) When did five American planes disappear?
b) Where were the five planes flying over?
c) Which was the pilots' problem?
d) Was it raining when they disappeared?
e) Why did the controllers send another plane?
f) Which were the pilots' last words?
g) What happened to the other plane?
h) Why were people talking about "The Bermuda Triangle"?
i) What was the USS Cyclops?
j) Did the USS Cyclops send any messages?

2. Ara el que farem és acabar el que varem fer el dimarts a classe; acabar de copiar la llista de verbs que heu de saber ja que a classe no dedicarem més temps als verb irregulars.

Agafau la llista de verbs irregulars que començàrem el dimarts i continua copiant:

fell-fall- caure
find-found- trobar
make-made-fer o fabricar
meet-met- conèixer o quedar amb algú
wear-wore-vestir, llevar una prenda puesta
get up-got up-despertar-se

3. Agafa el quadern i completa aquestes frases en Past Simple. Si no recordes molt bé com fer-ho ho pots repassar AQUÍ.

Affirmative sentences:

a) My cousin..........................(buy) a new sofa.
b) Jane....................................(go) to Ireland last weekend.
c) He........................................(decide) to go to the party.
d) I...........................................(send) an email to my teacher.
e) John ....................................(listen) to the radio news.

Negative sentences: Escriu les frases de l'exercici anterior en negativa.

Interrogative sentences

a)...............they...................(find) the book?
b)Where ...................you ........................(fly) last week?
c) Why ......................Mary......................(pay) 500 euros?
d) ...............................your parents............................swim on your holidays?
e) What......................Jason...............................(think) about that problem?
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Julia Galindo, la nostra guanyadora

L'alumna Julia Galindo de 2B del IES Marratxí és finalista per al concurs Fonix.

Així, d'aquí poc s'enfrentarà als millors alumnes de Balears en l'assignatura d'Anglès.

Julia, molts d'ànims i a per totes!
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2C Repassa les parts i objectes de la casa

Bones Jaume i Ivan, aquí teniu la feina per avui:

1. Acabar el vocabulari de les parts de la casa. Pots trobar el link AQUÍ.

2. Pitja el requadre groc que trobaràs més avall i ves a Wordsearch (sopa de lletres).

a) Tria la primera opció de les tres.

b) Copia les paraules que has de cercar a la sopa de lletres i cerca la traducció en aquest diccionari.

c) Fes la sopa de lletres

Pitja aquest requadre: Unit 6

3. Continua repassant les parts de la casa amb aquest Memory game i un altre de completar noms. Recorda que si necessites un diccionari el pots trobar AQUÍ.

Has de fer click als exercicis 2a, 2b i 3. Les trobaràs AQUÍ.
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2 B class

Today we are going to do some grammar and practise reading skills.

1. Read this text. Copy the questions on an open office document and answer them.

The Bermuda Triangle

It was a sunny afternoon in 1945. Five American planes were flying over the sea near Florida. Everything was fine. Suddenly, the pilots sent a strange message to their controllers: "This is an emergency. We're lost".

"Fly west", the controllers said. The pilots sent this answer: "Everything is wrong, strange. We aren't sure of any direction. The sea looks different".

Then, the five planes disappeared. The pilots' last words were: "We are completely lost". The controllers sent another plane to look for the pilots. That plane disappeared too.

Soon, people were talking about the "Bermuda Triangle". Strange things happen in this part of the ocean. For example, an American ship called the USS Cyclops disappeared. There were 300 men on the ship. The weather was sunny. The ship did not send any messages. Where did it go? Nobody knows. The Bermuda Triangle is a
Text and some questions by Oxford Spotlight, 2.

a) When did five American planes disappear?
b) Where were the five planes flying over?
c) Which was the pilots' problem?
d) Was it raining when they disappeared?
e) Why did the controllers send another plane?
f) Which were the pilots' last words?
g) What happened to the other plane?
h) Why were people talking about "The Bermuda Triangle"?
i) What was the USS Cyclops?
j) Did the USS Cyclops send any messages?

