2A Past Simple Affirmative

A la classe d'avui practicarem el Past Simple en afirmativa.

Remember how to form the PAST SIMPLE.


El passat simple es forma amb verbs Regulars i verbs Irregulars.

Els verbs REGULARS són els que acaben amb -ED

watch - watchED

1. Practise regular verbs by click HERE and HERE.

Els verbs IRREGULARS són els de la llista. El passat són els de la 2ª columna de la plana 128 del vostre Student's book.

2. Open your book and with the verbs list complete the following Irregular verbs by clicking HERE. Si no teniu el llibre trobareu una llista de verbs irregulars AQUÍ.

3. Practise REGULAR and IRREGULAR verbs HERE and HERE.

Complete with the PAST SIMPLE tense in affirmative. Then, translate the sentences. Do in on your NOTEBOOK.

-We ................(go) to Madrid. Translation:.................................
-I.....................(watch) at the TV. T:.................................................
-They.........................(leave) the house. T:.................................................
-My sister..................(listen) o the radio. T:.................................................
-He.............................(live) in Inca. T:.................................................
-My friends...............(study) Maths. T:.................................................
-My cat......................(die). T:................................................
- My dad ...................(write) an e-mail. T:................................................

5. Look at the following text about Shakira.

El que primer has de fer és agafar el quadern i dibuixar dues columnes ben separades. A una columna escriuràs els verbs regulars en passat que trobis i a l'altra columna escriuràs els verbs irregulars. A la dreta de cada un posaràs el seu infinitiu.

Verbs regulars : watched - watch
Verbs irregulars: ate - eat

Shakira is perhaps the most recognizable voice in Latin pop/rock today. When she was only 8 years old, she dedicated her first song called "Tus gafas oscuras", to her father. Two years later, she won a local and national talent contests. By 13, she had signed a record deal with Sony in Colombia, which resulted in her first album, "Magia (Magic)", a compilation of songs she wrote between 8 and 13 years old.
She was chosen to represent her country at the Festival OTI in Spain. But she was under the minimum age of 16 and she could not participate. So instead, Shakira recorded her second album "Peligro (Danger)". At that point, Shakira took a break from music graduated from high school (at age 15-really) and came back to the staged. The result was the phenomenally successful "Pies Descalzos" which sold more than four million copies worldwide.
In addition, this determined girl wanted to try her luck as an actress in "Oasis", a soap opera, but her music was her life instead of TV. Then she began to be very popular: the Colombian government designated Shakira as an official goodwill ambassador.