If you have to wait for your colleagues you can go on these activities.
We are going to learn about SO (així que o tan).
- I am tired, so I'm going to sleep = Estic cansada així que vaig a dormir.
- You are so nice = Ets tan amable.

a) Copy the theory about SO / AND / BUT / OR / BECAUSE on your NOTEBOOK.

b) Do activities 2 and 3.

Click HERE

Revise the Past Continuous by doing these exercises.
Remember how to form it HERE.

a) Click HERE
b) Click HERE
c) Click HERE
d) Click HERE

4. If you finish, play a little bit. Click Unit 6

Corey and Julia, now you can learn a little bit about English history and literature.
Go to THIS LINK and:
-copy the title and each questions on an open office document.
-look for the appropriate answer at google.com
-write the correct answer on the open office document.
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Coneix a Robert Graves

Com ja sabeu el dimecres dia 5 (2C) i 12 (2B) de maig anirem a visitar la Casa de Robert Graves a Deià.

Així, avui farem feina sobre aquest escriptor per què el pogueu conèixer i saber una mica d'ell quan anem a visitar ca seva, " Ca n'Alluny".

Here I introduce you to Robert Graves

1. Read this biography about Robert Graves and answer the questions on the NOTEBOOK.

Robert Graves was an English writer. He was born in Wimbledon (London) in England in 1895. He was a writer. He wrote novels, poems and biographies. Robert Graves studied at the University of Oxford.

In the First World War he was a soldier and he was hurt. He married Nancy Nicholson in 1918. Then, he moved to Cairo (Egypt) to work at the University of Cairo. At the university he worked as a teacher. In 1929 Robert came to Mallorca for the first time and lived with a friend in Deià but with the Civil War they left the island and went away.

He wrote his famous novel I, Claudius in 1934. In 1939, he moved to England and started a new relationship with a lady called Beryl Hodge. After the Second World War in 1946 Graves came to Mallorca. He lived in Deià again. He married his girlfriend here in 1950.

On December 7th, 1985 Robert Graves died in his house in Mallorca.

a) What was Robert Grave's job?
b) Where was he born?
c) When was he born?
d) What did he write?
e) Where did he study?
f) What was Graves in the First World War? What happened to him?
g) When did he come to Mallorca for the first time?
i) What did he do with the Spanish Civil War?
j) Which is the name of his famous novel?
k) When did he come back to Mallorca again to stay forever?
l) When and Where did he die?

2. Now, learn about he house where he lived, "Ca n'Alluny".
You can do these activities on an open offic
e document with the title "Robert Graves' house".

Ca n'Alluny

Find the information you need in THE HOUSE in THIS LINK.

a) What can you find in the Auditorium?

b) Write the name of five plants you can find at Robert Graves' house.

c) Who built the house?
d) When did they build the house?
e) What can you find BEHIND the house?
f) Write three objects that are original.

3. Now, we are going to learn about his BIBLIOGRAPHY.

You have to write the name of:

- 3 books of poetry
- 3 books of fiction
- other 3 works

You can find this information HERE.

4. If you want you can visit his house "Ca n'Alluny" in Deià HERE.

Ca n'Alluny, Deià
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1 B & A: Saint George or Sant Jordi

Dimecres que ve dia 28 d'abril al institut hi haurà un parell d'activitats per celebrar el dia de Sant Jordi (23 d'abril). Així que avui treballarem sobre aquest dia. Però abans repassarem una mica el que treballàrem ahir a classe.

1. Repassarem el some / any. Recorda:

some - per frases afirmatives o preguntes quan s'ofereix o es demana qualque cosa
any- per frases negatives i interrogatives

Click HERE, HERE and HERE.

Llegeix el següent text. Llavors, copia i respòn les preguntes

Dia de Sant Jordi (or Saint George Day) is celebrated on April 23rd. So, this Friday is Sant Jordi. This day is the Day of the Book, it is a very importat day in Catalonia; we also celebrate it in the Balearic Islands and at IES Marratxí.

It is a tradition that boys give a red rose to girls and people buy and give books as a present. This day, in Palma there are bookshops on the streets that sell lots of books.

Saint George (or Sant Jordi) is the patron of England but many people don't celebrate it.

Another important thing is that Cervantes died on Saint George's Day and Shakespeare was born and died on the same day, so he died the day of his birthday! Rememer Shakespeare was the writer of Romeo and Juliet and Hamlet!

a) Which is Saint George's Day?
b) Sant Jordi is the Day of the ...
c) Which is the tradition?
d) Saint George is the Patron of...
e) Which person was born and died on the same day, April 23rd?
f) Shakespeare was the writer of .............. and ...................

3. Look at the photo of Saint George.
L'escut que duu és el dibuix de la bandera d'Anglaterra. Pinta la bandera d'aquest país al teu quadern.

4. Aquí abaix tens un grapat d'obres escrites en anglès i el nom de l'escriptor/a que ho han escrit.

Agafa un llibre d'aquests i pitja damunt l'enllaç. Llegeix l'argument i FES UN DIBUIX que representi el llibre que has triat. Farem un CONCURS del dibuix més polit de la classe i el guanyador/a tindrà un obsequi. Ànims!

Romeo and Juliet, by Shakespeare.

-Les aventures de Tom Sawyer de Mark Twain (americà)
-Frankenstein de l'escriptora Mary Shelley (anglesa)
-La balena Moby Dick de Herman Melville (americà)
-Romeo i Julieta de Shakespeare (anglès)
-Peter Pan de James Matthew Barrie (escocès)
-Dràcula d'Abraham Stoker (irlandès)
-Harry Potter de Joanne Rowling (anglesa)
-El senyor dels anyells de John R. R. Tolkien (anglès encara que va néixer a Sudàfrica)
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2A The House & Past Simple

Avui el que farem és començar el vocabulari de la Unit 6 (les parts de la casa i el que hi ha a cada una) i continuar repassant el Past Simple.
La pròxima setmana començarem el Past Cotinuous sense deixar al nostre amic Past Simple!

1. A l'enllàç que trobareu més endavant heu de pitjar a les següents habitacions: bany, cuina, habitació de dormir i sala d'estar.

a) Heu de fer quatre columnes al QUADERN col·locant Bathroom, kitchen, bedroom i living-room.

b) Davall de la columna corresponent heu de posar tot el vocabulari (en català i anglès) que surt excepte al bany i la cuina on posareu només el més important.
Per exemple el que és més important són la pica de rentar-se les dents/mans (lavabo), excusat, banyera, sabó, secador, etc però no importa objectes com els ànecs per jugar a la banyera!).
De la cuina no importa el breadholder (recipient per guardar el pa), paper de cuina o batedora.

Click HERE.

2. Practica una mica més elPast simple (affirmative, negative and interrogative). Pots obrir un open office.

a) Si no ho recordes bé pitja AQUÍ per repassar una mica. AQUÍ teniu una llista de verbs irregulars.

b) Complete with the affirmative form:

-My sister.........................(start) university last year.
-Michael .........................(want) a motorbike but he ............................(have) to buy a moped.
-Anne ..............................(buy) a new computer.
-Jason..............................(watch) Avatar last Sunday.
-My parents..................................(go) Seville with my aunt and uncle.
-My favourite singer.................................(make) a new album with lovely songs.
-Messi .........................................(score) two goals to Real Madrid last Saturday.

c) Change the sentences from exercise b) into the negative form.

d) Write questions with these sentences:
  1. Anna / open / the window
  2. she /walk / home
  3. you / work /in the garden
  4. you / sing /a song
  5. she / sit /on a chair
  6. you / visit /the castle
  7. Jenny / close /the door
  8. she / be/ happy
  9. Greg / kick /the ball
  10. the car / stop /at the corner
By ego4u.com
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1A Food / drinks and Countable & Uncountable nouns

Bones! Esper que hageu tengut unes bones vacances!

Ara anem a per feina. Avui començarem la Unit 6: Food and health (Menjar i salut). En les feines d'avui heu de fer molt bona lletra!!!

En aquest tema estudiarem vocabulari sobre menjar i begudes. També aprendrem que en anglès hi ha noms contables i incontables. Continua llegint per saber el que has de fer:


Com acab de dir hi ha noms que es poden contar i noms que no es poden contar.

Countable nouns (noms contables)
Les podem trobar per unitats: una poma, dues cebes, cent cadires.
Davant solen dur un número (5 tables) o a/an (an orange).
Espot fer el plural (books)

Uncountable nouns (noms incontables)
No ho podem contar, no podem dir una farina ni tres farines.
Davant NO duen números ni a / an (Incorrecte: a water, two sugars)
NO pot anar en plural ( sugars)
Són incontables tots els líquids, els cereals i pastes (arròs, pasta, pa, etc) i menjar en pols (Cola-cao, café mold, llet en pols, farina, etc).

1. Agafa el quader i:

a) Posa el títol Unit6: Food and health.

b) Posa un subtítol que posi: Countable & Uncountable nouns

c) Fes dues columnes, una de Countable nouns i l'altre de Uncountable nouns.
Col·loca a cada columna l'aliment que correspongui.

orange, milk, tomato, potato, pasta, water, table, pencils, lettuce, bread, Nestquik, computers.


2. Aprèn el nom de fruites en anglès. Obri el quadern i en una fulla posa de títol Food - Menjar.

3. Aprèn el nom de fruites.
a) Fes una llista de fruites en anglès i català. Posa el títol Fruits. Pots trobar les fruites AQUÍ.
b) Practica aquest vocabulari amb aquest memmory AQUÍ i AQUÍ.

4. Aprèn el nom de verdures. Posa el títol Vegetables - verdures.

a) Fes una llista de les verdures en anglès i català. Pitja AQUÍ i AQUÍ.
b) Practica les verdures col·locant el nom davall la verdura corresponent. Pitja AQUÍ.

5. Aprèn el nom de la carn i peix. Posa el títol Meat (carn) / Fish (peix).

a) Fes una llista de la carn i peix que apareix en anglès i català. Pitja AQUÍ.


Si has acabat tota la feina pots jugar per practicar el vocabulari de mejar.
Pitja el joc de l'esquerra, fes click a Unit 6 (Spotlight)
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2A & C Entrada de reforç: The house

Hello Carlos i Jose Antonio,

La feina que fareu avui serà per aprendre vocabulari sobre les parts de la casa i els objectes que hi pots trobar a cada habitació.

1. Agafa una fulla i posa de títol: Parts of the house (Parts de la casa)

2. Fes quatre columnes i a cada una escriu una de les següents parts de la casa:

Bedroom - Habitació / Bathroom - Bany / Living-room - Saleta / Kitchen - cuina

3. Ves al següent link i pitja damunt cada una d'aquestes habitacions i fes una llista dels objectes que hi surten. Aquesta llista ha de tenir la paraula en anglès i a la vora en català. Pitja AQUÍ.
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2B & C Past Continuous

Welcome back again! I hope you had nice holidays!

Today we are going to work on Unit 6: The PAST CONTINUOUS tense.

1. It is very similar to Present Continuous but instead of using verb to be in present (am/is/are) you have to use the verb to be in past (was + were). The rest is the same. Look at this structure.

Affirmative: Subject + was / were + Verb (-ing)
Example: They were playing football
Ells estaven jugant a futbol.

Negative: Subject + wasn't / weren't + Verb (-ing)
Example: Mary wasn't reading a magazine
Na Maria no estava llegint una revista.

Interrogative: Was / were + Subject + Verb (-ing) ?
Example: Were my cousins dancing?
Els meus cosins estaven ballant?

2. Practice this verbal tense.

Pay attention!!!!: copy on your notebook five sentences from the second exercise.

a) Affirmative form: click HERE and HERE.
b) Negative form: click HERE and HERE.
c) Interrogative form: click HERE.
d) Aff, neg and interr forms: click HERE and HERE.

3. For Corey & Júlia: Read this text and in the blanks write Past SIMPLE or Past CONTINUOUS. Click HERE.

4. Vocabulary: In this unit we have to study the parts of the house.

In the following link you have to click on: the bedroom picture, the living-room picture, the bathroom and the kitchen picture.

De cada habitació has de fer una llista al teu quadern dels objectes més importants. Click HERE.

1. You can practise for the exam the Past Perfect tense HERE and HERE.

2. You can review Relative clauses HERE, HERE and HERE.
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